Tilburgers worden vaker moslim.

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Teva Teff

Tilburgers worden vaker moslim.

Bericht door Teva Teff »

Tilburgers worden vaker moslim.
Gepost door Wouter (druide) - Bron: De Telegraaf/ Brabants Dagblad
Gepubliceerd: vrijdag 22 februari 2008 @ 18:46
Het aantal autochtone Tilburgse mannen dat bewust voor het Islamitische geloof kiest, stijgt. Dat stelt islamoloog professor dr. Herman Beck. "Autochtonen voelen zich steeds vaker aangetrokken tot de spirituele kant van de islam."

De professor denkt dat Tilburg 'enkele tientallen' bekeerlingen telt. Over heel Nederland gezien zouden ongeveer 6.000 mensen op latere leeftijd moslim zijn geworden. "Harde cijfers zijn er niet, ook landelijk niet", relativeert hij.

Beck beweert dat het profiel van de bekeerling verandert. "Waren het eerst vooral de vrouwen die zich bekeren omdat ze met een moslim getrouwd zijn. Sinds kort nemen ook vaker mannen uit zichzelf het moslimgeloof aan." Wat echter niet verandert is dat bekeerlingen doorgaans roomser zijn dan de paus, en de meer conservatieve moskees opzoeken.

Abdelkader Barkane
Ook Abdelkader Barkane, woordvoerder van de Marokkaanse vereniging El- Feth in Tilburg, stelt dat het aantal bekeerlingen groeit. "Vooral studenten kiezen bewust voor de islam. Zij zijn op zoek naar een nieuwe vorm van spiritualiteit." Hij ziet voornamelijk autochtone vrouwen de moskee binnenstappen. Maar ook hij relativeert zichzelf: "We houden geen cijfers bij. Het is dus maar een schatting."

De groeiende belangstelling van geboren en getogen Nederlanders voor het moslimgeloof verklaart Barkane door de vliegtuigaanslagen van 11 september. "Er worden sindsdien meer gesprekken gevoerd. Daardoor groeit de interesse."
Berichten: 434
Lid geworden op: do aug 10, 2006 8:59 pm

Bericht door Bernie »

Over heel Nederland gezien zouden ongeveer 6.000 mensen op latere leeftijd moslim zijn geworden.
Dat is minder dan 0,05% van de Nederlanders....
Gezien de dagelijkse overspoelende aandacht voor de islam en de vele woorden die je leest over de "vredelievendheid" ervan, is dit een verassend laag percentage.

De meeste bekeerlingen zijn zoekende vrouwen die -zéker niet onder invloed van hun Marokkaanse vriendje- vastigheid vinden in de simpele en dwingende regels van de islam.

Niets is makkelijker dan het doel van het leven versimpelen tot dagelijkse rituelen en de schuld van alle narigheid te leggen bij Shaytaan (of de kafir, de Joden, etc.). Zelf verantwoordelijkheid nemen en iets van je leven maken is een stuk lastiger.

Eigenlijk zouden deze bekeerlingen een gesubsidieerde reis moeten kunnen maken naar één van de Islamitische heilstaten, om te zien tot wat voor schrijnende ellende dat mooie geloof van vrede leidt.
Berichten: 10447
Lid geworden op: ma okt 16, 2006 9:43 pm

Bericht door Chaimae »

Goed nieuws.
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Bericht door Pilgrim »

Dolende zielen! Het is hetzelfde soort mensen dat achter sekten aanhold. Als we overspoeld zouden worden door hindoes of taoïsten zouden ze hindoe of taoïst geworden zijn. Volgens mij zijn er 3 soorten groepen westerlingen die zich tot de Islam bekeren:

1. 'Dolende zielen'.
2. Mensen die met een moslim(a) trouwen en vaak alleen voor de vorm moslim zijn.
3. Links/rechts-extremisten.

Zelf heb ik een eenvoudige filosofie; foute mensen worden aangetrokken door foute ideologieen of godsdiensten.

Toepasselijke bijbeltekst:
En daarom zendt God hun een dwaling, die bewerkt, dat zij de leugen geloven, opdat allen worden geoordeeld, die de waarheid niet geloofd hebben, doch een welgevallen hebben gehad in de ongerechtigheid" (2 Tess. 2:15).

Voor mij persoonlijk gebruik ik het volgende richtsnoer: als een ideologie, beweging of geloof heel erg populair is en het gaat gepaard met geweld dan kun je er vergif op innemen dat het niet deugd.
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Bericht door Pilgrim »

Chaimae schreef:Goed nieuws.
Het aantal moslims dat neigt naar afgvalligheid is veel groter! Moslims verlaten de Islam vaak in stilte uit angst voor repercussies, daarom hoor je er niet zo veel over. :smile:
Berichten: 1232
Lid geworden op: vr apr 06, 2007 8:14 pm

Bericht door Ruth »

over de meeste bekeerlingen kun je kort zijn... 30 jaar geleden waren ze hippie geworden, tegenwoordig wordt je moslim 8)
Als je denkt dat je te klein bent om invloed te hebben, dan heb je waarschijnlijk nog nooit de nacht doorgebracht met een mug op je kamer.

Wie vecht kan verliezen, wie niet vecht is al verloren.

Berichten: 89874
Lid geworden op: wo apr 07, 2004 10:30 pm

Bericht door Ariel »

Lees dit verhaal van een bekeerde moslima.
Ze is nu een afvallige.

http://www.faithfreedom.org/forum/viewt ... 56#1067756
Hi all (not s.a.this time)
After 9 yrs of being a convert ive decided. Im leaving islam. Feels so strange to say it.
For so many yrs while saying prayers or islamic phrases ive had the feeling inside of me, "what kind of nonsens is this". I tried to belive, i really did, ive cried so many 100000 times for not "getting it". Not feeling one with Allah while praying, feeling irratated when ramadan comes rather than happy, hating the hejab, hating the double standard in islam, feeling like an outsider. And most of all feeling sick with myself definding islam with all those sentences i was brainwashed with.

"Hijab is a protection for the women"
" Having 2, 3,4 wifes is not obligatory, its was to help the widowed women in the time of the prophet"
"islam is peace"
"When we fast we clean our body and mind"

I woke up. Im so much smarter than this. My father will be proud of me once again.
Thank u both for ur answers.

Im a swedish woman,from a "good family", educated parents, normal upbrigning. Although i come from a christian family i didnt find any greater intrest in that religion, it was far to "unexotic" for me. I was looking for something diffrent, maybe not a religion itselves, but something diffrent.
And then came the man....
The arab man with the hazel eys and the big heart. (after that the jeaulos man, the selfish man, and the dubblestandard man)
I feel in love. With him and all the things around him. We debated religion for a while. It was hard argumenting against him cause i had almost no knowledge about christian faith or islam, so of course i was an easy target. by this time his mother had heard of me and was disgusted by the "swedish whore who took her little boy". I neved showed how hurt i was by this, but belive me i was, i tried my best to come close to her, i wanted so bad to be accepted. My new plan was to amaze them all (the big family) with my great big knowledge...
I got the quran and read it. I had read about reverts getting enlighted and started crying etc while reading it. I didnt feel it. I was more confused. Most if the quran consisited of rules what to do and what not to do, diffrent kinds of judgements for this and that. Just alot of hate and punishments. Not did i find anywhere the sentence "God love u" without is being followed by "if u are patient or obidient" etc.....
Still i was fascinated. It seemed smart to follow a book who had all the answers in front of u. How to act, do, say och think. And with the hadiths u also get how to pray, how to have sex, how to sleep how to whipe after visiting toilet, how to eat, how to great....u name it, it was all there. And most important, i would belong to something. i would belong to his family and i would be a sister in islam (at this time i had already met those "amazing" reverts in mosalla). So i took lessons from the local imam. brainwashed. I became the perfect muslimah. My parents were of course upset, but didnt reallly know what to do. My husbands family (now he could marry me with a clear conciense) was happy. Not about me, but about him who had managed to convert me. Mashallah, what a good son, brother, man he was! And he taught me well, i was, what they would call, obedient.
Personally, i was confused. The more i tried to get close to God, the more i feelt bad. It was never enough, sunnah prayers, dua´s, cooking food for his friends, reading quran, learning arabic, saying bye bye to christmas, being his private server at home. And still, i didnt "feel it". The more quran i read, the less i feelt. I cried convinced i was a bad muslim, shaitan was inside of me. I went to imam and he said i didnt believe enough. I need to pray more. I prayed nites and days, crying, not sleeping, still, i didnt feel anything. At ramadan i always fasted wihtout problems but the last yrs i cheated when noone saw me. then of course i feel so guilty i had to pray all nite. I went to an arabic country to study Quran, stayed for 3 months, still, didnt feel it. I had knowledge, but still my brain was empty and so was my heart.
I got pregnant. I almost lost my child at birth. of course because my iman was weak, i was told. After that i went into depression. Managed to start univeristy again and now i finished my bachelors. I divorced, am a singlemom and finally i have let it go. I was never convinced, i guess i wasnt that fooled after all lol. Allthough i was stupid enough to let a man and my love for him make me something im not. And still its not over. My child has a muslim father. Still, ill deal with that later. My heart and soul are free. Im free
Yes, its true that love was what brought me to islam. Nevertheless, after my divorce i STILL considered myself a muslim and i practised more and more. I couldnt leave islam, it was all i had left. This is common among converts. It starts with love, in many cases with men with little knowledge of islam but from cultures where HONOR and OBIDIENCE are big words. After divorcing the convert usually gets great help from the local muslim community finding a "real muslim man". And so it continues....

Most of the convverts i meet that converted before me also left islam before me. In the beginning i considered them as "false", "weak", "fake" , later ifound them to be strong and honest to themselfes.

Most convert say they were intrested in islam before finding the muslim man, this is usually crap. But to get a higher status among other muslims, its better to say that u studied ur way into islam. Many of them later do take lessons and study hard and becomes very strict, this is a part of the conversion process that exists in all kinds of conversions in all kinds of religion. First u feel in love with the religion, everything is wonderful, after that u get extrem and u do it "perfectley" with details, after that u fall back and start to search for ur real identity. Many convert that marry for example arabs become more arabs then the arabs themselfes. Although i will honestly say that many converts know much much more about islam than born muslims do. Ive meet so many, in my case arab muslims, that know islam is right and ive asked them how do u know, they answered "it just is". They can hardly pray, never read all of Quran, never studied the life of Mohammed or the other prophets, never read about any other religion, still they know "its right".

I helped many girls convert to islam. My husband used to bring his friends swedish girlfriends to me and my job was to show them "the beauty of islam". I choose the beautiful ayas about paradise and left out the more horrifying parts. It sounded really beautiful, sisterhood, womens right in islam, having a purpose in life, being seen as a pure clean woman, not beeing judged after looks and bla bla bla. Most girls were inlove up til the neck and did what ever the man asked her. Getting them to say shahada was not that hard after few months smiling and taking care of them. The hijab and polygyni was the most difficult subject. The hijabissue was a concern but i usually said that its between the woman and God and that she didnt have to take it right away. usually the grouppressure was big and the girls became muhajaba after few months. I also said that the girls could write in their marrige contract that they wouldnt accept that the man had a second wife and hearing this, most girls very relaxed. Of course no man agreed to have this put in the contract.

Love is what get the women into to islam, their brains are what get them out.
Someon asked if im not now thinking "Damn! what was I thinking"
The problem is i wasnt thinking, that is what islam is all about, not using ur personal mind, thoughts or desire. If ur stray from the road ur iman is weak and u start to panic. Its not easy to find ur way back, i left islam not long ago and still i wake up at nite thinking i should pray, im going to hell before i get myself togheter and think, yeah right, im free....
This is an intresting fact, after converting i was told its sunnah to learn arabic and that i must pray in arabic. Still i could make duá in sudjud in swedish. It was ok for me to pray in swedish in the beginning than i had to learn al fatiha in arabic and after that the whole prayer.
So it was a long "remeber the lyrics" act before i actually learned enough arabic to have some feeling of what i was saying.
So, if islam is for everyone, why does the prayer need to be in arabic? Cause God is God, he would know all the languages right ?
Again, it doesnt make sense....
The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
but the heart of the fool to the left.
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Bericht door Pilgrim »

Ik heb al vaak gelezen dat 75% van de mensen die zich bekeren tot de Islam na een paar jaar de Islam al weer de rug toe keren. Het bevalt ze kennelijk toch niet zo. :wink:
Berichten: 525
Lid geworden op: za jan 25, 2003 7:45 am

Bericht door Hamsa »

Precies, de islam vult de plaats op die de sectes een aantal decennia geleden hadden. Je hoort tegenwoordig weinig van de Bhagwan-beweging, de Hare-Krishna's of van de Moon-secte.
Dolende zielen die zich afzetten tegen de maatschappij.
Het gaat niet om spirituele diepgang, daar is in de islam geen plaats voor. In de islam gaat het om uiterlijke regels. Als je die opvolgt krijg je na je dood eeuwig genot, zo niet word je eeuwig gemarteld.
Erg simplistisch weinig diepgang.
Plaats reactie