Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Deze afdeling is voor algemene topics die niet passen in wat reeds voorzien is. Ze moeten wel aansluiten bij ons thema.
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door Pilgrim »

Waterdichte methode om buitenaards leven op te sporen, losgelaten op Amsterdam

Caroline Kraaijvanger, 18 februari 2019

En wat blijkt: er is leven in de hoofdstad! Een enorme opsteker voor de onderzoekers.

Zoeken naar leven op andere planeten. Dat lijkt misschien niet zo lastig. Tot je bedenkt dat we het – door een gebrek aan sterrenschepen waarmee we in korte tijd enorme afstanden kunnen overbruggen – van grote afstand moeten doen. Dan wordt het opeens een stuk lastiger. Want hoe kun je levende wezens van een lichtjaar of tien afstand herkennen? Er zijn reeds verschillende methoden geopperd, maar geen van alleen zijn ze waterdicht. Zo hebben onderzoekers bijvoorbeeld voorgesteld om in de atmosfeer van planeten op zoek te gaan naar zuurstof, aangezien een aanzienlijk deel van de zuurstof in onze atmosfeer gegenereerd wordt door... leven. Maar inmiddels weten we dat zuurstof ook kan ontstaan door niet-biologische processen en dus niet de beste graadmeter is in de zoektocht naar buitenaards leven.

Gelukkig is er nu goed nieuws. Nederlandse onderzoekers hebben namelijk een instrument ontwikkeld waarmee ze op afstand leven kunnen detecteren. En de eerste experimenten met het instrument – uitgevoerd in Amsterdam – zijn hoopgevend. Het instrument bleek in onze hoofdstad namelijk feilloos onderscheid te kunnen maken tussen namaak- en echt leven.

Hoe werkt het instrument?
Moleculen waaruit leven is opgebouwd weerkaatsen het invallend licht gedraaid. Dat gedraaide licht – ook wel circulair gepolariseerd licht genoemd – verplaatst zich als een soort kurkentrekker en kan met speciale apparatuur vanaf grote afstand worden waargenomen. Onderzoeker Lucas Patty heeft een instrument gebouwd waarmee hij dat circulair gepolariseerd licht kan ‘zien’: TreePol. TreePol richt zich specifiek op gedraaid licht afkomstig van bladgroen. Maar bij positieve resultaten moet het ook mogelijk zijn om andere levensvormen op basis van dit geweerkaatste licht op te sporen: vrijwel alle moleculen waaruit leven is opgebouwd zetten invallend licht namelijk om in dat circulair gepolariseerde licht.

En positieve resultaten zijn er dus! Patty liet het instrument eerst los op bladeren van klimop en ficus in het lab. Daaruit bleek dat het instrument gebruikt kan worden om gezonde gewassen en gewassen die doodgaan van elkaar te onderscheiden. Maar experimenten vanaf het dak van het O2-gebouw van de VU wijzen nu dus uit dat het instrument ook onderscheid kan maken tussen leven en namaak-leven. Dat ontdekte Patty toen hij het instrument op de voetbalvelden van FC Buitenveldert richtte en er geen signaal kwam. “Toen ben ik naar de velden gelopen, wat bleek? Kunstgras!” Patty richtte het instrument vervolgens op de bomen van het Amsterdamse Bos en verkreeg direct een signaal.

Buitenaards leven
Het is hoopgevend. Volgens Patty – die zijn resultaten deze week wereldkundig maakt tijdens de verdediging van zijn proefschrift – kan de methode in de toekomst gebruikt worden bij de zoektocht naar buitenaards leven. En ook sterrenkundige en mede-ontwikkelaar Frans Snik is enthousiast. “We zijn zelfs al bezig met een versie die geschikt is voor het internationale ruimtestation of voor een maanlander.”

Dat onderzoekers zo enthousiast zijn over TreePol komt doordat het op het moment eigenlijk de enige waterdichte methode is voor het opsporen van leven. Tot op heden is circulair gepolariseerd licht – waaruit TreePol dus afleidt dat er leven is – nog nooit waargenomen in de afwezigheid van leven.

Overigens is TreePol niet alleen interessant voor astrobiologen. Ook wat dichter bij huis kan het instrument worden ingezet. Zo wordt momenteel gekeken of TreePol gebruikt kan worden voor het monitoren van landbouwgewassen vanuit een vliegtuig of satelliet.

Eerder kon je op Scientias.nl in een interview met Frans Snik al lezen dat de zoektocht naar leven heel lastig is. In het artikel wordt ook TreePol en de toen nog voorlopige resultaten van experimenten met het instrument aangehaald. Ondanks dat Snik erkent dat het lastig is om aliens te vinden, is hij er wel van overtuigd dat het ons gaat lukken. Binnen dertig jaar hebben we ze, aldus Snik!

https://www.scientias.nl/waterdichte-me ... amsterdam/
De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door Pilgrim »

SeaBubbles testing the Fly By Wire control system
SeaBubbles - Gepubliceerd op 4 apr. 2018

Moe van files en overvolle treinen? Maak kennis met de vliegende watertaxi - RTL NIEUWS
RTL Nieuws - Gepubliceerd op 31 mei 2018

De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door Pilgrim »

Robots en algoritmes schrijven deel van het nieuws en manipuleren verkiezingen

Xander, 19-02-2019

Afbeelding: Getty Images (3).

Nu al bijna de helft van alle banen op de tocht vanwege automatisering

AI’s, kunstmatige intelligenties die inmiddels ook in op mensen lijkende robots worden gezet, beginnen steeds meer werk van echte mensen over te nemen. Dat begon jaren geleden al in de industrie met naar verhouding simpele technische taken zoals het in elkaar zetten van bijvoorbeeld auto’s en computers. AI’s kunnen inmiddels ook auto’s besturen, en blijken bij grote kranten zoals de New York Times en Bloomberg News zelfs al een derde van alle artikelen te schrijven. Het gaat dan wel om eenvoudige dagelijkse standaardberichten, en niet om complexere (onderzoeks)journalistiek. Echt zorgwekkend zijn de AI’s die Google en Facebook gebruiken, want daarmee kan –en wordt- de mening van de lezers gemanipuleerd en gevormd, en worden verkiezingen op bijna onzichtbare wijze beïnvloed.

De twee genoemde Amerikaanse kranten maken gebruik van een AI systeem genaamd Cyborg. Dat creëert eenvoudige standaard berichten, bijvoorbeeld financieel nieuws met begeleidende statistieken en grafieken. Ook de Washington Post, Los Angeles Times en ’s werelds grootste persbureaus Reuters en Associated Press maken gebruik van algoritmes die berichten schrijven over het weer, sport en bijvoorbeeld aardbevingen.

Vorig jaar kreeg de Washington Post zelfs de eerste prijs in de categorie ‘excellente gebruik van BOTS’ voor het gebruik van zijn robot verslaggever Heliograf tijdens de Olympische Spelen van 2016.

Tijd over voor het ‘het echte werk’
Journalisten blijken niet per se negatief te staan tegenover de ontwikkelingen, want voor hen is niets saaier dan iedere dag vrijwel dezelfde artikeltjes te moeten schrijven over ‘banale’ zaken zoals sportwedstrijden, het weer of de ontwikkelingen op de beurs. Nu houden ze meer tijd over voor ‘het echte werk’, zoals uitgebreidere artikelen over onderwerpen waar nader onderzoek voor nodig is, hun schrijftalent voor dient te worden aangesproken, en waar soms diep over moet worden nagedacht.

47% banen op de tocht
De komst van kunstmatige intelligenties wordt niet overal positief ontvangen. Uit een recente studie van de Universiteit van Oxford blijkt dat 47% van de banen inmiddels het risico lopen te worden geautomatiseerd, vooral het werk dat voornamelijk bestaat uit duidelijk omschreven stap-voor-stap procedures (1). Daar valt inmiddels ook zoiets als het aannemen van bestellingen bij de McDrive onder. Tevens wordt er druk geëxperimenteerd met geautomatiseerd vervoer over weg en spoor.

‘Algoritmische censuur’ door Facebook en Google
Over de gevaarlijke kanten van AI’s, zoals de komst van zelfdenkende en autonoom opererende en besluitende ‘killer’ robots en drones in het leger, is al vaak geschreven.

Minder duidelijk, maar niet minder zorgwekkend zijn de reeds bij Google en Facebook reeds in gebruik zijnde AI systemen die volgens sociologen neerkomen op ‘algoritmische censuur’. Deze AI’s bepalen of nieuwsberichten wel of minder c.q. niet belangrijk zijn, welke er gepromoot moeten worden en welke niet. Men beweert weliswaar dat dit zonder menselijke tussenkomst gaat, maar die algoritmes moeten wel degelijk worden geprogrammeerd.

Bovendien bleek Facebook in juli 2018 geëxperimenteerd te hebben met het zonder instemming en zelfs zonder aankondiging veranderen van de content van de newsfeed van gebruikers. Toen dit eenmaal bekend werd waren de reacties overweldigend negatief, niet zozeer vanwege het experimenteren op zich, maar omdat de persoonlijke newsfeed van de gebruiker ongevraagd van buitenaf werd gemanipuleerd. Het doel daarvan was (/is) om bij mensen een bepaalde emotie op te roepen of juist af te zwakken.

Google manipuleert zoekresultaten en kan verkiezingen doen kantelen
In mei van dat jaar was uit ander onderzoek gebleken dat Google op vergelijkbare wijze verkiezingen kan manipuleren, en dat hoogstwaarschijnlijk al doet en gedaan heeft, zeker in de VS, maar op dit moment vermoedelijk ook in de EU. Zo worden in zoekresultaten de door de gevestigde orde gewenste –dus politiek correcte- kandidaten bovenaan gezet, en de zogenaamd ‘rechtse’, conservatieve en ‘populistische’ juist veel lager of zelfs helemaal weggelaten. En als die al in de zoekresultaten verschijnen, dan zijn de bovenste resultaten bijna altijd negatief van toon (zoals met bijv. Donald Trump het geval is).

Uit de studie kwam naar voren dat Google slechts 1% van de artikelen die positief over een partij schrijven (in de VS de Democraten, in Europa alles wat pro-EU is) voor hoeft te trekken om verkiezingen te doen kantelen. Natuurlijk zou dat hoogst onethisch zijn, maar we weten inmiddels hoe de grote tech-giganten tegen ethiek aankijken: dat is iets wat alleen zij mogen bepalen, en niet het volk.

‘We moeten hen maar vertrouwen, want wat kan er mis gaan?’ Gezien de enorme nepnieuws-propaganda over tal van onderwerpen in de Westerse media is het onthutsende antwoord daarop helaas maar al te duidelijk.


(1) The Mind Unleashed
(2) The Guardian
(3) Afbeelding: Getty Images (vrij voor redactioneel, niet commercieel gebruik)

http://xandernieuws.punt.nl/content/201 ... rkiezingen
De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door Pilgrim »

Ruimtevliegtuig Virgin Galactic reist met eerste passagier naar grens ruimte

22 februari 2019


Het ruimtevliegtuig SpaceShipTwo van Virgin Galactic heeft vrijdag voor het eerst met een passagier aan boord het grensgebied van de ruimte bereikt.

Het ruimtevliegtuig, van het model VSS Unity, bereikte vrijdagavond een hoogte van 89,9 kilometer, maakt Virgin Galactic via Twitter bekend. Dat is nog onder de Kármánlijn, de grens waar luchtvaart ophoudt en ruimtevaart begint.

Het passeren van de grens van 80 kilomter boven de aarde is wel genoeg om door de Amerikaanse overheid erkend te worden als ruimtevaarder. In december lukte dat Virgin Galactic ook al. De VSS Unity met twee piloten bereikte toen voor het eerst het grensgebied van de ruimte.

Naast twee piloten was er vrijdag ook een passagier in het ruimtevliegtuig aanwezig: Beth Moses. Zij werkt bij Virgin Galactic als hoofdinstructeur voor astronauten.

Na de ruimtereis landde de SpaceShipTwo rond 18.00 uur Nederlandse tijd op de luchthaven Mojave Air and Space Port in de Amerikaanse staat Californië.

Virgin Galactic wil ruimtetoerisme aanbieden
Moses was aan boord om te evalueren hoe een toekomstige klant van Virgin Galactic de reis zou ervaren.

Het ruimtevaartbedrijf van Richard Branson wil op termijn commerciële ruimtereizen aanbieden aan toeristen. Branson wil in de zomer van 2019 als eerste commerciële passagier een toeristische ruimtereis maken met een ruimtevliegtuig van zijn bedrijf.

Onder meer acteur Leonardo DiCaprio en popster Justin Bieber hebben een ticket voor een ruimtereis geboekt. De reis van negentig minuten kost 250.000 dollar (ruim 220.000 euro).

https://www.nu.nl/wetenschap/5757582/ru ... uimte.html
De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
Berichten: 8906
Lid geworden op: do jun 30, 2011 11:18 pm

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door xplosive »

In de vrij recent verschenen publicatie DARPA 1958-2018 van DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) ter gelegenheid van hun 60-jarig bestaan is veel te lezen over welke kant het uit zou kunnen gaan met toekomstige technologie.

Er staat onder meer iets in over het in 2014 gestarte A2P (atoms to product) project van DARPA op pagina 36 en 37. Dit met als uiteindelijk ideaal APM (atomically precise manufacturing). DARPA werkt wat dat aangaat blijkbaar samen met AIM (Advanced Interconnect Manufacturing).

In deze post van mij uit augustus 2014 had ik hier ook al aan gerefereerd. En in deze post van mij uit januari 2015 maakte ik melding van een speculatie dat DARPA mogelijk al in 2019 de techniek voor APM ontwikkeld zou kunnen hebben. Nu is het 2019 en APM is nog niet gerealiseerd. Ondanks progressie in additive manufacturing (ook wel 3D printing genoemd) heb ik voorlopig niet de indruk dat APM al op korte termijn gerealiseerd gaat worden.
Gun jezelf wat je een ander toewenst     islam = racisme   & de hel op aarde voor mens en dier
                                   koran = racistisch & handboek voor criminelen
      Moslimlanden bewijzen dagelijks:    meer islam = meer verkrachte mensenrechten
Berichten: 8906
Lid geworden op: do jun 30, 2011 11:18 pm

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door xplosive »

By Pooja Singh, February 20, 2019


Most business leaders and entrepreneurs today realise that artificial intelligence (AI) is essential for the growth and competitiveness of their organizations. In fact, the AI technology will allow the rate of innovation and employee productivity improvements in Asia Pacific to nearly double (1.9 times, to be precise) by 2021, according to business leaders in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region.

These were some of the findings of a study from Microsoft and IDC Asia/Pacific, "Future Ready Business: Assessing Asia's Growth Potential Through AI", which surveyed over 1,600 business leaders and over 1,580 workers across 15 markets, including Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. Among the industries polled included agriculture, automotive, education, financial services, government, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, services and telco/media.

Fast-rate Growth
Eight in 10 business leaders from companies with more than 250 staff agreed that AI is instrumental for their organization's competitiveness, the study said. Despite this, only 41 per cent of organizations in the region have embarked on their AI journeys. Those organizations that have adopted AI expect it to increase their competitiveness 100 per cent by 2021.

"Today, every company is a software company, and increasingly, every interaction is digital. To be successful in this new world, organizations need to be a fast adopter of best-in-class technology; and secondly, they need to build their own unique digital capabilities," says Ralph Haupter, president, Microsoft Asia. "AI is the defining technology of our time that significantly accelerates business transformation, enables innovation, boosts employee productivity, and ensures further growth. Economies and businesses that have yet to embark on their AI journey run a real risk of missing out on the competitive benefits that are enjoyed by leaders," he adds, in the report.

Technology Adoption
For companies that have employed AI in their work, the top five business drivers to adopt the technology were better customer engagement (26 per cent of respondents named it as the No.1 driver), higher competitiveness (19 per cent), higher margins (18 per cent), accelerated innovation (15 per cent) and more productive employees (9 per cent).

Victor Lim, vice president (consulting operations), IDC Asia/Pacific, says, "Last year, organizations that have adopted AI saw tangible improvements in those areas in the range of 18 per cent to 26 per cent. They forecast further improvements of at least 1.8 times in the three-year horizon, with the biggest jump expected in accelerated innovation and competitiveness."

Need for Success
According to the report, the success of a country's AI journey is dependent on six dimensions. It says the APAC region needs to build upon its strategy, capabilities and infrastructure in order to accelerate its AI journey.

"Asia Pacific is not ready yet for AI. To succeed in AI race, markets in the region need to substantially improve their readiness. Organizations' leadership should make AI a core part of their strategy and develop a learning agility culture. They have to continuously invest in this transformative technology for the long-term success, sometimes without immediate returns," Lim says. "There is an urgent need for talents and tools to develop, deploy and monitor AI models, along with the availability of a robust data estate with the adequate governance."

Business leaders who are adopting AI face three top challenges: a lack of thought leadership and leadership commitment to invest in AI, lack of tools and infrastructure to develop actionable insights, and a lack of skills, resources and continuous learning programs.

The study showed that to move ahead on their AI journeys businesses have to create the right organizational culture. More than half of the business leaders and workers surveyed believe that cultural traits that support AI journeys, such as risk-taking, proactive innovation, as well as cross-function partnerships among teams, are not pervasive today.

"Business leaders must now embrace a new culture, where innovation and continuous learning are core components of the organizational culture. It sets the stage for agility, adaptability and growth," says Haupter.

When it comes to creating or replacing jobs, Lim adds, 18 per cent of business leaders believe that AI will produce new jobs, whereas 15 per cent feel that the technology will replace jobs. Interestingly, workers are more optimistic, with only 5 per cent expecting AI to replace jobs, while 13 per cent anticipate AI to create new ones, he says.

The study also found that workers are more willing to reskill than business leaders believe they are. Twenty per cent of business leaders say it may be too difficult for workers to develop new skills, while only 14 per cent of workers felt it was a challenge.

Haupter adds: "It is heartening to see that 84 per cent of businesses prioritize skilling and reskilling of workers in the future. They plan to invest as much, or even more, in human capital than in new technology. Even so, 64 per cent of business leaders have yet to implement plans to help their employees' to acquire the right skills, which is worrying in today's context. They must have the urgency to support the fundamental shift in training workers for the future.

"The jobs of today will not be the jobs of tomorrow, and we have already seen demand for software engineering roles expand rapidly beyond just the tech sector. However, building an AI-ready workforce does not necessarily mean an acute need for technological skills."
Gun jezelf wat je een ander toewenst     islam = racisme   & de hel op aarde voor mens en dier
                                   koran = racistisch & handboek voor criminelen
      Moslimlanden bewijzen dagelijks:    meer islam = meer verkrachte mensenrechten
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door Pilgrim »

Crew Dragon meert succesvol aan bij het internationaal ruimtestation

Vivian Lammerse, 4 maart 2019

Ook deze kan SpaceX in zijn zak steken!

Het is ruimtevaartuig Crew Dragon gelukt om geheel autonoom aan te meren bij het internationaal ruimtestation ISS. Crew Dragon kwam er gisteren net voor de middag aan.

Elon Musk

SpaceX Crew Dragon has docked with International @Space_Station
85.714 12:15 - 3 mrt. 2019
Ook het luik is succesvol geopend. Het plan is dat het vaartuig de komende vijf dagen bij het ruimtestation zal blijven hangen.


Hatch is open! Crew Dragon will now spend 5 days at the @space_station
32.004 14:10 - 3 mrt. 2019
Crew Dragon werd afgelopen zaterdag succesvol gelanceerd met behulp van een Falcon 9-raket vanaf Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Het was de eerste keer in de geschiedenis dat er een commercieel gebouwd Amerikaans ruimtevaartuig vanaf Amerikaanse bodem naar het internationaal ruimtestation geschoten werd. “De lancering (…) is een revolutionaire stap op onze weg om mensen op de maan, op Mars en daarbuiten te krijgen,” zegt Jim Bridenstine van NASA.

Nadat Crew Dragon gelanceerd werd, reisde het in ongeveer een dag naar het internationaal ruimtestation af. Crew Dragon is uitgerust met een een volautomatisch aanmeersysteem voor het ISS, waarmee het zichzelf aan één van de International Docking Adapters (IDA 2 of IDA 3) kan koppelen. En dit ging allemaal geheel volgens plan.

Hoewel het ruimtevaartuig is gebouwd om vier astronauten mee te nemen, bevinden er zich tijdens deze demonstratievlucht nog geen mensen aan boord. Maar Crew Dragon komt niet met lege handen bij het ISS aan. Zo bevinden zich aan boord de nodige voorraden voor de astronauten die zich momenteel in het ruimtestation ophouden. Ook bevindt zich aan boord een dummy met de naam Ripley. Dit levensechte testapparaat meet met behulp van allerlei sensoren wat astronauten tijdens de vlucht naar het ISS zouden ervaren.

Tijdens deze testvlucht houden de onderzoekers van NASA en SpaceX het vaartuig en alle systemen nauwlettend in de gaten. Ook worden er gegevens verzameld over de lading, trillingen, temperatuur en de druk in het ruimtevaartuig. Deze data wordt grondig geanalyseerd om te bepalen of Crew Dragon klaar is voor het echte werk: op en neer naar het ISS pendelen om daar astronauten af te leveren en op te halen.

Als alles volgens de planning verloopt, zal Crew Dragon op 8 maart weer terugkeren naar de aarde. Vervolgens zal er nog een tweede demonstratiemissie plaatsvinden waarbij de zogenoemde abort-systemen getest worden. Deze systemen moeten in werking treden als er tijdens de lancering iets misgaat en ervoor zorgen dat de astronauten ondanks de problemen toch veilig op aarde kunnen landen. Als ook deze missie goed verloopt, zal waarschijnlijk in juli de eerste bemande vlucht plaatsvinden, waarbij twee astronauten naar het ruimtestation geschoten gaan worden.

https://www.scientias.nl/crew-dragon-me ... testation/
De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door Pilgrim »

Hot HTX Test Programme 2019
Reaction Engines Ltd - Gepubliceerd op 8 apr. 2019

[update versie]
De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Ooit werd de boot uitgevonden. En heel veel later de stoommachine. En dus kreeg je stoomboten.
Vlak nadat de auto was uitgevonden werd ontdekt hoe je kunt vliegen.
En sindsdien is men bezig om de vliegende auto te maken. Probleem: Of ze vliegen niet of als ze dat wel doen dan landen ze te hard voor de gezondheid van de inzittenden.
Maar er zijn altijd weer initiatieven om de zoveelste vliegende auto te bedenken.
De PAL-V vliegende auto komt uit Nederland en is in 2019 klaar
De PAL-V Liberty klinkt futuristisch en is dat ook: het is een vliegende auto van Nederlandse makelij die deze week op de Autosalon in Genève te zien is en vanaf nu besteld kan worden. Nu is de term vliegende auto altijd lastig, dus laten we even specifiek zijn: dit is geen helicopter, maar een gyroplane waarvan je de wieken kunt inklappen en die daarna als auto gebruikt kan worden. Het verschil is dat je met een helicopter overal kunt opstijgen en landen en dat een gyroplane wel een rotor heeft maar ook gewoon een aanloopje nodig heeft om in de lucht te raken.

Het ding biedt plaats aan twee personen en kan op de weg 160 kilometer per uur halen. Ga je de lucht in, dan kun je nog twintig kilometer per uur sneller gaan dan op de weg. De PAL-V gaat tot 11.000 voet (3300 meter) hoog en effectief kun je dan zo'n 650 kilometer afleggen. Als je wilt switchen moet je dat helaas wel (deels) met de hand doen: een Transformer-stijl verandering zit er niet in. Volgens de makers is het wel binnen tien minuten te doen, dus dat valt dan nog mee.
https://www.dutchcowboys.nl/automotive/ ... 2019-klaar
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 8906
Lid geworden op: do jun 30, 2011 11:18 pm

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door xplosive »

By Brien Posey, March 11, 2019

Someone recently asked me what I thought computers would be like 50 to 100 years in the future. That seemingly simple question was surprisingly difficult for me to answer. I still keep catching myself thinking about it days later.

One of the reasons why that question is so hard to answer is it assumes that there will only be one type of computer. Even today, there are a huge variety of computers. We have PCs, servers, mainframes, Internet of Things (IoT) devices -- the list goes on and on.

Therefore, to say something like "There will be a quantum computer on every desk" would be incredibly short-sighted. While I do expect quantum computers to eventually become a mature technology, I also expect that there will be computers that are more traditional. Even so, these computers will likely be based on an architecture that is far different from what we have today.

Although I think that it will be impossible for an electronic device to ever perfectly mimic the human brain, I think that computers will eventually adopt some of the brain's characteristics. One such characteristic is the heavy use of offloading. As strange as it sounds, the human brain actually does quite a bit of task offloading. For example, the brain offloads many of the tasks related to spatial positioning to the eyes. That isn't to say that the eyes have memory (they don't), but rather that the eyes reduce the brain's task load. Let me give you an example.

You probably know the layout of your home better than any other place on earth. If you were to close your eyes and try walking around your home, however, you would probably end up walking into something, and might possibly even hurt yourself. The point is that even though you know the layout of your home very well, your brain does not remember the spatial positioning of objects in perfect detail. Instead, it relies on your eyes to deliver real-time spatial data. That is an example of task offloading.

Today's computers already do some task offloading. For example, many network cards include TCP/IP offloading capabilities. In the future, however, I think that task offloading will be far more prevalent than it currently is.

I also believe that tomorrow's computers will likely be equipped with sensors that go far beyond anything that we have today. One of the things that makes modern smartphones so powerful is that the devices include so many different sensors that can be leveraged by applications. A modern smartphone can sense GPS position, light, temperature, sound, touch input and much more. Just imagine the types of applications that developers could create if computing devices were equipped with 3-D vision, thermal imaging or perhaps a spectrometer that could identify unknown substances. As electronic components continue to shrink in size and processing power continues to increase, having an increasingly exotic array of sensors embedded into a computing device will become ever more practical.

Another change that I expect to see in the future is the introduction of massively parallel processing (MPP) capabilities. Pretty much every computer being manufactured today includes multiple CPU cores, but I think that within two or three decades we will probably have CPUs that include hundreds of cores.

Of course, the way in which these cores are used will have to change. Today, having multiple cores is only beneficial if multiple threads need to be executed. I think that in the future we will see the micro-segmentation of execution threads, thereby enabling software to more easily leverage all of the available CPU cores. We will probably even see decision trees within software constructed in a way that assigns each branch of the tree to a separate CPU core.

Another fundamental change that will probably be made to future CPUs is the introduction of preprocessing capabilities. This is something that the human brain does really well, but that currently eludes most computers. Let me give you an example.

If someone were to throw a baseball at your face, what would happen? You would probably blink, move and maybe even try to block or catch the ball. What you wouldn't do is stop and think about your choices. This is an example of preprocessing; your brain senses danger and reacts accordingly without involving the normal cognitive thought process.

If the machines of the future are equipped with vast arrays of sensors, as I predict, then it is not unthinkable that some of the sensory input could be filtered through a preprocessing engine that allows the machine to react instantly to certain stimuli. We already see this type of preprocessing happening on some special-purpose computers, such as the ones that control the airbags in a car. As CPU-intensive technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and natural machine interaction become more prevalent, however, I think that preprocessing engines will be used as a tool for making computers much more responsive to user input.

I also think that CPUs of the future will include embedded AI engines. The HoloLens 2 already has a dedicated AI chip, so it is not unthinkable that something like this could eventually be integrated into a computer's primary microprocessor.

Incidentally, if computers of the future do include hardware-level AI capabilities, then I think that we can eventually expect to see a change in the way that memory is referenced. Today there are already databases that can store tables in memory. Why can't a computer's entire working set of memory function like an indexed but free-form database table?

There would be a couple of benefits to doing this. First, because the memory is indexed, it could allow data to be recalled from memory much more quickly. Second, it could allow the AI processor to begin to make associations between items in memory.

The end result could be a computer that is far more intuitive than anything that we have today, because it literally learns what is important to you as you use it.

Ultimately, I have no idea what the future holds for digital electronics. All I can do is speculate, using what I know about today's technology as the basis for that speculation.
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Lid geworden op: do jun 30, 2011 11:18 pm

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door xplosive »

March 13, 2019, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Credit: CC0 Public Domain

Under the direction of Mobileye founder Amnon Shashua, a research group at Hebrew University of Jerusalem's School of Engineering and Computer Science has proven that artificial intelligence (AI) can help us understand the world on an infinitesimally small scale called quantum physics phenomena.

Quantum physics phenomena is one of the hottest topics in contemporary physics. It looks at how particles in nature "come together" and bring along their unique properties, such as electrical conductivity or magnetism. However, it has been almost impossible for even the most seasoned researchers to get more than a glimpse of these complex phenomena. This is because of the enormous number of particles these phenomena contain (over one billion billions in each gram) and the enormous number of interactions between them. Until now.

A new study published in Physical Review Letters by Prof. Shashua's computer science doctoral students at Hebrew University—Yoav Levin, Or Sharir and Nadav Cohen—has demonstrated mathematically that algorithms based on deep neural networks can be applied to better understand the world of quantum physics, as well.

These algorithms, the very same ones that gave our computers facial- and voice-recognition capabilities, can now be harnessed to enhance our understanding of the quantum behavior of nature. As lead author Shashua shared, "what we have here is nothing short of extraordinary: a leading physics journal publishing computer science research. This cross-pollination has created a new and important tool that will help us understand the quantum nature of the world around us."

Like the technological revolutions of the 20th century, gaining a deeper understanding of quantum physics through artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize all aspects of our lives, from computing and energy to transportation.

More information: Yoav Levine et al, Quantum Entanglement in Deep Learning Architectures, Physical Review Letters (2019). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.065301

Journal reference: Physical Review Letters

Provided by: Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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Berichten: 8906
Lid geworden op: do jun 30, 2011 11:18 pm

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door xplosive »

Dit is van ongeveer anderhalf jaar geleden. Het geeft weer wat verbetering in software teweeg kan brengen in het uitvoeren van taken. Deze software-progressie blijkt naast de hardware-progressie bepaald niet onderschat te moeten worden en samen vormen deze progressies een enorme sprong voorwaarts in wat machines vermogen. Als voorbeeld hiervan het volgende relaas :
Saturday, October 14, 2017, 17:58:38 CEST

Fifteen years ago, in October of 2002, Vladimir Kramnik and Deep Fritz were locked in battle in the Brains in Bahrain match. If Kasparov vs. Deep Blue was the beginning of the end for humans in Chess, then the Brains in Bahrain match was the middle of the end. It marked the first match between a world champion and a chess engine running on consumer-grade hardware, although its eight-processor machine was fairly exotic at the time.

Ultimately, Kramnik and Fritz played to a 4-4 tie in the eight-game match. Of course, we know that today the world champion would be crushed in a similar match against a modern computer. But how much of that is superior algorithms, and how much is due to hardware advances? How far have chess engines progressed from a purely software perspective in the last fifteen years? I dusted off an old computer and some old chess engines and held a tournament between them to try to find out.

I started with an old laptop and the version of Fritz that played in Bahrain. Playing against Fritz were the strongest engines at each successive five-year anniversary of the Brains in Bahrain match: Rybka 2.3.2a (2007), Houdini 3 (2012), and Houdini 6 (2017). The tournament details, cross-table, and results are below.

Tournament Details

Format: Round Robin of 100-game matches (each engine played 100 games against each other engine).
  • Time Control: Five minutes per game with a five-second increment (5+5).
  • Hardware: Dell laptop from 2006, with a 32-bit Pentium M processor underclocked to 800 MHz to simulate 2002-era performance (roughly equivalent to a 1.4 GHz Pentium IV which would have been a common processor in 2002).
  • Openings: Each 100 game match was played using the Silver Opening Suite, a set of 50 opening positions that are designed to be varied, balanced, and based on common opening lines. Each engine played each position with both white and black.
  • Settings: Each engine played with default settings, no tablebases, no pondering, and 32 MB hash tables, except that Houdini 6 played with a 300ms move overhead. This is because in test games modern engines were losing on time frequently, possibly due to the slower hardware and interface.
|Engine            |      1      |      2      |      3       |      4      |    Total     |
|Houdini 6        |**           |83.5-16.5|95.5-  4.5|99.5-  0.5|278.5/300|
|Houdini 3        |16.5-83.5|**           |91.5-  8.5|95.5-  4.5|203.5/300|
|Rybka 2.3.2a   |  4.5-95.5| 8.5-91.5|**            |79.5-20.5|  92.5/300|
|Fritz Bahrain   |  0.5-99.5| 4.5-95.5|20.5-79.5|**            |  25.5/300|

I generated an Elo rating list using the results above. Anchoring Fritz's rating to Kramnik's 2809 at the time of the match, the result is:
|Engine            |Rating|
|Houdini 6        |  3451|
|Houdini 3        |  3215|
|Rybka 2.3.2a   |  3013|
|Fritz Bahrain   |  2809|


The progress of chess engines in the last 15 years has been remarkable. Playing on the same machine, Houdini 6 scored an absolutely ridiculous 99.5 to 0.5 against Fritz Bahrain, only conceding a single draw in a 100 game match. Perhaps equally impressive, it trounced Rybka 2.3.2a, an engine that I consider to have begun the modern era of chess engines, by a score of 95.5-4.5 (+91 =9 -0). This tournament indicates that there was clear and continuous progress in the strength of chess engines during the last 15 years, gaining on average nearly 45 Elo per year. Much of the focus of reporting on man vs. machine matches was on the calculating speed of the computer hardware, but it is clear from this experiment that one huge factor in computers overtaking humans in the past couple of decades was an increase in the strength of engines from a purely software perspective. If Fritz was roughly the same strength as Kramnik in Bahrain, it is clear that Houdini 6 on the same machine would have completely crushed Kramnik in the match.
Op datzelfde stokoude computertje uit 2002 zou de huidige beste chess engine ter wereld nu een rating van ongeveer 3700 behalen. Op een gemiddelde laptop anno 2019 zou dat een rating van boven de 4000 worden. De menselijke wereldkampioen zou in een match van 100 partijen alle partijen verliezen. Wat er op de huidige beste supercomputer ter wereld mogelijk is afgezet tegen zo'n gemiddelde laptop is dan uiteraard helemaal duizelingwekkend!

Desondanks hebben we nog steeds geen machines met een hoge intelligentie in algemene zin. Het ziet er naar uit dat met het bedenken van alsmaar betere software daar nog wel een slag in te maken valt. Toch lijkt het soort intelligentie dat mensen bezitten moeilijk na te bootsen. Decennia geleden kwamen de voorspellingen wanneer een machine de menselijke intelligentie in alle opzichten zou evenaren uit op 2029. Dat zou dan vanaf nu 10 jaar in de toekomst zijn. Als je ziet hoe dom de huidige robots nog zijn dan is het moeilijk voor te stellen dat we in 2029 al zover zijn. In het afgelopen jaar werd er in mijn beleving wat dat betreft weinig progressie geboekt. Maar soms komt er dan toch na een periode van schijnbare stilstand ineens een geweldige doorbraak.
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                                   koran = racistisch & handboek voor criminelen
      Moslimlanden bewijzen dagelijks:    meer islam = meer verkrachte mensenrechten
Berichten: 8906
Lid geworden op: do jun 30, 2011 11:18 pm

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door xplosive »

By James Vincent Mar 18, 2019, 7:00pm EDT

In recent years, advances in AI have produced algorithms for everything from image recognition to instantaneous translation. But when it comes to applying these advances in the real world, we’re only just getting started. A new product from Nvidia announced today at GTC — a $99 AI computer called the Jetson Nano — should help speed that process.

The Nano is the latest in Nvidia’s line of Jetson embedded computing boards, used to provide the brains for robots and other AI-powered devices. Plug one of these into your latest creation, and it’ll be able to handle tasks like object recognition and autonomous navigation without relying on cloud processing power.

This sort of setup is known as edge computing, and because it means that the data being processed from cameras and microphones never leaves the device, the end result is usually hardware that is faster, more reliable, and more secure. So everybody wins. Past Jetson boards have been used to power a range of devices, from shelf-scanning robots made for Lowe’s to Skydio’s autonomous drones. But the Nano is aiming even smaller.

The company also unveiled a fun DIY project for any advanced makers: an open-source $250 autonomous robotics kit named JetBot. It includes a Jetson Nano along with a robot chassis, battery pack, and motors, allowing users to build their own self-driving robot.

With the $99 devkit you get 472 gigaflops of computing powered by a quad-core ARM A57 processor, 128-core Nvidia Maxwell GPU, and 4GB of LPDDR RAM. The Nano also supports a range of popular AI frameworks, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, Caffe, Keras, and MXNet, so most algorithms will be pretty much plug-and-play. And there’s the usual brace of ports and interfaces, including USB-A and B, gigabit Ethernet, and support for microSD storage.

Nvidia says it hopes the Nano’s price point should open up AI hardware development to new users. “We expect a lot of the maker community that wants to get into AI, but has been unable to in the past, the Jetson Nano will allow them to do that,” Nvidia’s VP and GM of autonomous machines, Deepu Talla, told reporters at a briefing.

It’s certainly true that the Nano is competitively priced, though it’s not unique in that. Intel, for example, sells its Neural Compute Stick for $79, while Google recently unveiled two similar devices under its Coral brand: a $150 devkit and $75 USB accelerator. But if this shows anything, it’s that Nvidia is entering a fertile market. Let’s see what AI-powered creations start to grow.
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Berichten: 8906
Lid geworden op: do jun 30, 2011 11:18 pm

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door xplosive »

March 29, 2019, Sponsored Content from Nvidia

At the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory a team led by C.S. Chang, leader of the International XGC Program, is exploring the feasibility of realizing the seemingly unattainable dream of harnessing fusion to provide the whole of humanity with limitless, clean, sustainable electricity “for millions of years”.

In the video below, Chang explains that fusion is what fuels the sun and is the form of energy that scientists want to replicate.

Fusion involves heating nuclei of light atoms to create a plasma consisting of ionized particles. Once these are heated to millions of degrees they are forced to collide and join together to form a heavier nucleus which releases neutrons, giving off huge amounts of energy in the process.

The problem is that plasma is unstable and too hot at the edges for known materials to contain it. To find a solution the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) megaproject was established to build a tokamak fusion reactor, a donut-shaped device in the south of France, which uses a powerful magnetic field to try to confine hot plasma to the center.

Chang’s aim is to analyze the problem through simulation models rather than trial and error.

“We are trying to understand plasma behavior, the most complicated physics area in fusion reactors, and we need the world’s biggest computer to do it,” he says.

That supercomputer is Summit. Powered by NVIDIA V100 GPUs, Summit was funded by the US Department of Energy and installed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee last year and is currently the world’s most powerful supercomputer.

Chang says its sheer size and use of Volta GPUs enable his team to run their XGC code almost four times faster than on Titan.

The ultimate aim is to build a whole-device predictive model that within the next few years will help design and commission a fusion reactor that produces more energy than it consumes, creates no greenhouse gases, and produces no waste.
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      Moslimlanden bewijzen dagelijks:    meer islam = meer verkrachte mensenrechten
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Lid geworden op: do jun 30, 2011 11:18 pm

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door xplosive »

Associated Press / 08:23 PM March 27, 2019

Computers have become so smart during the past 20 years that people don't think twice about chatting with digital assistants like Alexa and Siri or seeing their friends automatically tagged in Facebook pictures.

But making those quantum leaps from science fiction to reality required hard work from computer scientists like Yoshua Bengio, Geoffrey Hinton, and Yann LeCun. The trio tapped into their own brainpower to make it possible for machines to learn like humans, a breakthrough now commonly known as "artificial intelligence," or AI.

Their insights and persistence were rewarded Wednesday with the Turing Award, an honor that has become known as technology industry's version of the Nobel Prize. It comes with a $1 million prize funded by Google, a company where AI has become part of its DNA.

The award marks the latest recognition of the instrumental role that artificial intelligence will likely play in redefining the relationship between humanity and technology in the decades ahead.

"Artificial intelligence is now one of the fastest-growing areas in all of science and one of the most talked-about topics in society," said Cherri Pancake, president of the Association for Computing Machinery, the group behind the Turing Award.

Although they have known each other for than 30 years, Bengio, Hinton and LeCun have mostly worked separately on technology known as neural networks. These are the electronic engines that power tasks such as facial and speech recognition, areas where computers have made enormous strides over the past decade. Such neural networks also are a critical component of robotic systems that are automating a wide range of other human activity, including driving.

Their belief in the power of neural networks was once mocked by their peers, Hinton said. No more. He now works at Google as a vice president and senior fellow while LeCun is chief AI scientist at Facebook. Bengio remains immersed in academia as a University of Montreal professor in addition to serving as scientific director at the Artificial Intelligence Institute in Quebec.

"For a long time, people thought what the three of us were doing was nonsense," Hinton said in an interview with The Associated Press. "They thought we were very misguided and what we were doing was a very surprising thing for apparently intelligent people to waste their time on. My message to young researchers is, don't be put off if everyone tells you what are doing is silly."

Now, some people are worried that the results of the researchers' efforts might spiral out of control.

While the AI revolution is raising hopes that computers will make most people's lives more convenient and enjoyable, it's also stoking fears that humanity eventually will be living at the mercy of machines.

Bengio, Hinton and LeCun share some of those concerns — especially the doomsday scenarios that envision AI technology developed into weapons systems that wipe out humanity.

But they are far more optimistic about the other prospects of AI — empowering computers to deliver more accurate warnings about floods and earthquakes, for instance, or detecting health risks, such as cancer and heart attacks, far earlier than human doctors.

"One thing is very clear, the techniques that we developed can be used for an enormous amount of good affecting hundreds of millions of people," Hinton said.
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      Moslimlanden bewijzen dagelijks:    meer islam = meer verkrachte mensenrechten
Berichten: 8906
Lid geworden op: do jun 30, 2011 11:18 pm

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door xplosive »

April 4, 2019, Jon Christian

Light Travel
Scientists at the University of Central Florida say they've figured out how to make pulses of light travel 30 times as fast as usual — or even backward.

"We're able to control the speed of the pulse by going into the pulse itself and reorganizing its energy such that its space and time degrees of freedom are mixed in with each other," researcher Ayman Abouraddy said in a statement. "We're very happy with these results, and we're very hopeful it's just the starting point of future research."

Photon Shake
Make no mistake: it's an extraordinary claim, and one the researchers behind it say could revolutionize optical communication.

But Abouraddy and colleagues got the results published in the prestigious and peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications, where they described using a device called a "spatial light modulator" to trick pulses of light into traveling faster or slower than usual, or backwards.

Live Fiber
Back in 2006, researchers performed a similar feat with light traveling through an optical fiber. Now, according to the researchers, they can pull off the same trick in open space.

"This is the first clear demonstration of controlling the speed of a pulse light in free space," Abouraddy said in the statement. "And it opens up doors for many applications, an optical buffer being just one of them, but most importantly it's done in a simple way, that's repeatable and reliable."
Komen we nu in een gebied terecht dat zelfs in Science Fiction amper voor mogelijk werd gehouden?
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Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Ik lees:
"Einstein said information can't travel faster than light, and in this case, as with all fast-light experiments, no information is truly moving faster than light," Boyd said.

A spokesperson at the university's communications department added this: "Everything that defines the pulse that enters, also defines the pulse that exits. But the energy of the light does not travel faster than light."
https://www.livescience.com/790-light-t ... light.html

Experiment: ga in de nacht midden op een plein staan dat omringt is door muren. Schijn met je zaklantaarn op een muur. Ga nu ronddraaien. De lichtvlek verplaatst zich en hoe sneller je draait hoe sneller die lichtvlek beweegt. Die snelheid kan groter worden dan de snelheid van het licht.
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door Pilgrim »

Opener launches BlackFly fixed-wing VTOL flying car that doesn't require a license Aircraft

David Szondy - July 14th, 2018


Canadian-based aviation firm Opener Inc. has unveiled its new BlackFly single-seater aircraft, which it bills as a Personal Aerial Vehicle (PAV) and the world's first ultralight all-electric fixed-wing Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) aircraft. The fully-amphibious drop-shaped flyer with fore and aft wings sporting eight electric motors has a range of 25 mi (40 km) and a top speed of 62 mph (100 km/h).

According to Opener, the BlackFly is "designed and built for a new world of three-dimensional transportation." Due to its limited capabilities, the company says that it is easy to operate and can be flown in the United States from small grassy areas without formal training or FAA licensing.

The BlackFly is the result of nine years of development with over 1,000 test flights and boasts triple modular redundancy for greater safety, as well as an optional ballistic parachute. The company claims that it charges in under 30 minutes, has a low-noise signature, is geo-fence capable, and even has an Automatic Return-to-Home button.

Opener says that though the present version is somewhat limited, it hopes that it will one day lead to rural/urban commuting networks powered by renewable energy sources.

"Opener is re-energizing the art of flight with a safe and affordable flying vehicle that can free its operators from the everyday restrictions of ground transportation," says Marcus Leng, CEO. "We will offer competitive pricing in an endeavor to democratize three-dimensional personal transportation. Safety has been our primary driving goal in the development of this new technology. Opener will be introducing this innovation in a controlled and responsible manner. Even though not required by FAA regulations, BlackFly operators will be required to successfully complete the FAA Private Pilot written examination and also complete company-mandated vehicle familiarization and operator training."

The BlackFly and other Opener vehicles will be on display at the 2018 EAA AirVenture Convention in Oshkosh, Wisconsin from July 23 to July 29, 2018.

The video below shows BlackFly taking to the skies.

Source: Opener

De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
Berichten: 8906
Lid geworden op: do jun 30, 2011 11:18 pm

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door xplosive »

by Will Knight April 8, 2019

Over the decades since the inception of artificial intelligence, research in the field has fallen into two main camps. The "symbolists" have sought to build intelligent machines by coding in logical rules and representations of the world. The "connectionists" have sought to construct artificial neural networks, inspired by biology, to learn about the world. The two groups have historically not gotten along.

But a new paper from MIT, IBM, and DeepMind shows the power of combining the two approaches, perhaps pointing a way forward for the field. The team, led by Josh Tenenbaum, a professor at MIT's Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines, created a computer program called a neuro-symbolic concept learner (NS-CL) that learns about the world (albeit a simplified version) just as a child might—by looking around and talking.

The system consists of several pieces. One neural network is trained on a series of scenes made up of a small number of objects. Another neural network is trained on a series of text-based question-answer pairs about the scene, such as "Q: What's the color of the sphere?" "A: Red." This network learns to map the natural language questions to a simple program that can be run on a scene to produce an answer.

The NS-CL system is also programmed to understand symbolic concepts in text such as "objects," "object attributes," and "spatial relationship." That knowledge helps NS-CL answer new questions about a different scene—a type of feat that is far more challenging using a connectionist approach alone. The system thus recognizes concepts in new questions and can relate them visually to the scene before it.

"This is an exciting approach," says Brenden Lake, an assistant professor at NYU. "Neural pattern recognition allows the system to see, while symbolic programs allow the system to reason. Together, the approach goes beyond what current deep learning systems can do."

In other words, the hybrid system addresses key limitations of both earlier approaches by combining them. It overcomes the scalability problems of symbolism, which has historically struggled to encode the complexity of human knowledge in an efficient way. But it also tackles one of the most common problems with neural networks: the fact that they need huge amounts of data.

It is possible to train just a neural network to answer questions about a scene by feeding in millions of examples as training data. But a human child doesn't require such a vast amount of data in order to grasp what a new object is or how it relates to other objects. Also, a network trained that way has no real understanding of the concepts involved—it's just a vast pattern-matching exercise. So such a system would be prone to making very silly mistakes when faced with new scenarios. This is a common problem with today's neural networks and underpins shortcomings that are easily exposed (see "AI's language problem").

Connectionism purists may object to the fact that the system requires some knowledge to be hard-coded in. But the work is important because it nudges us closer to engineering a form of intelligence that seems more like our own. Cognitive scientists believe that the human mind goes through some similar steps, and that this underpins the flexibility of human learning.

More practically, it could also unlock new applications of AI because the new technology requires far less training data. Robot systems, for example, could finally learn on the fly, rather than spend significant time training for each unique environment they're in.

"This is really exciting because it's going to get us past this dependency on huge amounts of labeled data," says David Cox, the scientist who leads the MIT-IBM Watson AI lab.

The researchers behind the study are now developing a version that works on photographs of real scenes. This could prove valuable for many practical applications of computer vision.
Het moment dat computers gevaarlijk intelligent beginnen te worden komt steeds dichterbij.

Een waarschuwing uit het verleden :

Gun jezelf wat je een ander toewenst     islam = racisme   & de hel op aarde voor mens en dier
                                   koran = racistisch & handboek voor criminelen
      Moslimlanden bewijzen dagelijks:    meer islam = meer verkrachte mensenrechten
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door Pilgrim »

xplosive schreef:
Het moment dat computers gevaarlijk intelligent beginnen te worden komt steeds dichterbij.
Ja, het komt dichterbij. En er was vroeger ook al vaker voor gewaarschuwd...


https://www.intuitiveaccountant.com/peo ... LGyx9hpGUk

‘Foolproof and incapable of error’... :ohmy2:

De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door Pilgrim »

Scientists Have Created A Star Trek-Like Plane That Flies Using "Ion Thrusters" And No Fuel

By Jonathan O`Callaghan, 21 Nov 2018, 18:00


Scientists have taken a major step towards creating an aircraft of the future, one powered by an ion drive rather than using moving parts and fuel like conventional aircraft.

In a paper published today in Nature, a team led by Steven Barrett from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) described how they created a so-called electroaerodynamic-powered plane, one that uses solid-state propulsion, meaning no propellers or jet engines with expendable fuel.

“The future of flight shouldn’t be things with propellers and turbines,” Barrett says in the video below. “[It] should be more like what you see in Star Trek, with a kind of blue glow and something that silently glides through the air.”

This breakthrough has not been possible before because our technology simply wasn’t advanced enough. As far back as 1921, scientists have been unsuccessful in trying to develop something similar, once mistaken for anti-gravity technology. But now the team say that key technology advances have enabled this to happen.

A time-lapse of the plane in flight. MIT

In their tests from 2016 to 2018, they created an aircraft with a wingspan of 5 meters (16 feet) that weighed 2.45 kilograms (5.4 pounds). It has a number of thin electrodes running across its wings, and at the front of these are thin wires, while at the back is an aerofoil – a curved surface to produce the lift, like on a regular plane wing.

The thin wires at the front are charged to positive 20,000 volts, while the aerofoil at the back is charged to negative 20,000 volts, creating a strong electric field. At the front, electrons are removed from nitrogen molecules in the air to produce ions. And as these accelerate to the back, they produce an ionic wind, which gives the plane thrust.

“The basic idea is that if you ionize air, which means removing an electron from it, you can accelerate the air with an electric field,” Barrett told IFLScience. “Like the force you get if you rub a balloon on your head.”

Over the course of 10 test flights, the plane successful flew about 60 meters (200 feet) in about 12 seconds in a gym that the team hired to use, with a thrust efficiency of about 2.6 percent. But as the speed increases, the efficiency of the system increases, just like in a regular plane. Theoretically, at 670 miles (1,080 kilometers) per hour, faster than a passenger jet, it is 50 percent efficient.

The technique is similar to how ion engines are used in some spacecraft to travel through space. "There are some significant similarities," said Barrett. However, those spacecraft rely on ionizing a fuel – such as xenon gas – to produce thrust. The plane developed by the MIT team does not require propellant, instead relying only on the thin wires and an off the shelf lithium-polymer battery.

At the moment the technology is limited, with the plane being very much a prototype. But the future possibilities are exciting. In the near-term, this thrust system could be used to power small drones, making them near-silent as they wouldn’t have any propellers like regular drones.

“I don’t yet know whether you’ll see large aircraft carrying people any time soon, but obviously I’d be very excited if that was the case,” Barrett said in the video.

Tests on the plane are continuing, with the team now able to turn the plane in the air with a remote control rather than just flying in a straight line. Going forward, they want to try and remove the filaments that are hanging off the plane, with more tests to follow in the coming years.

At the end of their paper, the team compares the length of the plane’s flight (12 seconds) with that of the Wright Brothers in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina in 1904 (11 seconds), the world’s first heavier-than-air flight, although that one did include a pilot.

While this flight is perhaps not on the same magnitude, some of the future possibilities are certainly exciting. “It is possible to fly planes that are solid state, and we demonstrated that for the first time,” said Barrett.

https://www.iflscience.com/technology/s ... -fuel/all/
De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
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Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door Pilgrim »

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De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
Ali Yas
Berichten: 7662
Lid geworden op: zo apr 15, 2012 3:24 pm

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door Ali Yas »

Mooie plaatjes van vliegende auto's, maar een realistische weergave van het bijbehorende geluid laat men maar liever weg... :finger:
Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth.
Hans v d Mortel sr
Berichten: 17487
Lid geworden op: za jun 18, 2011 7:07 pm

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door Hans v d Mortel sr »

Mahalingam schreef:I
Experiment: ga in de nacht midden op een plein staan dat omringt is door muren. Schijn met je zaklantaarn op een muur. Ga nu ronddraaien. De lichtvlek verplaatst zich en hoe sneller je draait hoe sneller die lichtvlek beweegt. Die snelheid kan groter worden dan de snelheid van het licht.
Ik begrijp dit niet. We hebben het over licht en snelheid: de snelheid van het licht. Er bestaat geen verschil tussen lichtsnelheid onderling. Of het gaat minder snel, snel, of sneller. Maar sneller dan het licht, gaat licht natuurlijk nooit. [icon_lol.gif]
Ik weet niks met zekerheid. Ik ben ontoerekeningsvatbaar gelovig atheïst wegens gebrek aan de vrije wil.
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: Futuristische ontwikkelingen

Bericht door Pilgrim »

Heads in the cloud: Scientists predict internet of thoughts ‘within decades’

Neuroscience NewsApril 12, 2019

B/CI technology might also allow us to create a future “global superbrain” that would connect networks of individual human brains and AIs to enable collective thought. The image is in the public doamin.

Imagine a future technology that would provide instant access to the world’s knowledge and artificial intelligence, simply by thinking about a specific topic or question. Communications, education, work, and the world as we know it would be transformed.

Writing in Frontiers in Neuroscience, an international collaboration led by researchers at UC Berkeley and the US Institute for Molecular Manufacturing predicts that exponential progress in nanotechnology, nanomedicine, AI, and computation will lead this century to the development of a “Human Brain/Cloud Interface” (B/CI), that connects neurons and synapses in the brain to vast cloud-computing networks in real time.

Nanobots on the brain
The B/CI concept was initially proposed by futurist-author-inventor Ray Kurzweil, who suggested that neural nanorobots – brainchild of Robert Freitas, Jr., senior author of the research – could be used to connect the neocortex of the human brain to a “synthetic neocortex” in the cloud. Our wrinkled neocortex is the newest, smartest, ‘conscious’ part of the brain.

Freitas’ proposed neural nanorobots would provide direct, real-time monitoring and control of signals to and from brain cells.

“These devices would navigate the human vasculature, cross the blood-brain barrier, and precisely autoposition themselves among, or even within brain cells,” explains Freitas. “They would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a cloud-based supercomputer network for real-time brain-state monitoring and data extraction.”

The internet of thoughts
This cortex in the cloud would allow “Matrix”-style downloading of information to the brain, the group claims.

“A human B/CI system mediated by neuralnanorobotics could empower individuals with instantaneous access to all cumulative human knowledge available in the cloud, while significantly improving human learning capacities and intelligence,” says lead author Dr. Nuno Martins.

B/CI technology might also allow us to create a future “global superbrain” that would connect networks of individual human brains and AIs to enable collective thought.

“While not yet particularly sophisticated, an experimental human ‘BrainNet’ system has already been tested, enabling thought-driven information exchange via the cloud between individual brains,” explains Martins. “It used electrical signals recorded through the skull of ‘senders’ and magnetic stimulation through the skull of ‘receivers,’ allowing for performing cooperative tasks.

“With the advance of neuralnanorobotics, we envisage the future creation of ‘superbrains’ that can harness the thoughts and thinking power of any number of humans and machines in real time. This shared cognition could revolutionize democracy, enhance empathy, and ultimately unite culturally diverse groups into a truly global society.”

When can we connect?
According to the group’s estimates, even existing supercomputers have processing speeds capable of handling the necessary volumes of neural data for B/CI – and they’re getting faster, fast.

Rather, transferring neural data to and from supercomputers in the cloud is likely to be the ultimate bottleneck in B/CI development.

“This challenge includes not only finding the bandwidth for global data transmission,” cautions Martins, “but also, how to enable data exchange with neurons via tiny devices embedded deep in the brain.”

One solution proposed by the authors is the use of ‘magnetoelectric nanoparticles’ to effectively amplify communication between neurons and the cloud.

“These nanoparticles have been used already in living mice to couple external magnetic fields to neuronal electric fields – that is, to detect and locally amplify these magnetic signals and so allow them to alter the electrical activity of neurons,” explains Martins. “This could work in reverse, too: electrical signals produced by neurons and nanorobots could be amplified via magnetoelectric nanoparticles, to allow their detection outside of the skull.”

Getting these nanoparticles – and nanorobots – safely into the brain via the circulation, would be perhaps the greatest challenge of all in B/CI.

“A detailed analysis of the biodistribution and biocompatibility of nanoparticles is required before they can be considered for human development. Nevertheless, with these and other promising technologies for B/CI developing at an ever-increasing rate, an ‘internet of thoughts’ could become a reality before the turn of the century,” Martins concludes.

https://neurosciencenews.com/internet-t ... s3OypBwe5Y
De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
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