Nieuws uit Denemarken.

Berichten: 52310
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Een nieuw initiatief voor de verdediging van het vrije woord.
Promoters of free speech introduce new manifesto
To challenge what many people see as a growing trend towards self-censorship, a group of prominent Danes has founded a new organisation

A group of 19 important members of the media, press and law circles have joined forces to battle what they fear is a growing censorship on freedom of expression, reports Berlingske Tidende newspaper.

With their new ‘Fri Debat’ organisation, they have issued a ‘Manifesto’ which outlines their concerns as well as their perception of what free speech is – namely, that people should be allowed to say anything they want, with absolutely no legal, social or other barriers.

The 19 people come from all sides of the political spectrum in terms of their everyday views, but they are united on the idea that the new group will defend freedom of expression without further ado.

‘It’s probably the only thing we all agree on,’ joked Jacob Mchangama, one of the chief authors of the Manifesto and director of legal affairs for liberal thinktank Cepos.

But the group’s fears are certainly no joke, according to Mchangama who, like the other 18 Fri Debat members, has been worried about the trend of self-censorship expressed by many artists and media personnel in recent months.

‘Freedom of speech shouldn’t just be the right to say nice things that everybody agrees on,’ he said. ‘We will defend the right to be a Holocaust denier and a racist, while we will fight those opinions with words.’

The Manifesto does not mention free speech organisation Trykkefrihedsselskabet – where internal strife over the issue reached a head just prior to Christmas, when the organisation’s president, Lars Hedegaard, made numerous derogatory comments about Muslims. Several of the organisation’s leading members resigned as a result.

The Danish branch of literature-promotion organisation PEN had also indicated it believed there were boundaries on free speech.

Issues in the Danish media that have fuelled the debate most notably include the Mohammed cartoons and the burka/headscarf debates.

Two opponents of free speech are mentioned by name in the manifesto, however: Penal Code sections 140 and 266b, respectively relating to blasphemy and racism.

‘The absurd blasphemy clause has not been in use since 1938, but it’s worrying that Muslim countries in the UN use European blasphemy clauses as an argument for their own demands for protection from religious abuse,’ said Mchangama.

‘The state attempts to legislate morality, but you can’t change people's attitudes through coercion,’ he said. Mchangama together with the other members have set a limit on freedom of expression through violence, insults and direct invitation to illegality.

Mchangama said it is not the group’s intention to let racist remarks go uncontested. He argued that they must be fought through open debate.

If you don’t have the fundamental confidence that a majority of the population is able and willing to address these opinions, then what we end up with is a type of guardian council, which must judge what is acceptable,’ says Mchangama.

Fri Debat will hold its first event on 1 March, when a debate on the penal code’s blasphemy and racism paragraphs will be discussed. The meeting’s panel will include Flemming Rose, the cultural editor of Jyllands-Posten – the newspaper best known for its publication of the Mohammed cartoons. In addition, Erik Bjerager, editor of the Kristeligt Dagblad newspaper, law professor Henning Koch from Copenhagen University and Jacob Mchangama will be on the panel. ... festo.html
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 89877
Lid geworden op: wo apr 07, 2004 10:30 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Ariel »

Veel Deense scholen doen concessies aan moslims

Denemarken, februari 2010

Volgens een poll van het dagblad Politiken onder 592 openbare scholen, houdt een derde van de lagere en middelbare scholen rekening met gevoeligheden binnen moslimkring. Het gaat daarbij om aparte bijeenkomsten voor jongens en meisjes, speciale badfaciliteiten, gebedsruimtes en vrijaf op islamitische feestdagen.
Voorzitter van de vereniging van schoolhoofden Anders Balle: ‘we gaan uit van het beste voor de kinderen. Als vrijaf op een islamitische feestdag betekent dat de familie een gunstiger beeld van de school krijgt, dan is dat goed’.
Minister van onderwijs Bertel Haarder laat het beleid over aan de scholen zelf. Voor hem is echter niet acceptabel als mannen hun vrouwen verbieden naar ouderavonden te gaan.
Aanleiding voor de poll in Politiken was het bericht dat vaders niet welkom waren op een ouderavond, want islamitische mannen wilden niet dat hun vrouw met mannen in contact zou komen." onclick=";return false;
The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
but the heart of the fool to the left.
Berichten: 52310
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

$ 500.000

Pia Kjærsgaard Dansk Folkeparti

volgens de voorlichter van de partij.
DF: Bounty op Pia K. 's hoofd
Deense Volkspartij persvoorlichter Sondergaard gezegd dat er een beloofde 500.000 dollar aan de persoon die doodt Kjaersgaard
Dit vlak na deze gebeurtenis:
Fem anholdt for trusler mod Pia Kjærsgaard
Vijf gearresteerd voor bedreigingen Kjaersgaard
Vijf mensen van allochtone afkomst zijn gearresteerd voor doodsbedreigingen tegen Kjaersgaard. De bedreigingen komen van de Somalische milieu.[...]
Tijdens een arrestatie-operatie in Nørrebro ochtend, arresteerde de politie vijf personen van allochtone afkomst, die gericht zijn op doodsbedreigingen tegen Pia Kjærgaard. [...]
Ekstra Bladet heeft zojuist gesproken met de persvoorlichter van de Deense Volkspartij, Sondergaard. Hij zegt dat Kjaersgaard op vakantie in het buitenland met haar man en dat ze de zaak goed is. Het echtpaar naar huis vanmiddag.
Kopenhagen politie zegt dat er meer informatie over de bedreiging van de zaak later vandaag
Nu wordt het verwarrend. De 5 zouden vrij gelaten zijn en vier zouden weer gearresteerd zijn. Er is sprake over een anonieme tip die onjuist was. Afwachten maar.
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 17353
Lid geworden op: ma feb 17, 2003 9:58 am

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Manon »

Hadden we dit al?

Copenhagen: School bans fathers from meeting to appease Muslims
Posted on February 5, 2010 by creeping
Sharia law cruising along in Copenhagen, segregating Muslim women from infidel men. It’s a Muslim thang. From the Copenhagen Post Online, hat tip @dominionpundit, Mothers-only school meeting attracts outrage.

The decision taken by a Copenhagen school to ban fathers from a parental meeting out of respect for Muslim mothers has drawn deep divides between politicians and school leaders.

Holberg School in the city’s Bispebjerg district has scheduled a meeting for parents about the school’s anti-bullying policy this evening. But the meeting at the multi-cultural school is mothers only, and neither Danish nor immigrant fathers of pupils have been welcomed to attend.

The invitation from the school invites mothers to attend a ‘debate about bullying that includes mother talk, yummy food, coffee and cake’. They are also invited to bring their young children with them if needed, as babysitting will be provided.

School principal Søren Ellesøe told Berlingske Tidende newspaper that the school took the decision in order to reach out to a group of parents who usually don’t attend parent teacher meetings.

‘We have immigrant women parents in particular whose husbands believe that women should not take part in something if other men are present,’ he said.

Chairman of the Danish Teachers’ Union, Anders Bondo Christensen, is backing the decision taken by the principal.

‘If it’s to ensure that students get a safe and good school day without bullying then I respect the decision,’ he said.

But politicians are up in arms, most notably Socialist People’s Party leader Villy Søvndal, who is outraged that the fathers’ equality is being ignored out of consideration for some ‘obdurate religious ideas’.

‘I’m simply shocked that a principal at a public school can take such a decision. It was likely undertaken with the best intentions, but it is deeply, deeply damaging,’ Søvndal said.

He is now putting pressure on the deputy mayor for the city council’s children and youth administration Anne Vang to intervene and ensure the meeting is cancelled if fathers are not allowed to attend.

Meanwhile the Danish People’s Party (DF) is going a step further and calling for the principal to be fired if the meeting goes ahead at 5.30pm without any fathers present.

‘We won’t allow immigrant men to set the agenda for how we hold meetings in our schools,’ said DF group chairman at the city council Carl Christian Ebbesen.

Good luck with that. Who’s doing the bullying anyway? ... e-muslims/" onclick=";return false;

Toch wel straf zeg! Vaders niet meer welkom? Dat die moslims dan hun mannelijke afgevaardigden sturen hé! de deense moeders kunnen daar wèl tegen hoor! (als ze tenminste met hun tengels van de westerse vrouwen afblijven).
More diversity always means "less white people"
Diversity is a codeword for white genocide.
Berichten: 52310
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

De graag geziene gast van onze gematigde Poldermoskee, dhr. Sheikh Khalid Yasin, ging spreken in de enclave Nørrebro. En ook vrouwen mogen komen luisteren. Voor hun was een apart stukje van de hal gereserveerd (vast en zeker ergens achterin om hun storende invloed te minimaliseren).
Komt binnen de hoofdoekloze Jaleh Tavakoli (van de Enhedslisten i København) met echtgenoot.
En zij wil gewoon naast haar man gaan zitten. Grote consternatie. Hoe op te lossen? Dialoog? Nee gewoon bruut gedrag. Schelden, hoer roepen, voor varken uitmaken, enz. en dreigen met onthoofding, afvallig verklaren, hel en verdoemenis wensen, het normale Mohammedaanse refrein.
Toen ze door zo'n 50 hitsige (opgehitste?) mannen omringd was, belde ze met haar mobieltje de politie die haar kwam ontzetten en haar veilig thuis afleverde. ... -imammoede
Politi måtte redde politiker fra imammøde
Politie moest politicus te redden van imam vergadering

Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52310
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Ik zie dat de ontmoetingsavond met de sjeik al dagen te voren de gemoederen bezig hield.
"Wordt het gezellige avondje door de overheid gesubsidieerd?" is zo'n vraag waar men antwoord op zoekt. ... kulegravet
Omstridt imam-møde kræves kulegravet
Omstreden imam vergadering die onderzoeken
Socialisten, de Unity List en de Deense Volkspartij vraagt om een onderzoek of er sprake is gebruikt gemeentelijke middelen aan de avonden, waar een controversiële Amerikaanse imams moeten spreken Nørrebros jeugd uit de buurt van bende oorlog.
Het valt namelijk onder de activiteiten: 'het voorkomen van radicalisering van jeugdigen".
Preventie door het aanhoren van haatbaarden. Die argumentatie is te dun geworden om geloofwaardig te zijn.
Ook Jaleh Tavakoli, een lid van de Copenhagen City Raad voor de Eenheid lijst, neemt scherp afstand van de kennis van de islam gebeurtenis met de hondsdolle Amerikaanse sjeik Khalid Yasin in Korsgade hal op Nørrebro.
En nu de poen-kwestie:
De vergadering met Khalid Yasin, waar rond 200 jonge moslims hebben al aangemeld, georganiseerd door de kennis van de islam (VIOMIS) het informeren van jonge moslims over de islam op straatniveau.

Een leidende figuur in VIOMIS is Alsubeihi Khalid, die tevens voorzitter is van de vereniging Nørre Bronx die organiseert jeugdclub en sportieve activiteiten voor jongeren op Nørrebro. Nørre Bronx hebben in jaren 1,2 miljoen. Eur officiële steun van de gemeente Kopenhagen, Nørre Bronx en houden Rantzausgade 23D - hetzelfde adres als VIOMIS.
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 89877
Lid geworden op: wo apr 07, 2004 10:30 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Ariel »

Deense krant betreurt krenken moslims

KOPENHAGEN - De Deense krant Politiken betreurt het krenken van moslims, die door herpublicatie van spotprenten uit 2006 werden beledigd. Dat berichtte de krant vrijdag. Volgens de liberale krant heeft de spotprent, waar Mohammed werd afgebeeld als terrorist, moslims over de hele wereld gekwetst.

De krant verontschuldigt zich daarom tegenover alle islamieten, die zich door de herpublicatie beledigd voelden. Net als vele andere Deense kranten publiceerde Politiken de cartoon in 2008 opnieuw, nadat tekenaar Kurt Westergaard met de dood was bedreigd. Daarmee namen de Deense kranten afstand van de overeenkomst met islamitische organisaties om de cartoons niet meer te publiceren.

In 2006 laaiden grote protesten op in de islamitische wereld, nadat de Deense krant Jyllands-Posten twaalf spotprenten had gepubliceerd. ... ims__.html" onclick=";return false;
The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
but the heart of the fool to the left.
Berichten: 89877
Lid geworden op: wo apr 07, 2004 10:30 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Ariel »

Uit de Elsevier. ... 43&t=13774" onclick=";return false;
De krant verontschuldigt zich voornamelijk voor de gevoelens die herpublicatie bij moslims opwekten. De krant hoopt zo de verhouding tussen Denemarken en islamitische landen te verbeteren.

Deense politici vinden het vreemd dat de krant excuses aanbiedt. Faisal Yamani, een advocaat die verschillende moslimorganisaties representeert heeft elf Deense kranten gevraagd de cartoons van internet te verwijderen, excuses aan te bieden en de gewraakte prenttekeningen nooit meer af te drukken. De als liberaal bekend staande krant Politiken is de eerste die er op in gaat.

De krant die de Mohammed-cartoonwedstrijd uitschreef en alle spotprenten als eerste afdrukte, Jyllands-Posten, vindt de excuses van Politiken schandalig. 'Politiken heeft de strijd voor vrijheid van meningsuiting verraden. Ze hebben toegegeven aan dreigementen,' aldus hoofdredacteur Jørn Mikkelsen.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
but the heart of the fool to the left.
Berichten: 3961
Lid geworden op: di mei 12, 2009 8:11 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Eliabe »

Denen betreuren excuses krant aan moslims

KOPENHAGEN - Denen hebben vrijdag verbolgen gereageerd op de excuses van een Deense krant voor het afdrukken van een spotprent over de islamitische profeet Mohammed.

Zij vinden dat het dagblad Politiken zwicht voor moslims en afstand neemt van de vrijheid van meningsuiting.

Een knieval voor islamisten, compleet overbodig, beschamend en pijnlijk, aldus politici en commentaren in Deense media. In een groot artikel biedt Politiken iedereen excuses aan die door herpublicatie van de spotprent werd beledigd.

Het zijn de eerste excuses van een Deens dagblad in de affaire. Zij komen na overleg met acht internationale moslimorganisaties.


De krant, die als liberaal gold, toonde in 2008 de spraakmakende karikatuur van Mohammed als bomterrorist opnieuw.

Net als vele andere Deense kranten reageerde Politiken met de actie op de bekendmaking dat de tekenaar van de prent, Kurt Westergaard, met de dood was bedreigd. Ook Westergaard zelf noemde de stap van Politiken een afscheid van de vrijheid van meningsuiting.

De Deense krant Jyllands-Posten publiceerde in september 2005 de spotprent als eerste, samen met elf andere karikaturen over de islam. Maanden later kwam het tot protesten in de islamitische wereld ... slims.html" onclick=";return false;
God schiep mens en dier, maar welke idioot bracht de islam hier?
Berichten: 52310
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

De gemoederen vliegen weer hoog op in het hoofddoekjes debat. Op scholen verbieden of niet?
Er kwam nieuwe brandstof omdat Loveleen Rihel Brenna van de Women's Panel de observatie wereldkundig maakte dat diverse ouders hun dochters op straat geslagen hadden omdat die op weg naar school hun hoofddoek hadden afgedaan.
Wat is dwang en wat is vrijwillig? Een peuter van 4 jaar met een hoofddoek? Kan dat vrijwillig zijn?
Er wordt geroepen om debat met de ouders van de ongehoorzame meisjes.
Andere zeggen: niet zeuren gewoon een verbod op hoofddoekjes. Net als in Turkije en Tunesië. ... 536105.ece
Døtre slått fordi de tok av hijaben
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52310
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

In Denemarken hebben ze ook last met bendevorming in de gevangenissen. Zo is er geen varkensvlees meer in de keuken vanwege aandrang van allahtone bendes die proberen de baas te spelen.
Helemaal Maffia van Allah dus.
Niet duidelijk is uit het bericht of er ook gerecruteerd wordt voor de jihad. ... sters-bord
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 89877
Lid geworden op: wo apr 07, 2004 10:30 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Ariel »

Interview met Kurt Westergaard

The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
but the heart of the fool to the left.
Berichten: 52310
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Het is hier al eerder aangekaart: de enige groep die voldoende georganiseerd is en bereid is zich met geweld te verdedigen zijn de Hells Angels. Voor de niet-motor rijdenden hebben ze de support groep AK81 om ze bij te staan in het gevecht tegen de drugbendes e.d. van de Maffia van Allah.
Ze gaan nu de werkwijze van de Rooden immiteren en ook een jeugd- en jongeren club oprichten. Links schreeuwt moord en brand: "verkeerde hersenspoeling van kinderen."
Hells Angels kids’ club
Those under the age of 18 given option to join the Viking Defence League by Hells Angels bikers
The Hells Angels bikers have been in the spotlight of the authorities for some time, but now they have awakened even more concern by founding a youth group for children and teens.[...]
Head of the police’s National Centre of Investigation, Kim Kliver, has expressed concern that the club is no more than a feeder group for future Hells Angels members.
‘Children can’t see the consequence of being a part of it, or criticise the requirements for being in that environment. There is a very great danger that they will end up involved in criminality and become part of the armed conflicts taking place right now,’ he said.

New members who join the club pay an annual fee of 300 kroner and get a t-shirt with the club’s logo on it. So far, more than 500 people have expressed support for the Viking Defence League on the group’s recently created Facebook page. ... -club.html
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52310
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Geprobeerd wordt om een demonstratie van de SIOE nabij een moskee te verbieden. Er bestaat al een soort no-go area om moskeeten heen?
Het bekende argument: de demonstratie trekt anti-krachten aan en die zijn geweld-bereid. Dus een legale demo wordt verboden vanwege verwachte wanorde door de anti's.
Anders Gravers threatened by arrest
The police has forbidden our demonstration in front of the mosque on Vibevej in Copenhagen, which is to be rebuilt into a huge mosque.
The police has forbidden the demonstration according to §79 in the Danish constitution
§ 79 "Citizens shall, without previous permission, be at liberty to assemble unarmed. The police shall be entitled to be present at public meetings. Open-air meetings may be prohibited when it is feared that they may constitute a danger to the public peace."

But no one has anything to fear from our demonstration - in other words we constitute no danger to the public peace. No violence will originate from us. Violence - if any - will come from illegal counter demonstrators such as muslims and leftwing thugs that call themselves autonomes (anarchists) and/or (believe it or not!) "anti-fascists". Therefore the police cannot legally use §79 to order our demonstration cancelled.
Our former minister of justice, Lene Espersen, has made it clear that peaceful demonstrations cannot be prohibited, only violent counter demonstrations can. So the police has violated the Danish constitution by its prohibition against our demonstration.

Shortly we shall file a complaint against this police violation of our constitution. When we have made the complaint ready we will ask everybody to sign the document and mail it to the Danish minister of justice.
The police has told us that if we show up in front of the mosque anyway, they will arrest us. So now the situation is that the police protects mosques against public criticism. But we don't want president Ahmadinejad's mosque in the capital of Denmark under any circumstances and we have a constitutional right to protest publically. If the police deny us to show our anger and frustration openly it will pop up in other ways. That happend during the Second World War when police and government didn't want any criticism of the German occupying power. People then started to annoy the occupying power in all kinds of ways. That is a natural reaction when freedom is suppressed. ... rrest.html
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 11583
Lid geworden op: vr sep 29, 2006 5:18 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door BFA »

Denen beginnen te begrijpen wat wij hier op het forum al lang weten: Integratie van Mohammedanen in onze Westerse maatschappij is onmogelijk.

2 artikelen van psycholoog Nicolai Sennels. (Verplicht leesvoer)

Danish Psychologist: ‘Integration of Muslims in Western Societies is Not Possible’
Spoiler! :
April 5, 2010
Danish Psychologist: ‘Integration of Muslims in Western Societies is Not Possible’

Felix Streuning

Danish integration problems with Muslims became public worldwide in 2006 when the newspaper Jyllands-Posten published 12 cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. Exactly two years later riots broke out again because of the reprint of the Mohammed cartoons by all major Danish newspapers.
Currently 70 percent of the prison population in the Copenhagen youth prison consists of young man of Muslim heritage. Is this recent violence and general violent tendency among Muslims solely coincidental, or is there a direct connection?
In February 2009, Nicolai Sennels, a Danish psychologist published a book entitled Among Criminal Muslims: A Psychologist’s Experience from Copenhagen. In his book, Nicolai Sennels shares a psychological perspective of this Muslim Culture, its relationship to anger, handling emotions and its religion. He based his research on hundreds of hours of therapy with 150 young Muslims in the Copenhagen youth jail. EuropeNews interviewed the author about his book and its consequences on integration of Muslims in Europe.
EuropeNews: Nicolai Sennels, how did you get the idea to write a book about criminal Muslims in Denmark?
Nicolai Sennels: I got the idea in February 2008 during a conference on integration in Copenhagen, where I was invited as the first and only psychologist working in a Copenhagen youth prison. My speech at the conference was about the fact, that foreigners’ culture plays a significant role concerning integration, crime and religious extremism. I emphasized, that people from a Muslim culture find it difficult, if not impossible, to create a successful life in Denmark.
This statement was met with great resistance from Danish politicians and also my own boss from the youth prison. I was quite surprised since I thought that my point is obvious: some cultures fit better into Western societies than others. All of Europe is currently struggling to integrate Muslims but this endeavor seems to be impossible. According to the Danish police and the Danish Bureau of Statistics more than 70 percent of all crimes in the Danish capital are committed by Muslims. Our national bank recently published a report stating that a Muslim foreigner costs more than 2 million Danish kroner (300,000 euros) in federal social assistance on average, caused by the low participation in the work force. On top of this, we have to add many additional types of social welfare that unemployed people can receive in our country: expenses in connection with interpreters, special classes in school – 64 percent of school children with Muslim parents cannot read and write Danish properly after 10 years in a Danish school – social work, extra police etc.
My statement resulted in a legal injunction, a kind of professional punishment, which stated, that if I ever repeat this, I could be fired. According to the Copenhagen authorities it is apparently permitted to state that the serious problems among Muslims are caused by poverty, the media, the police, the Danes, politicians, etc. But two things are definitely not allowed: 1) discussing the significance of culture and 2) our foreigners own responsibility for their integration in our societies. Unfortunately many very powerful politicians lack a clear understanding of the psychological aspect of culture and the influence it has on integration.
EuropeNews: What were the reactions in Denmark?
Sennels: The book was received with a great amount of attention, already before the book was officially published on February 24 2009. It was on the front page of one of the biggest national newspapers in Denmark, and I was on the radio and TV participating in debates with politicians and other experts on the subject. The first publication of the book was sold out after three weeks.
Since then, there have been some big changes in Danish integration policy, which seems to have been influenced by the book and the attention it got. From my personal point of view, the widespread attention shows that my statement is true: there is simply a great need for a deeper understanding of how Muslims’ culture influences their chances for integration.
The very famous politician, Naser Khader, who is Muslim and the author of the Honor and Shame, wrote a review of my book and stated that it should be “obligatory reading for students, social workers and teachers.” Jyllands-Posten, the brave newspaper that first published the Mohammed cartoons, calls the book “an original piece of pioneer work.”
EuropeNews: Let’s have a closer look at the book. You talk about four myths of integration. The first one concerns the difference between the cultures of immigrants.
Sennels: What I discovered during my work at the youth prison was that people of Muslim heritage have other needs for social work than Danes or people of non-Muslim cultures. These different needs require more attention, and psychologists need to do more research on these topics in order to be able to create effective social politics.
I completely agree with my critics that personal and social problems can lead to anti-social behavior among both Westerners and Muslims. However, there is still extremely disproportional anti-social and anti-democratic behavior among Muslims. The Danish Bureau of Statistics published a report (1 and 2) stating that Muslim countries take the first eight places on the top 10-list of criminals’ country of origin. Denmark is number nine on this list.
EuropeNews: So that means, we have to treat Muslim and non-Muslim immigrants in a different way?
Sennels: Seen from a psychological and also humanistic perspective, it is very clear that people from different cultures have different needs when they have or create problems. My own experience is that Muslims don’t understand our Western way of trying to handle conflicts through dialogue. They are raised in a culture with very clear outer authorities and consequences. Western tradition using compromise and inner reflection as primary means of handling outer and inner conflicts is seen as weak in the Muslim culture. To a great extent they simply don’t understand this softer and more humanistic way of handling social affairs. In the context of social work and politics this means that they need more borders and stronger consequences to be able to adjust their behavior.
EuropeNews: That leads us directly to the second myth: it is often said, that the criminality of immigrants is caused by social problems, not by their cultural background. In your book you disagree and point to the religion of the Muslims as a source of criminality.
Sennels: Well, I would rephrase it as “Muslim culture” instead of “religion” because there are a lot of Muslims who don’t know what is written in the Quran and who don’t visit the mosques. But they are strongly influenced on a cultural level. And there we see that especially anger is much more accepted in the Muslim culture.
One example: in Western culture and also in other non-Muslim cultures, like in Asia, you see aggression and a sudden explosion of anger as something you’ll regret afterwards, something you are ashamed of. It is completely opposite in the Muslim culture. If somebody steps on your honor – what I as a psychologist would call self confidence – you are simply expected to show aggression and often also verbal or physical revenge. So, aggression gives you a low status in our cultures, but a high status in the Muslim culture.
There is however another and much deeper reason for the wide spread anti-social behavior in Muslim communities and their strong aversion against integration – namely, the very strong identification that Muslims have with belonging to the Muslim culture.
My encounter with the Muslim culture has been a meeting with an exceedingly strong and very proud culture. This is certainly something that can ensure an ancient culture’s survival through changing times – Islam and the Muslim culture are excellent examples of this. A strong and proud culture unfortunately also makes the culture’s members almost unable to adapt to other values. In Germany, only 12 percent of their 3.5 million Muslims see themselves as more German than Muslim; in France and Denmark, only 14 percent of the Muslim populations respectively see themselves more as French or Danish than Muslim. Research among Muslims living in Denmark also shows that 50 percent of the 1st- and 2nd-generation immigrants are against free speech and 11 percent would like to see the Danish constitution exchanged with the sharia law (more numbers from this research can be found in the printed issue of the newspaper). These high percentages are of course frightening, but especially disturbing is the fact that there are no differences of opinion on this topic among Muslims who are born and raised in Muslim countries and the opinion of their children who are born and raised in Danish society. When it comes to identity among Muslims, nationality does not count at all in comparison with culture and religion. The consequence is a powerful and growing opposition to Western culture and values in Muslim ghettoes throughout Copenhagen and other major European cities.
EuropeNews: As you already pointed out, a lot of Muslims have a strong connection to their religious identity. The third myth you dismantle in your book is about the percentage of extremist’s and fundamentalists among Muslims. It’s often presumed that this percentage is relatively small. What is your experience?
Sennels: People hope that most Muslims are modern and accept Western values. My experience is different, and this has been proven by the statistics in Europe that I just quoted. In February 2008, we had some deadly serious riots by young Muslims in Denmark.
Those riots were partly a reaction to the great focus by the Danish police on the steeply rising crime rates in Muslim areas. The other reason was the reprinting of the Mohammed cartoons in all Danish newspapers. This reprinting was an act of solidarity with the cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, whose life was, and still is, seriously threatened.
In these riots, we saw Muslims who don’t practice the Islamic religion in their daily lives standing up for their culture and religion in a very aggressive way. Copenhagen was smoking for an entire week due to several hundred of fires, and the police and firemen trying to calm the situation down were also attacked. A big part of the rioters ended up in the prison where I worked, and I therefore I had the chance to talk with them. Almost all of them were Muslims, and they all claimed that what they have done – starting fires, attacking the police etc. – was justified since Danish society, through its pressure on integration and through reprinting the Mohammed cartoons, has proven itself to be racist and against Islam and Muslim culture. The few Danish people among the rioters were completely different. Their explanation of their actions was predominately a search for adventure or excitement.
EuropeNews: The fourth myth is that poverty among immigrants leads to their bad social situation. In your book, you tell us that the opposite is true.
Sennels: You can formulate this important question like this: do people get social problems because they are poor, or do they become poor because they create social problems? My experience is that the very low focus on supporting one’s children in school and on one’s own education and the lack of motivation for creating a professional career is a crucial factor for the poverty, which many Muslims experience in both our societies and in Muslim countries. On top of it, one fourth of all young male Muslims in Denmark have a criminal record. Poor reading skills, a strong aversion against authorities and a criminal record simply make it very difficult for you to get a well paying job. It is anti-social behavior that makes you poor. Not the other way around.
Unfortunately many politicians see poverty as the main cause of integration problems. I think this is a horrible and one-dimensional view of poor people and of people in general. The idea that people’s behavior is decided by the amount of money they have on their bank accounts every month is an exceedingly limited view. I myself, as a psychologist who graduated from the humanities department of the University of Copenhagen, would say that people have many more and stronger factors in their lives than money, which influence their behavior and way of thinking.
EuropeNews: What is the conclusion on your research? Is the integration of people of Muslim heritage into Western societies possible?
Nicolai Sennels: I would say that the optimists, the people who say that integration is possible, carry a very great responsibility. There is a very great risk that they are selling us hope, a dream, that has no foundation in reality. This means that they will be the ones who are responsible for Europe looking away from and not addressing its problems until it is too late.
There is simply no research in Europe that supports the optimists’ view. On the contrary, all the research that we have on integration of Muslims in Western societies shows that we are continuing to head in the wrong direction. So I don’t know how these optimists come to their conclusion. Maybe it is a vain and childish hope that everything will turn out well, just like in the fairy tales. Or maybe it is a pseudo-Darwinistic idea that everything will develop in a positive direction. One thing is for sure: they don’t base their judgments on facts.
Of course there are exceptions but for the largest part integration to the necessary degree of Muslims is not possible. Clever and compassionate people are working all over Europe on the problem, and they have spent billions of Euros on the project, yet, the problems still continue to grow.
The psychological explanation is actually simple. The Muslim and the Western cultures are fundamentally very different. This means Muslims need to undergo very big changes in their identity and values to be able to accept the values of Western societies. Changing basic structures in one’s personality is a very demanding psychological and emotional process. Apparently very few Muslims feel motivated to do so. I only know a few who managed, but I also know that it was a long and exhausting struggle on an inner level for them and that they often pay a high personal price on the outer level because their Muslim friends and families despise and/or disown them for leaving their culture.
EuropeNews: But what we are going to do with the Muslims, who are already here?
Sennels: I see two possibilities. Firstly, we should immediately stop all immigration of people from Muslim countries to Europe until we have proven that integration of Muslims is possible.
Secondly, we should help Muslims who don’t want to or are not able to integrate in our Western societies to build a new and meaningful life in a society they understand and that understands them. This means to assist them in starting a new life in a Muslim country. We actually have the economic means to do this. As I mentioned previously, the Danish National Bank calculated, that every immigrant from Muslim countries costs 300,000 euros on average. With this money, we could help these people to live a happy life in a Muslim country without having to integrate in a society they don’t understand and therefore cannot accept. Having money enough to support one’s family and live in a country where one feels at home with the surrounding culture would be a great step forward in the quality of their lives. And we should help them achieve this. Not only the individual Muslim, but also European societies will benefit. Muslims immigrating from Europe to Muslim countries will function as ambassadors for more free and democratic societies: due to their experience from living in a democracy with real human rights and their knowledge of the social systems in Europe, they will take very important ideas and values with them. In this way they can do what hopefully most of them dream of, i.e. help their Muslim brothers and sisters in their home countries by changing the poor conditions and from which they moved away from initially.
Nicolai Sennels, 33 years old, is a psychologist and has worked for the Copenhagen authorities for several years. From 2005 to 2008 he worked at the Sønderbro youth prison in Copenhagen. ... detail.asp" onclick=";return false;

Harmful myths of immigration
Spoiler! :
Harmful myths of immigration

By Nicolai Sennels, authorised psychologist, Copenhagen
Danish original in Jyllands-Posten, March 03 2009

The many myths about integration constitute a serious obstacle to the social work. Problems of integration constitute a potential disaster for our welfare societies. Part of the solution is to gain more knowledge: Good social work is dependent on sufficient information, writes Nicolai Sennels.

In my job as psychologist in the Municipality of Copenhagen I have had more than 150 immigrants, refugees and descendants in treatment. Here I will provide an overview of the integration problems as they look when instead of talking about immigrants you talk with them.

While crime among immigrants, Islamic parallel societies and Islamic extremism are having an increasing negativ impact on society, the municipal efforts in the field are still stuck in a series of myths about immigrant crime, extremism and the social efforts.

* The first myth is that there is are no differences between immigrants. But of course there are: People from different cultures need different kinds of support when they face trouble. There is a world of difference between what, say, a Japanese, a Somali and an American will need if they are having or creating trouble. We need to apply cultural sensitivity towards te cultural differences that our immigrants bring along.

My own therapeutic experience with young Muslims is, that they find it extremely difficult to understand traditional Danish pedagogics and therapy. Danish youth is to a much greater extent raised with a tradition of “talking tings over” and reflect upon how they personally feel about things.

Muslims, in contrast, are raised in a culture with clear outer authorities (fathers, tradition, Islam), where the consequence is fast and immediate when the family expectations are broken. They have been raised in a firm setting, and Danish pedagogue-speak falls short towards this group.

* The second myth is that immigrant crime is caused by social problems, and that the cultural background of immigrants have no significance in the context. Also on this one the prejudice does not fit with reality: The conclusion of hundreds of psychological interviews with Muslim immigrants is that the Muslim culture accepts aggression to a very great extent.

While an uncontrollable expression of fury is the fastest way to lose face in Danish culture, it is turned around in the Muslim. The willingness to take revenge is, in Muslim culture, considered an expression of strength, and anger is clearly more socially acceptable in Muslim circles. Aggressive behaviour is considered a social tool, used to obtain 'respect', (not merely fear), and status.

The dramatic and destructive manner that Palestinians use to show their rage over the situation in Gaza, the imams incitements to “Holy anger”, family executions (also called 'Honour killings') and violent demonstrations in response to the Muhammad cartoons are all examples of how aggressive behaviour is, in Muslim culture, considered a socially acceptable means of expression.

The fact that Muslim immigrants and descendants commit two to three times as much violent crime as ethnic Danes is also partially caused by this. So, yes: The culture of immigrants is an important component in immigrant crime.

* The third myth is that religious extremism is only found in narrow circles. This is a severe mistake. Almost each and every single Muslim I had in therapy took his/her religious tradition quite seriously. In spite of the fact that most do not follow the words of the Quran, their Muslim identity is extremely strong. The Muhammad cartons the attempts to implement democracy in the Islamic world, and pressure by authorities towards integration into the Danish society have created a strong feeling of resentment against Western values.

In particular 'rootless' young Muslims feel the attraction of extremist circles, because they are being offered a feeling of being significant and to have a purpose, of life as well as of death, that no 'social project' can match. Furthermore, religiousness is a source of status in Muslim circles – and intense religiousness gives high status. A dedicated religious practice and the ability to launch conspiracy theories about Western guilt in the appalling conditions in their Muslim home countries constitute an effective source of social recognition in Muslim parts of the society.

These experiences from my work in the Muslim parts of society are completely in line with similar research outside Denmark: 32 percent of Muslim university students in England consider religious killing justified, an d54 percent of French Muslims believe that Sharia law should be applied worldwide.

In Germany only about 12 percent of Muslims consider themselves 'Germans' and a full 6 percent are categorized as “extremely radical” with “a high degree of acceptance of religious and political violence.” 6 percent may not sound much, but if we transfer the figure to the estimated 220,000 Muslims in Denmark, which is quite reasonable, it translates into some 13,600 Islamic extremists.

* The fourth myth is that cultural and religious factors have no significance for the frequently poor social and economical situation of immigrants. The theory usually states that immigrants are poor due to causes outside their influence, and that this poverty is the cause of dysfunctional behaviour.

The correlation between poverty and social problems is real, but things are not nearly as black & white as for instance claimed by Social Mayor of Copenhagen Mikkel Warming (Enhedslisten – the Danish hard left political party). For what comes first, the chicken or the egg? Are social problems caused by poverty, or is poverty caused by social problems?

As Jyllands-Posten reported on December 19th 2008, immigrants from Muslim countries and their descendants occupy the top eight spots in the list of countries of origin for criminals – after age and social circumstances have been factored out. Figures like these put Warming and his equals to shame.

But what exactly about the Islamic culture causes humans with this background to fare so poorly economically? After hundreds of psychological interviews concerning the life in their families here in Denmark, it is clear that the primary cause of poverty in these circles is a lack of emphasis on education.

Immigrant parents could support their children in school and in higher educations much more actively. Further, it is the experience of me and many colleagues that children of Muslim immigrants lack understanding of Danish pedagogical style in schools and other educations, and that this constitutes another obstacle to their further career.

The unfortunate result is that 64 percent of children of Arab background are not able to read and write sufficiently well at their graduation from public school [9 years in Denmark], and that one third of them never receive any higher education. In a knowledge society as in Denmark, where education is a requirement for a decent salary, the economy in families becomes tight if education is not taken seriously.

The fact that up to one in four Muslim descendant of ages 20-29 received a crime sentence in the single year of 2008 does not improve employability. An individual who creates social problems and refuses to adapt to the social requirements of the society, becomes poor. These are the proper causes and effects, not the other way around.

The many myths of integration unfortunately constitute a serious obstacle in the social work in this area. When in the secure institution of Sønderbro, Copenhagen has a 70 percent share of clients with Muslim background, when LO (the Danish Labour Organisation) warns about ghettos proliferating, and when the National Bank estimates that immigrants from non-Western countries cost the Danish society Dkr 23 billion ($ 4 billion) a year, it is no exaggeration to call the integration problems a set bomb under our social society.

Part of the solution is to acquire more knowledge in the field: Good social work depends on sufficient information. We need practical research on the attitudes of various immigrant groups on their attitudes to extremism, democracy, integration, education and participation in the labour market. My on experience from hundreds of interviews is, unfortunately, that we have have a large group of immigrants who do not desire integration and are staunch opponents of democratic and humanistic values.

The battle about the causes of the failed integration is already on. Both the claims that the state gives insufficient funds to the efforts and that the municipalities do not apply the money properly are just that – claims.

After having worked for years in the largest public social organisation of Denmark, I am firmly convinced of the latter: It is our local politicans, who carry the responsibility of designing the practical integration efforts around the country.

The policies in many Danish municipalities have been to offer support and new opportunities, while only the police and the judicial system have been setting limits and showing consequences of bad behaviour. This division of labour could be adjusted with benefit." onclick=";return false;
Het is een parasitaire soort die leeft op de intelligentie van anderen en deze dan tegen hun gebruikt;
Berichten: 89877
Lid geworden op: wo apr 07, 2004 10:30 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Ariel »

Moslims hacken site Kentucky Fried Chicken Denemarken

De website van Kentucky Fried Chicken Denemarken is gehackt. Wie nu op de Deense site van KFC klikt, krijgt de boodschap dat de site is gekraakt.

Naast de boodschap krijgt de argeloze bezoeker een filmpje voorgeschoteld. Hierin wordt uitgelegd dat de islam een vreedzaam geloof is en wordt in vijf minuten uitgelegd wat het geloof inhoudt.

Onder het filmpje heeft de islamitische hacker een boodschap achtergelaten voor de Denen. Het komt erop neer dat de moslim vindt dat hij het recht heeft te hacken zolang de Deense regering geen stappen onderneemt om beledigers van de islam aan te pakken.

Vervolgens refereert de hacker aan een besluit van de Verenigde Naties dat vijf jaar geleden werd aangenomen. Dit besluit verbiedt alle vormen van het beledigen van religies. Zolang de Deense regering zich daar niet aan houdt, blijft de moslim doorgaan met hacken, zo zweert hij.

Een screendump van de gehackte site
Afbeelding ... arken.html" onclick=";return false;
De boodschap van de hacker
The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
but the heart of the fool to the left.
Berichten: 52310
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Stank voor dank. Het was toch KFC die zo (o.a. in Frankrijk) aan de weg timmerde met halallende kippen om blije Moslims te maken? (en waarbij bleek dat dat halal een vlag was die de lading niet dekte? want niet iedere kip werd apart bebid)
Net zoals in Engeland? ... 650949.stm
Muslim group question KFC halal claim
The Lancashire Council of Mosques (LCM) has met KFC to question the legitimacy of the halal chicken the fast-food chain is selling as part of a trial.
KFC has approval from the Halal Food Authority (HFA) but the LCM disagrees with the authority's mechanical slaughtering and stunning methods.
Only the Halal Monitoring Committee (HMC) adheres to LCM criteria.
"KFC has assured us that it will look into this issue again," LCM spokesman Molaner Hanif told BBC Asian Network.
"They will look at why they chose HFA. We are optimistic we will have more dialogue with KFC and try to bring them to a criteria which will be universally accepted."
Met andere woorden: een aanbod dat ze niet kunnen weigeren.
Twee maffia's van Allah proberen hun deel van de markt in hallallen in handen te krijgen.
De weg naar blije Moslims is vol voetangels en klemmen. Moeten er eerst een paar KFC's afbranden voordat het geschil beslecht is?
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 17353
Lid geworden op: ma feb 17, 2003 9:58 am

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Manon »

Denemarken, april 2010

Jørgen Nielsen, hoogleraar islam in Kopenhagen, Hanne Petersen, hoogleraar rechtscultuur in Kopenhagen en Lisbet Christoffersen, hoogleraar religie en recht in Roskilde stellen in hun publicatie ‘Sharia as discourse’ dat religie een belangrijker punt van overweging moet worden in het huidige rechtssysteem:

‘het Deense recht moet meer rekening houden met de sharia. We kunnen mensen nu eenmaal niet dwingen om onze waarden en regels te onderschrijven. Daarom moeten we toe naar een tussenoplossing, waarin we enige linken leggen tussen hun waarden en ons systeem, als het natuurlijk niet haaks staat op het Deense recht’.
Bijvoorbeeld: als een moslima wil scheiden uit een islamitisch huwelijk, heeft ze nu geen been om op te staan. Of als een moslim zegt dat zijn vrouw niet als maagd het huwelijk in is gegaan, moet hij in het geval van een islamitische vrouw een grotere compensatie krijgen, dan in het geval van een Deense vrouw. De ‘misdaad’ is immers groter voor de islamitische vrouw.

Minister van Justitie Lars Barfoed ziet niets in de voorstellen van de drie: ‘dat is toegeven aan de onderdrukkingsmechanismen tegen vrouwen binnen de islam. We moeten vasthouden aan een aantal Deense basiswaarden’." onclick=";return false;

:huh: compensatie te betalen aan de man als de wijf geen maagd meer is???? Alleen is een Deens wijf goedkoper dan een écht genuine moslimwijf? Lees ik dat nu goed?

de originele tekst: ... haria.html" onclick=";return false;
(het is blijkbaar de wijf die de compensatie krijgt als ze valselijk beschuldigd wordt! een deense wijf krijgt dan minder dan een moslimse wijf..... worthy: )
More diversity always means "less white people"
Diversity is a codeword for white genocide.
Berichten: 8854
Lid geworden op: ma apr 14, 2003 2:14 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Monique »

het Deense recht moet meer rekening houden met de sharia. We kunnen mensen nu eenmaal niet dwingen om onze waarden en regels te onderschrijven. Daarom moeten we toe naar een tussenoplossing, waarin we enige linken leggen tussen hun waarden en ons systeem, als het natuurlijk niet haaks staat op het Deense recht’.
Ik neem aan dat dat voor iedereen geldt en niet alleen voor mensen die in de een of andere godheid geloven?

Het zal dan dus een gelegaliseerde vorm van anarchie worden.
Ieder bepaalt voor zichzelf wat hun waarden zijn en welke door het systeem moeten worden opgevolgd.
Het land zal dus diverse wetboeken krijgen?

Ben benieuwd wat er in een atheïstisch wetboek zal staan.
Amorele atheistische nitwit
Berichten: 52310
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

In Kopenhagen kreeg een Turk ruzie met een Macedonische winkelier. De lijkschouwer spreek er over:
"De grote hals slagader is volledig afgesloten. Aders terug naar het hart wordt gesneden aan beide zijden. Gemakkelijk Bovendien is de methode kunnen gebruiken bij de halal slager dieren," de lijkschouwer Gyda Lolk Ottosen toegelicht in de rechtbank, volgens BT
De kop boven het Deense artikel is dan ook:
15 jaar voor “halal slachting” Fik 15 år for "halalslagtning"
Tot men bedacht dat dit wel een een zekere groep in het verkeerde keelgat zou schieten.
Dus de kop werd:
Vader en zoon veroordeeld voor doodslag Far og sonner domt for knivdrab
en de tekst van de lijkschouwer is verdwenen. ... nmark.html
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52310
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

In Kopenhagen kreeg een Turk ruzie met een Macedonische winkelier. De lijkschouwer spreek er over:
"De grote hals slagader is volledig afgesloten. Aders terug naar het hart wordt gesneden aan beide zijden. Gemakkelijk Bovendien is de methode kunnen gebruiken bij de halal slager dieren," de lijkschouwer Gyda Lolk Ottosen toegelicht in de rechtbank, volgens BT
De kop boven het Deense artikel is dan ook:
15 jaar voor “halal slachting” Fik 15 år for "halalslagtning"
Tot men bedacht dat dit wel een een zekere groep in het verkeerde keelgat zou schieten.
Dus de kop werd:
Vader en zoon veroordeeld voor doodslag Far og sonner domt for knivdrab
en de tekst van de lijkschouwer is verdwenen. ... nmark.html
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 955
Lid geworden op: do mar 12, 2009 12:10 am
Locatie: Groningen

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door birdie »

Ingediend door copywriter op 15 mei, 2010 - 17:44. Gedrag

Denemarken, mei 2010

Onderzoekster Helle Rahbæk Asserhøj van Als Resarch consultancy agency in Kopenhagen en onderzoekster voor het ministerie van Integratie, onderzocht de positie van vrouwen met een Arabische, Somalische, Turkse en Pakistaanse achtergrond in Denemarken.
Asserhøj stelt dat velen van hen volstrekt geïsoleerd van de Deense maatschappij zijn, ze hebben uitsluitend contact met vertegenwoordigers van de Deense maatschappij via het systeem van sociale uitkeringen. De vrouwen komen niet naar ouderavonden en houden vooral hun dochters bij Deense vrienden vandaan. Ze weten heel weinig van de Deense samenleving en de Deense banenmarkt. Slechts enkelen spreken Deens. Ook binnen de eigen etnische gemeenschap hebben de vrouwen nauwelijks een netwerk.
Asserhøj schat dat het om zo’n 10.0000 vrouwen gaat die elkaar vooral steunen door negatieve ervaringen uit te wisselen. Ze zijn bang dat hun kinderen of sociale uitkering hen zullen worden afgenomen.
Asserhøj lanceert nu namens het ministerie een campagne om deze vrouwen uit hun isolement te halen.

Berlingske, 8 mei 2010
Islam in Europe, 12 mei 2010
† 14 september 2012.
Berichten: 955
Lid geworden op: do mar 12, 2009 12:10 am
Locatie: Groningen

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door birdie »


Oorlogszone Denemarken : 13 politie-auto's in Brødby, bij Kopenhagen, brandden uit op 13/14 mei.
Een getuige hoorde een ontploffing en zag vervolgens een aantal voertuigen branden. Veel van deze vernietigingen zijn gericht tegen de Deense maatschappij door migranten die de Westerse cultuur haten.

U moet daar niet zwaar aan tillen, anders bent u een racist. Eens deze jongeren zich nuttig zullen hebben voortgeplant, behalen zij over enkele tientallen jaren de meerderheid in Europa en dan zal u wat meemaken. U, uw kinderen, uw kleinkindjes, de gelukzakjes zullen dan pas in vredige omgeving verblijven. Waar de islam heerst, is er vrijheid en vallen er vele toffe dingen te beleven." onclick=";return false;. ... ?ID=647923

Zie ook de video.
† 14 september 2012.
Berichten: 52310
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

De SIOE deed een demo in Denemarken:
The More Things Change…
During WWII the Nazi 7th SS Gebirgs Division was made up of Muslim volunteers. Funny how as much as some things change, they stay the same.

This past Friday in Denmark, there was a protest rally held in Frederick Square to object to the mosque in Aalborg. The protest was organized by the founder of SIAD/SIOE (Stop the Islamization of Denmark/Stop the Islamization of Europe) Anders Gravers. The reason for the protest was because the mosque’s imam, Mustafa Abdullah Aden, preaches to his congregation that “genital mutilation is the best thing for women.”

Unbeknownst to Anders Gravers and other members of SIAD and SIOE, the group in which they were marching had been infiltrated by members of the Nazi and Communist Parties and, during the march, Anders was beaten to the ground.

According to news reports, “This was the first time we saw all three anti-democratic ideologies working together in Denmark.”

The communist group, Antifa, like the Nazis, were prepared for raw violence. They had iron pipes in a backyard, but SIAD’s security told police where they had their weapons. So it was only yelling and screaming when SIOE and SIAD passed the mosque. The Muslims were hanging out the windows in the mosque in several layers as SIAD and SIOE delivered their battle cry: “No mosques in our streets.” “No genital mutilation in our country.” “Those who advocate genital mutilation should be thrown out of our country.”

As the demonstration moved away from Frederiks square and up the Klokkestøbergade, the Nazis jumped out in front of the rally and tried to grab Anders Gravers, but were again pushed to the wall, and the demonstration continued up to its end point.

At Frederick’s Square, we saw for the first time all three totalitarian forces in Denmark work together against SIAD and SIOE and democracy. Muslims, Antifa (the Communist group) and the Nazis stood almost hand in hand; they shouted slogans and threats after the demonstration.
I spoke with Anders Sunday morning and he explained to me,

“A group of 8-9 persons seemed as if they were a part of our group but suddenly they tried to raise a Nazi banner. I saw the banner, which had the name and website address of the Nazi Party and, before they could unfold it, I jumped on the banner and was then attacked by the Nazis, shouting ‘Zionist pig.’

“Our security people identified several of the people and today I found them on Facebook. Daniel Carlsen and Bjarke Eiler, who both have Facebook pages, are members of ‘Antifa’ as well as ‘United We Stand Against Zionism.’ The comments that Bjarke Eiler has left on Facebook amounts to saying that I should be put in cement boots and thrown in the harbor. So now they have threatened my life.”

Anders is doing well, aside from some bumps and bruises, and he thanked his security people and the police because it could have been much worse. I am proud to say that Anders will be joining us at the “Stop the 9/11 mosque” at Ground Zero in New York City on June 6th at 12 noon.

The fact the “Muslims, Antifa (the Communist group) and the Nazis stood almost hand in hand” only goes to prove the type of ideology that these people believe in and what we are up against. As I have written numerous times before, “We only need to look at Europe, to see what we are facing here in America.”

The fact that the Muslims and the Nazis can and are working together is nothing new. During WWII the the Nazi 7th SS Gebirgs Division was made up of Muslim volunteers. I have seen pictures of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem reviewing the troops as well as meeting with Hitler himself.

How many examples must we have of the mindset of these people before we realize that history is not repeating itself, but rather that this has been going on the whole time? The Nazis and the Muslims share many ideologies and the first among them is death to the Jews.
Let us not forget the famous words of Pastor Martin Niemöller during WWII,

“THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.
THEN THEY CAME for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
THEN THEY CAME for me and by that time no one was left to speak up.”

We all need to speak up or, as they say, “History is destined to repeat itself.” ... #more-2637

Meer foto's zijn hier te zien: ... d-in-hand/
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 89877
Lid geworden op: wo apr 07, 2004 10:30 pm

Re: De islamisering van Denemarken.

Bericht door Ariel »

Triest hoor. De bedoeling van deze Antifa groep was om SIOE in een kwaad daglicht te zetten. Op deze manier wil men mensen vertellen dat SIOE nazi banden heeft.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
but the heart of the fool to the left.
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