USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Pilgrim »

Mahalingam schreef:Het klink echt als zo'n door CAIR geinspireerd incident.
Even ter info: het is gebruikelijk om als een drankje schaars is, men er slechts een glas vol van krijgt of een half blikje.
Tahera Ahmad, who is linked to assorted Muslim Brotherhood pressure groups like CAIR and ISNA, claimed that the flight attendant denied her an unopened Diet Coke and gave her an opened Diet Coke instead.
Er hebben zich geen getuigen gemeld die haar verhaal bevestigen.
Wel eentje die het anders heeft gezien en gehoord.
En hier de Nederlandse vertaling.
De leugens van Tahera Ahmed over een Cola-Cola Zero

Geplaatst op 17 juni 2015


Diana Dempsey was passagier aan boord van de United Airlines vlucht tijdens welke de moslima Tahera Ahmed zogenaamd onderdrukt en gediscrimineerd werd, omdat men haar zogenaamd een ongeopend blikje Coca-Cola Zero weigerde. De versie van Dempsey verschilt echter wezenlijk van die van Ahmed.

“Ik was passagier op dezelfde vlucht op vrijdagavond van ORD (Chicago O´Hare) naar DCA (Washington DC).

Ik lees al heel lang op dit forum mee, maar toen ik dit verhaal in de media zag, heb ik me aangemeld om te vertellen wat er werkelijk gebeurd is om zodoende hopelijk de leugenverhalen tot zwijgen te brengen.

Ik zat heel dicht bij haar om precies te horen wat ze zei. De stewardess kwam naar de vrouw toe (ik geloof zelfs dat ze als eerste bestelde, omdat ze op plaats 7D zat, dat is de eerste rij achter de scheidingswand. Ze bestelde een Coca-Cola-Zero en een hete groene thee met zoetstoftabletjes). De stewardess gaf haar een vol blikje Coca-Cola-light met een kopje erover en zei tegen haar dat de groene thee nog een paar minuutjes zou duren en dat ze deze zo snel mogelijk zou krijgen.

De vrouw zei zeer onhoffelijk en denigrerend tegen de stewardess dat ze een Coca-Cola-Zero besteld zou hebben en gaf het blikje Coca-Cola-light aan de stewardess terug. De stewardess verontschuldigde zich en ging op zoek naar een blikje Coca-Cola-Zero (waarvan ze niet zo veel had). Toen zei ze dat ze maar één glas kon inschenken, niet het hele blikje.

Dat was het moment waarop de vrouw door het lint ging en tegen de stewardess zei: “Denkt u dat ik dat ding als wapen kan gebruiken of zo?! Waarom kan ik geen vol blikje krijgen? Ik geloof dat u mij discrimineert. Ik wil uw naam weten. . .” De vrouw bleef maar tegen de stewardess schreeuwen: “Ik wil uw naam weten . . . Ik word gediscrimineerd.”

Op dat moment zeiden enkele passagiers dat ze een beetje moest kalmeren en een jonge man zei tegen haar “dat ze haar mond moest houden en dat ze zichzelf belachelijk zou maken vanwege een blikje Coca-Cola.” Niemand zei iets anti-islamitisch tegen haar. Zij was degene die was begonnen met het schreeuwen van “discriminatie” toen ze niet kreeg wat ze wilde hebben.

De stewardess heeft haar meerdere malen gevraagd of ze iets anders wilde hebben, maar de vrouw duwde haar letterlijk opzij met een hand over haar gezicht. Toen pakte de vrouw haar mobiele telefoon, betaalde het internet met haar creditcard, zodat ze het incident op de sociale netwerken kon verspreiden en ze heeft absoluut niet gehuild.

Deze persoon is heel eenvoudig een leugenaarster, die de discriminatiekaart heeft gespeeld.”


Bron oorspronkelijk artikel:

Auteur: Diana Dempsey

Vertaald uit het Duits door: E.J. Bron ... more-91207
De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
Berichten: 52300
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Stel: je bent in de USA vrachtautochauffeur en Mohammedaan.
Dan mag je van dat geloof geen alcoholdrinken. Prima dus, nooit dronken achter het stuur.
Maar aangezien je als Mohammedaan ook altijd broeders hoeder bent, vindt je dat je geen alcohol mag vervoeren naar dorstige kelen.

Net zoiets dus als gehoofddoekte kassajuffen die geen flessen wijn willen afrekenen want haram.

Je baas zet je buiten want het is hem te lastig om alle ritten waar alcohol inzit door anderen te laten doen. Dan stap je naar de seculiere rechter want religie is heilig. Dan krijg je dit:
$240,000 jury award to Muslim truck drivers who were fired for refusing to transport alcohol
Tuesday, two Muslim truck drivers who were fired for refusing to deliver shipments containing alcohol were awarded $40,000 in compensatory damages and $200,000 in punitive damages by the jury in their discrimination claim.
The court noted that Star Transport had indeed often “swap[ped]’ loads between drivers,” and Star Transport conceded that it could have easily accommodated this request, too, but argued (unsuccessfully) that it shouldn’t be liable for punitive damages.
Happy end ?
But as the Peoria Journal Star (Andy Kravetz) notes, “Whether the men collect their money is another story. Star Transport went out of business earlier this year and it’s unknown who is now responsible for the judgment.”
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Ali Yas
Berichten: 7662
Lid geworden op: zo apr 15, 2012 3:24 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Ali Yas »

Mahalingam schreef:Je baas zet je buiten want het is hem te lastig om alle ritten waar alcohol inzit door anderen te laten doen. Dan stap je naar de seculiere rechter want religie is heilig.
Amerikaanse bedrijven gaan vanaf nu net even iets langer nadenken voor ze een moslim aannemen.
Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth.
Berichten: 52300
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Oh wee, oh wee, de backlash !!!
Overal kruipen Muzelmannen en -vrouwen weg want de buitenwereld is boos op ze. Ieder moment kan een progrom beginnen.
De moordpartijen in Brussel geven de Moslims in de USA een prachtig handvat om slachtoffer daarvan te spelen.
Hier zo'n breed uitgemeten voorval, mogelijk uitgelokt want (wat een toeval!!) ik lees dat een getuige klaar stond. En niet zomaar iemand: :
The story came to light when Jessica Raven, a director of the grassroots organization Collective Action for Safe Spaces who witnessed the encounter, reached out to DCist.
En wat voor verschrikkelijks gebeurde er? Een verbod op een hijab in een bibliotheek. Omdat een bewaker vanwege Brussel van de kook was en niet besefte dat hij niet mocht verbieden. Maar wie heeft hij iets verboden? Dat is lastig indentificeren met een hijab.
Following the incident, a spokesperson from the library told DCist that the officer had been removed from the location and that the police were investigating the incident, part of which will involve determining the identity of the woman who was allegedly harassed.
En nu het 'wij zijn slachtoffer" verhaal:
Muslim American Women’s Policy Forum Co-founder Darakshan Raja said in an interview with DCist that she believes Tuesday’s attacks in Brussels have ushered in yet another wave of racism, leaving many Muslim-Americans shaken. ... s-library/

Volgende duiding van slachtofferschap:
On Tuesday, journalist Raza Ahmad Rumi shared an infographic that demonstrated just how microscopic the combined population of ISIS, al-Qaida and the Taliban is relative to the global Muslim population.

“Yet ALL Muslims have to share collective guilt and punishment?” Rumi wrote.
En dan het dramatische slot van deze bijdrage:
“It’s a moment of a lot of fear for Muslims, especially Muslim women,” Raja told DCist. “After Brussels happened, I know women in D.C. who were afraid to leave their house.”
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52300
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Het ziet er naar uit dat CAIR met zijn Legal Jihad voor een keer op een verkeerd paard heeft gewed.
Slachtoffers van CAIR krijgen tegenwoordig rechtsbijstand van de AFLC (= American Freedom Law Center)
Hier zien wij de drie gehoofddoekte slachtoffers tijdens een persconferentie.:
De vrouw links is een usual suspect: Sara Farsakh (a college-age activist for Palestinian causes who self-promotes her involvement in radical organizations, at least one of which calls for the destruction of Israel. )

CAIR zorgde voor veel spektakel ermee.
De beschuldiging: ze werden uit het cafe gezet omdat ze hoofddoek dragen (en Moslim zijn).
Sarah zegt:
I am completely appalled by the racist and Islamophobic treatment some friends and I were subjected to by staff at Urth Caffé in Laguna Beach last night. What began as a night out with some friends ended as a painful and embarrassing reminder of what it is like to be visibly Muslim—even in liberal California. By visibly Muslim, I mean women who wear the hijab, or headscarf. ... 5780844667
De rechtszaak hierover gaat goed spaak lopen want de eigenaar van het cafe stapt naar de rechter: besmeuring goede naam, zakelijke schade.
Eerste tegenvaller voor CAIR: die eigenaar is Moslim dus die van islamofobie beschuldigen is lastig.
Ten tijde van het incident waren er nog meer gehoofddoekten. Dus disciminatie is lastig te staven.
California Muslimas sue cafe for discrimination; cafe countersues
“The Urth Caffe did not discriminate against the women who have filed this fraudulent lawsuit. The claim that these women were asked to leave the café because they were wearing hijabs is laughable. That night, as every Friday night, a large number of young people, including a majority of whom are Muslim and of Arab descent, make up the base of Urth Caffe’s customers. Not surprisingly, many of these customers are women wearing hijabs. None of these other Muslim women were asked to leave. The women who now claim victim status were not asked to leave, but only to abide by the café’s policy to give up their high-demand outside patio table after 45 minutes to allow other customers, including those wearing hijabs, to enjoy the experience.” ... ountersues
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Hans v d Mortel sr
Berichten: 17488
Lid geworden op: za jun 18, 2011 7:07 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Hans v d Mortel sr »

Als ik het goed begrijp gaat het om moslimhoeren die een café bezochten voor een kopje koffie. [icon_lol.gif]
Ik weet niks met zekerheid. Ik ben ontoerekeningsvatbaar gelovig atheïst wegens gebrek aan de vrije wil.
Berichten: 52300
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Deze profeet-groene pillen (=kauwgum en halal) werken zwaar benevelend.
Hier de video van CAIR.

Kwa humor vindt ik deze aardiger:
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 2510
Lid geworden op: do apr 14, 2016 8:43 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Pizzaman »

Zei daar iemand humor?

O ja uw kat in de gaten houden, ook die kan radicaliseren.
Ik voer 'm altijd veel varkensvlees zodat me dit niet gebeurt:

:thinking: ???

NB greatest hits:

Zalig zijn de onnozelen en simpelen van geest, want zij zullen er in lopen.
Berichten: 52300
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

CAIR is er in geslaagd om de University of California voor hun karretje te spannen. De media denken dan "echte feiten want universiteit' en nemen de persberichten over het rappportje gaarne tot zich. Dat geeft dan dit soort verhalen:
Rapport identificeert 'islamofoob netwerk' in VS
Een netwerk van tientallen islamofobe organisaties en websites wakkert haat tegen moslims in de VS aan. Zij krijgen steeds meer voet aan de grond, stelde een Amerikaanse islamitische organisatie deze week. Onzin, zeggen sommige van die organisaties: wij stellen jihadistische terreur aan de kaak en hanteren alleen wettelijke middelen.
Juist en die CAIR neemt het niet zo nauw met 'wettelijk' als het hun goede zaak bevordert.
D.C. circuit court: Hamas-linked CAIR must stand trial for massive fraud ... sive-fraud

Hier kom ik later nog op terug. Maar verder met het rapport.
De Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair) bracht maandag in samenwerking met de University of California een rapport uit over islamofobie. Daarin werd anti-islamitische wetten in tien staten, geweld tegen moskeeën en andere anti-islamitische incidenten in kaart gebracht.

Belangrijk onderdeel van het rapport is de beschrijving van wat Cair een 'islamofoob' netwerk noemt. Daaronder vallen clubs als, het David Horowitz Freedom Center, Gates of Vienna en de site van activiste Pamela Geller, een geestverwant van Geert Wilders.
De 'usual suspects' dus. Zou FFI er ook bij horen?
Naast deze 'harde kern' van islamofobe sites identificeren de onderzoekers nog ruim veertig organisaties die, zo wordt gezegd, regelmatig islamofobe uitingen publiceren. Daaronder is het conservatieve Fox News Channel en het programma Real Time van komiek en religiecriticus Bill Maher. Voormalig Kamerlid Ayaan Hirsi Ali wordt genoemd vanwege haar 'anti-moslim en anti-grondwettelijke retoriek'.
Nee maar, wordt Pat Condell dan helemaal genegeerd?
En de discriminatie-kaart wordt getrokken.
Het rapport van Cair stelt dat islamofobie niet anders is dan andere vormen van discriminatie, behalve dat er een nieuw doelwit is: moslims. Niet alle kritiek op de islam of moslims is islamofoob, aldus een voorbehoud in het zelfde rapport.
Reacties van David Spencer hier:
Wij kunnen ons aangesproken voelen:
Nieuws over islamitisch terrorisme en al dan niet vermeende misstanden uit de islamitische wereld is de core business van dit soort sites. Autoriteiten worden bekritiseerd omdat ze niet actief genoeg optreden tegen islamitisch geïnspireerd terrorisme. ... n-VS.dhtml
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52300
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

En nu over die fraude van CAIR (a self-described Muslim public interest law firm, was previously named as a Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas front group by the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office ).
D.C. circuit court: Hamas-linked CAIR must stand trial for massive fraud
The pending lawsuits allege that Morris Days, the “Resident Attorney” and “Manager for Civil Rights” at the now defunct CAIR-MD/VA chapter in Herndon, Virginia, was in fact not an attorney and that he failed to provide legal services for clients who came to CAIR for legal representation. As alleged, CAIR knew of this fraud and purposefully conspired with Days to keep the CAIR clients from discovering that their legal matters were being mishandled or not handled at all. Furthermore, the complaints allege that according to CAIR internal documents, there were hundreds of victims of the CAIR fraud scheme.

According to court documents, CAIR knew or should have known that Days was not a lawyer when it hired him. But, like many criminal organizations, things got worse when CAIR officials were confronted with clear evidence of Days’ fraudulent conduct. Rather than come clean and attempt to rectify past wrongs, CAIR conspired with its Virginia Chapter to conceal and further the fraud.

To this end, CAIR officials purposefully concealed the truth about Days from their clients, law enforcement, the Virginia and D.C. state bar associations, and the media. When CAIR did get irate calls from clients about Days’ failure to provide competent legal services, CAIR fraudulently deceived their clients about Days’ relationship to CAIR, suggesting he was never actually employed by CAIR, and even concealing the fact that CAIR had fired him once some of the victims began threatening to sue. ... sive-fraud
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
King George
Berichten: 24963
Lid geworden op: zo sep 11, 2011 1:22 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door King George »

Fuck THE Islam before THE Islam sucks you!
Laatst gewijzigd door King George op za jul 23, 2016 11:18 am, 1 keer totaal gewijzigd.
Het morele gelijk ligt bij het volk

Citaten van Mustafa Kemal Atatürk over de Islam
Berichten: 52300
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

CAIR komt weer om de hoek kijken en ontkent iedere betrokkenheid bij het in scene zetten en de daarop volgende legal jihad.
Muslim women kicked out of US cafe accused of ‘civilizational jihad’ by lawyer
A group of Muslim women who claim in a lawsuit they were kicked out of a California restaurant for wearing headscarfs have been accused of “civilizational jihad” by a lawyer for the restaurant, which has launched a countersuit.
The seven women, six of whom were wearing hijabs, were kicked out of Urth Caffe in Laguna Beach in April.

They claim that they were targeted for ejection because of their hijabs, though the cafe denies that, claiming that they were violating a policy which limited seating time to 45 minutes, and have also claimed that there were other women wearing headscarves present who were not thrown out.

David Yerushalmi, the lawyer representing Urth Caffe,..that the discrimination suit was “an extortion”, called the women’s lawyers “ambulance-chasers”, and said that he planned to bring a suit against both the plaintiffs and their legal team for malicious prosecution. The countersuit that he has brought in this case, however, is for trespassing.

Yerushalmi alleged that the suit against Urth Caffe was part of a wider “civilizational jihad” waged by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) which aims, he said, “to weaken western civilization”. ... ountersuit

Wat is er volgens CAIR fout aan die advocaat?
“I’m not privy to the details of the case, of their claim, and I would hope that a fair trial would allow us to know what happened,” he said. “But if anyone had any doubts about what happened on that day, those doubts are eliminated by the fact that the owners of Urth Caffe decided to retain David Yerushalmi.”
En ook volgens de advocaat van die hijabs:
“Their decision to hire this particular gentleman frankly makes our case. It demonstrates that this organization has no regard for the very Muslim clientele that it claims it caters to.”
Prima op elkaar afgestemd die verklaringen.
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 12339
Lid geworden op: zo jan 26, 2003 3:12 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Zwartmeer »

Een pacifistische moslim is als een vegetarische krokodil.
Berichten: 52300
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Het verlies van Hillary komt bij CAIR ook heel hard aan. Maar tussen al het anti-Trump nieuws vallen ze amper op. Sneu.
Hier komt ik ze dan toch tegen:
Trump bekritiseert demonstranten die betogen tegen zijn verkiezing
Op diverse plaatsen worden vernielingen aangericht. Politieauto's en winkels worden met stenen bekogeld. Volgens de politie proberen sommige betogers anderen te beletten schade aan te richten, maar worden ze door de relschoppers bedreigd en gewaarschuwd zich afzijdig te houden.
CAIR, een groep die de belangen van Amerikaanse moslims behartigt, zegt dat er na dinsdag meerdere incidenten zijn geweest. Er kwam onder meer een melding binnen van een vrouw met een hoofddoek die werd lastiggevallen met opmerkingen over Trump. Ook zou er racistische graffiti zijn gesignaleerd. ... ~a4413223/
Een beetje mager voor CAIR: iemand lastig gevallen en mogelijk ergens een anti-Islam leus.
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52300
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

En vandaag nog een tegenvaller voor CAIR en Co.
Ze hoopten dat de soep niet zo heet werd gegeten als die wordt opgediend.
In casu: op de website van Trump was de pagina met zijn 'geen moslims meer het land in" verdwenen. Een koerswijziging?
Nee, een technisch mankement. Het is weer terug. ... mmigration
Donald J. Trump Statement on Preventing Muslim Immigration
(New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, -- Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.
Mr. Trump stated, "Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again." - Donald J. Trump ... mmigration
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 89864
Lid geworden op: wo apr 07, 2004 10:30 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Ariel »

Mahalingam schreef: CAIR, een groep die de belangen van Amerikaanse moslims behartigt, zegt dat er na dinsdag meerdere incidenten zijn geweest. Er kwam onder meer een melding binnen van een vrouw met een hoofddoek die werd lastiggevallen met opmerkingen over Trump. Ook zou er racistische graffiti zijn gesignaleerd.
Jammer voor CAIR. :smile7: Muslim Student Who Reported Trump-Inspired Attack Admits She Made It Up, Police Say
A Muslim woman in Louisiana who told police she was attacked with a metal object and robbed of her headscarf and wallet by two men wearing Donald Trump clothing just hours after Trump was elected president admitted to police today that she made it up, Lafayette police told ABC News.

“She made up the entire story about being attacked, about her hijab being taken. There was no truth to any of it,” Lafayette Police Department spokesman Cpl. Karol Ratcliff said.

The 18-year-old University of Louisiana at Lafayette student, who police haven’t named, reported that two white men jumped out of a gray sedan and accosted her while she was walking near campus, striking her several times in the back with a metal object, and knocking her down. She also told police they shouted racial obscenities at her before fleeing. Police said they weren’t able to identify any suspects and that she declined medical treatment.

The report of the attack garnered national attention and elicited outrage today from the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana, which issued a firm rebuke of the attack, tying it to the anti-Muslim rhetoric of Trump’s campaign.

“We condemn this rhetoric and this behavior. We call on all Louisianians to reject anti-Muslim bigotry. Muslim Americans and residents have the same rights that we all do: to practice our religion freely and openly, to live and work without fear, and to participate equally in public life,” the ACLU of Louisiana said in a statement.

But by this afternoon, the student had changed her story.

“She caused all this stir over nothing. I don’t know what her motivation was,” Ratcliff said.

“Getting people upset and afraid is not the way to express your discontent," he said. "It’s just not the way to do it. And it’s not ok and that’s why there’s a consequence.”

The student will be charged with a misdemeanor for filing a false police report, but will likely not face any jail time, Ratcliff said.

“We’re moving on from it,” Ratcliff said. “She decided to tell the truth about not telling the truth.”
The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
but the heart of the fool to the left.
Berichten: 52300
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Oh Oh vreselijk. CAIR komt met het ontstellende bericht dat er haatbrieven zijn bezorgd bij moskeeten. En wat zo erg eraan is: beweerd wordt dat Trump met de Mohammedanen gaat doen wat Hitler met de Joden deed.


Stukjes tekst:
Children of Satan
Trump: is “new sherriff [sic] in town”
“You Muslims are a vile and filthy people. Your mothers are whores and your fathers are dogs,”
“You are evil. You worship the devil. But, your day of reckoning has arrived.”
“long live President Trump and God bless the USA.”
Niet verbazingwekkend: CAIR is tegen Trump. En als ze kunnen meedeinen op de golf van anti-Trump haat dan zullen ze dat niet laten. ... g-letters/
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52300
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Bij CAIR haten ze iedereen die geen Moslim is. En voor de goede orde haten ze ook Moslims die het niet met hun eens zijn.
Nu krijgen de dhimmies van de Democratische Partij de volle laag wegens moslimonvriendelijkheid.
Anti-Islam GOP survey alarms American Muslims
The seven-million-strong American Muslim community was alarmed at an anti-Islam question included in the Republican Party survey titled as "Listening to America."
The question No. 27 of the 32 question survey asks: "Are you concerned by the potential spread of Sharia Law?"
En het antwoord dient 'nee' te zijn. Maar de vraag had niet gesteld mogen worden.
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil liberties organization, Saturday (Nov 18) sent a letter to Republican Party leaders requesting a meeting and the immediate removal of the question.
  • "Just as it would be widely condemned as extremely inappropriate and indecent for the RNC to ask Americans if they are concerned about the potential spread of Catholic cannon law and Jewish Halacha, posing questions about the religious teachings practiced by American Muslims should be likewise condemned by the Republican Party.

    "This GOP survey question about religious principles of American Muslims is comparable to the darker chapters of our nation's history when Catholic and Jewish Americans were vilified and their loyalty to our nation was questioned.

    "The Republican Party should not allow its resources to be hijacked by those who would seek to use its stature in American society to fuel the rise of un-American and anti-Muslim bigotry in our country. ... 19-64.html
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Pilgrim »

Mahalingam schreef:Nu krijgen de dhimmies van de Democratische Partij de volle laag wegens moslimonvriendelijkheid.
Je bedoelt toch de Republikeinse partij?
De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
Berichten: 52300
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Juist. Mijn foute.
Je dient dus inplaats van "de dhimmies van de Democratische Partij" te lezen:
"de houwdegens van de Republikeinse Partij."
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52300
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

In de USA mag je niet zulke vragen stellen als;
"Where is terrorism encouraged in Islamic doctrine and law?"
"Who do Islamic terrorists strive to emulate?"
Scottsdale Community College apologizes after 'inappropriate' questions about Islam surface on quiz
Questions implying that terrorism is encouraged under the Islamic faith elicited a public apology from Scottsdale Community College after they appeared on a class quiz.

The college issued a statement last week after a student raised concerns and a social media post drew widespread attention.
Imraan Siddiqi, the executive director for the Arizona chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said the quiz was given in a political science class and the student who raised concerns is Muslim.
Siddiqi said CAIR Arizona was investigating the incident.
"Obviously this is something that is highly disturbing to us," he said. "We're concerned about seeing material like this in any setting."[...]
Materials misrepresenting the teachings of Islam are being shown to U.S. students in school, Siddiqi said. "It’s happening at all levels of the education system," he said.
As a result, CAIR Arizona works to speak with school administrators to ensure that educational materials are not biased toward anti-Muslim sentiment.
Siddiqi said the killing of innocents is completely forbidden under Islam, with the preservation of human life being of the utmost importance. ... 180581002/
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Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

CAIR Domestic Violence and Terror


According to his bio on CAIR-Florida’s website, Hassan Shibly “is blissfully married,” but that all depends on which wife CAIR is talking about. On December 29th, Imane Sadrati, the legal wife of CAIR representative Hassan Shibly – as opposed to his new Islamically-sanctioned wife Vanessa – created a GoFundMe page asking for financial assistance, claiming that she suffered both physical and mental abuse at the hands of Shibly and that Shibly had cut off funds from her. The allegations appear to have been taken seriously, as Shibly has secured “a leave of absence” from CAIR, while an “independent assessment” ensues and investigates the matter.

Sadrati’s GoFundMe page contains both a video and a written statement, part of which has been removed under advisement of her lawyers. She says she stands by everything mentioned previously, though, including the following: “[W]hen I was 9 months pregnant with my first born, my marriage became volatile and abusive. What I assumed was ‘just a disagreement’ turned into screams. What would have been annoying remarks suddenly became violent blows… My husband hurt me mentally, emotionally and physically behind closed doors and openly in front of my children… I need your support to put an end to domestic violence in my home!”

For this to be said about Shibly is huge, as he is a very important figure in CAIR, a group that speaks, in large part, for the Muslim-American community and which has documented ties to Hamas. Shibly is the Executive Director of CAIR’s Florida chapter, a position he has held since 2014, and he has been highly visible in his pursuits as CAIR-Florida leader (and lawyer), from attempting to regain the American citizenship of ISIS bride Hoda Muthana to trying to convince the courts that the federal ‘terrorism watch list’ is unconstitutional. For years, Shibly’s own name was found on the list, and given CAIR’s relationship to overseas terror, that makes sense.

Shibly posted onto Facebook long responses to his wife’s allegations, making allegations of his own. Much of the texts read like legal documents, and Shibly, who is a practicing attorney, was careful with his wording. Originally, he acknowledged some “mutual pushing” but, later, denied any physical abuse against Sadrati. In fact, he said that it was she that abused him, at one point “losing her temper” and punching him repeatedly in the face. He did admit, though, that he does not “claim to be sinless or without error in this marriage.” Rumors have surfaced of Shibly’s potential infidelity, during his marriage to Sadrati, and his words may be alluding to such.

According to Shibly, he and Sadrati have been legally separated and she sought to take up residence in Morocco, leaving their three children under the care of Shibly and his mother. Sadrati is a travel consultant and curator of Moroccan tours. It has been posed online, via Feminist Islamic Troublemakers of North America (FITNA) – a site that supports her – that Sadrati has been working in Morocco to raise money, readying herself for a child custody battle. And while it is hard to understand how a mother can leave her children with an alleged abuser for long periods of time, there are aspects of Shibly’s life that must be taken into account.

As stated, Shibly works for CAIR, which has strong links to overseas terror, and Shibly, himself, was placed on a terrorism watch list. Shibly, who is vehemently anti-Israel, has stated that his group relies on the Islamic Community of Tampa (ICT), a mosque founded by persons related to Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), for “programs” and “fundraising,” and only in 2019, Shibly met with convicted PIJ member, Hatem Fariz, at CAIR’s Tampa headquarters. As well, Shibly owns firearms, and provided his radical background along with his alleged history of domestic violence, trusting Shibly’s words could be a big mistake, especially when children are involved.

Throughout Shibly’s response to Sadrati’s charges, he has made it a point to repeatedly state that they are divorced, albeit Islamically. He wrote, “Imane and I have been separated for two years and divorced since Ramadan” and “Imane and I separated after Ramadan 2019 and completed our Islamic divorce, per her insistence, in Ramadan of 2020” and “Imane and I have been separated or divorced for nearly two years before I met Vanessa.” Yet, a warranty deed both Shibly and Sadrati showed up together to sign in July 2020, which was after Ramadan, explicitly describes them as “Hassan Shibly, a married man, joined by his wife, Imane Sadrati.”

Former CAIR-Florida Communications and Outreach Director, Samantha Bowden, has been highly critical of Shibly, posting on her Facebook page a graphic labeling Shibly a “pervert,” “abuser,” manipulator” and “monster,” declaring “I STAND AS A WITNESS TO ALL OF THIS BEHAVIOR.” In another post, Bowden stated, “I heard him yell at his wife and talk down to her… It is well known Shibley has chased many women to be [in his] haram of wives.” She said an NPR reporter interviewed “many women about Hassan” and will be issuing a piece on it. She too claimed that former CAIR leader Ahmed Bedier was suspended from his radio job at WMNF Tampa, in 2018, labeling him a “WELL KNOWN sexual harasser” of a “dozen plus women.”

And what of Shibly’s new wife, Vanessa, who is not legally married to Shibly but wed via Islam (nikkah)? According to her YouTube page, MiscellaneousVee, Vanessa suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). She has made videos about being addicted to drugs, being in abusive relationships, and “fear of abandonment.” If what is alleged about Shibly is true, these issues make her easy prey. And as FITNA Facebook moderator Imani Rodriguez stated about the type of marriage Vanessa is in – one without legal rights – “Seeing as Hassan did a nikkah with Vanessa, it’s safe to assume Vanessa can potentially be Hassan’s next victim.”

This is not the only instance that a CAIR official has been accused of such abuse. In December 2015, Rasha Mubarak, who like Shibly despises Israel, held the position of CAIR Central Florida Regional Director. That same month, while separated from her husband, Mohammad Amori, her husband petitioned the court to produce an injunction for protection against domestic violence from Mubarak. Amori described for the court a series of disturbing incidents allegedly carried out by Mubarak, which included stalking; trespassing; showing up uninvited to his job, parents’ house and dentist’s office; disturbing the peace; and jumping on him and the hood of his car.

CAIR-Florida’s letter, announcing its independent review of the claims against Shibly, fails to mention Shibly by name and repeats Shibly’s false line from his response to the accusations against him that Sadrati is a “prior marriage.” This, while others are accusing Shibly of bigamy. CAIR National has yet to respond; although, the photo atop its Facebook page, prominently displaying Shibly and his smiling face in the center of what seems to be the country-wide officials and representatives of CAIR, may be a response in itself.

Regardless of CAIR’s initial reticence in the matter, the case versus Hassan Shibly is far from over, as many, including the women of FITNA, have been relentless in support of Sadrati and against Shibly and do not appear to be letting up any time soon. The Shibly domestic abuse saga is hitting CAIR in its core and threatens to expose other potential misconduct by its officials, leaving one to wonder if Shibly will be the only casualty once the dust settles. ... e-kaufman/
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Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Muslim group sues US state for not allowing imam into execution chamber

Council on American Islamic Relations files lawsuit against Alabama Department of Corrections for not allowing Imam Yousef Maisonet to pray with inmate at his execution

An American Muslim civil rights group filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of an imam who was denied the right to accompany a Muslim death row inmate during his execution two years ago.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced on Thursday that it filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the Southern District of Alabama asking for a policy to allow imams to accompany death row inmates at their executions.

The lawsuit comes two years after Imam Yousef Maisonet, a Muslim religious leader in Alabama, requested to be at the side of death row inmate Domineque Hakim Ray - who was sentenced to death for the 1995 rape and murder of a 15-year-old girl.

At the time, Maisonet was denied by prison officials because he was not an employee of the correctional facility. Instead, the Department of Corrections said they would provide a Christian prison chaplain to be present.

"The chaplain told me, 'Well, I'm gonna be in the chamber'. I told him, 'Well look, he's not a Christian, he's Muslim and I should be the one that should be in there'," Maisonet said during a news conference held on Thursday.

Maisonet continued to challenge the prison, and a federal appeals court granted Ray a stay of execution to determine whether the prison had violated the first amendment of the US Constitution by favouring one religion over another.

Despite this, the Supreme Court ruled in favour of going forward with the execution without the presence of any religious figure - Christian or Muslim - and Maisonet watched Ray's execution from a separate room.

"I was able to observe the execution, but it was hard to see a Muslim die with the state of Alabama denying him his rights, to die with his religious beliefs," Maisonet said.

The denial of allowing an imam to be at Ray's side during the execution caused outrage both domestically and internationally.

In federal prisons, unlike state facilities, inmates on death row are allowed access to faith leaders from the religion they practice, and those individuals are allowed access to the inmates all the way up to the execution, Gadeir Abbas, senior litigation attorney at CAIR, noted during a news conference on Thursday.

Abbas said the case was "about the religious liberty of imams to carry out their religious beliefs and tending to those that society has decided to kill".

"That's what this lawsuit is about, and we are hopeful that the state of Alabama will either come to its senses, or a federal court will intervene to move beyond these exclusions of religious leaders." ... lim-inmate
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Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene zei (tweet): “Islam is not a religion of peace.”
Tamelijk evident als je de situatie in Afghanistan op dit moment ziet.
Maar dat mag niet gezegd worden. En dus roepen beroepsmoslims van CAIR om haar hoofd. Figuurlijk nog wel want in de USA mogen Boze Moslims geen mensen onthoofden.
En Majorie mag geen volksvertegenwoordiger zijn volgens de fanaten van CAIR (die zichzelf heel gematigd noemen).
"In March, CAIR and CAIR-Georgia renewed their call to expel Greene from Congress over her racist comments targeting a Muslim woman. "
En dat was:
"In response to a tweet from Rep. Omar stating “Palestinian lives matter. Pass it On,” Rep. Greene replied “Jewish lives matter. So tell your terrorist buddies in Hamas to stop bombing them. #JihadSquad.” "
Dat viel die Mohammedanen zwaar op de maag.
“Republican Leader McCarthy should swiftly rebuke Marjorie Taylor Greene for her latest attack on Islam and make clear that House Republicans will no longer tolerate her cancerous bigotry, including a history of racist and anti-Semitic remarks.

“Republican leadership should prioritize making their party a welcoming place for all Americans – not a party for bigots who insult the faith of our nation’s eight million Muslims.” ... lam-tweet/
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Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: USA: CAIR, de Ikhwan en Co

Bericht door Mahalingam »

CAIR Loses Appeal on Suit Aimed at Muzzling Arizona Professor

A Scottsdale Community College professor did not violate his Muslim student's rights when he taught about religious justification in Islamic terrorism, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday.

The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district judge's 2020 ruling dismissing the lawsuit filed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) on behalf of student Mohamed Sabra. In her 2020 order, District Judge Susan M. Brnovich found that Nicholas Damask's World Politics coursework and quizzes did not violate Sabra's First Amendment rights or require him to abandon his faith as a Muslim.

"Curriculum that merely conflicts with a student's religious beliefs does not violate the Free Exercise Clause," she wrote, citing precedent.
"Dr. Damask's course did not inhibit Mr. Sabra's personal worship in any way," Brnovich wrote.
Instead, students merely were asked to "demonstrate an understanding of the material taught."
The appellate court agreed. In a 2-1 ruling, it found that "Sabra suffered no First Amendment injury through his mere exposure to inflammatory course materials."

"This is a win for civilization," Damask told the Investigative Project on Terrorism Thursday morning. "Our values, our institutions are being eroded all around us. It's an odd coalition of the left and multiculturalists and the psychotic, and they're working to undermine everything that's core, that's central to America. And here's one little bright spot that our core values, our institutions like higher education, have been saved."

He remains on the Scottsdale faculty and just completed his latest World Politics course with no changes in its content. CAIR sued both the college district and Damask individually, but the courts agreed that, as a public employee, he had qualified immunity for issues related to his work.

An adverse ruling would reverberate far beyond his classroom. "It would affect every single school teacher, K-12, in any public institution with a teaching or education format. Who'd want to do that? Who'd want to be an educator of any sort? You personally could be sued by these creepy organizations like CAIR."

CAIR's lawsuit wanted to force the removal of course materials it claimed to "have the primary effect of disapproving of Islam." It also took issue with a slide in Damask's lessons that featured an image of Islam's prophet Muhammad.

"Their arguments are gibberish and I think they know that," Damask said. But CAIR sees it as "'a legal jihad we're waging here. We're looking to intimidate.' Which is an odd position for a civil rights group."

Sabra's complaint focused on quiz questions which asked whether Islamic terrorists try to emulate Muhammad, whether terrorism is "encouraged in Islamic doctrine," and whether it is justified within Islam.
The questions, Sabra complained, forced him to "either disavow his religion or be punished by getting the answers wrong on the quiz."
After the quiz, Sabra wrote to Damask to express his concern.

The course wasn't "'for' or 'against' anything" Damask responded, "but aim[ed] to explain international politics." The quiz questions did not aim to determine whether the interpretations were right or wrong, "but rather to convey what terrorists believe," the Ninth Circuit court said.

But Sabra never tried to ask Damask to clarify the intent behind the questions. He never filed a complaint with the school. Instead, he took his grievance to social media, which stoked emotions and led to threats against Damask and the school.
"It went from zero to 100," Damask said, "from having a class for 24 years to now you're being dragged into federal court."
"But in teaching about terrorism, understanding what is motivating tens of thousands of young men across the Muslim world, middle and upper class," who are joining jihad is relevant and important, he said. "It's same sources is motivating them. The point is not 'are they correct or incorrect about that source,' the point is that's what's motivating them."

The section on Islamic terrorism, the ruling noted, represented "a fragment of a single module that was itself just one-sixth of the [World Politics] course."

And Damask's course did not trample on the First Amendment's Establishment clause, as CAIR argued.

"Indeed, the most instructive authority we have identified goes the other way," the Ninth Circuit ruling said. It cited a Fourth Circuit case from 2019 in which a Christian student objected to questions about Islam's shahada, a declaration that there "is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah." Correctly knowing its content, the ruling found, was not a requirement that the student "engage in any devotional practice related to Islam." Instead, it was simply "an academic exercise to demonstrate her understanding of the world history curriculum."

CAIR also claimed that Damask frustrated its work to fight "Islamophobia" because it had to work with a religious scholar to develop a program rebutting his coursework.

The court criticized CAIR attorneys for failing to follow through on one of their claims against the community college district. Its lawsuit claimed that Damask, as a summer department chair was a "final policymaker" for the College District, which "knew or had constructive knowledge" that he "was teaching the disapproval of Islam."

The district rejected that claim in its brief, but CAIR said nothing more, thus abandoning the claim, the court ruled. "This failure cannot be attributed to any lack of opportunity. The Reply Brief reported that it contained 5,400 words. Under our court's rules, a reply brief can extend to 7,000 words. ... We can only infer that Plaintiffs had nothing to say."

Despite Damask's court victory, CAIR's intimidation may be working, he said. There is a worry that professors might self-censor their instruction rather than risk a similar experience.

"I understand that not everybody, for very good reasons, can do the right thing and do what's right," Damask said. "They have families, they're older and have to retire. But I hope this is encouraging that teachers, average people, professors will stand up to this intimidation." ... t-muzzling
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