Moslim broederschap.

Berichten: 52326
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Scheiding tussen kerk en staat kennen de emirs niet.
Government led UAE Fatwa Council designates Muslim Brotherhood a 'terrorist group'

The UAE Fatwa Council, a state led religious body which critics say is used by the repressive Gulf monarchy to rubber stamp its policies, has declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation.

The highly controversial decision came during a virtual meeting on Monday led by Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, chairman of the council. The move follows a similar pronouncement earlier this month by Saudi Arabia's Council of Senior Scholars.

Eighteen scholar and ulama unions, including the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), issued a joint statement against the decision of the Council of Senior Scholars rejecting the designation of the Brotherhood as a terrorist organisation.

Meanwhile, Israel's Foreign Ministry Arabic Twitter account hailed the Saudi council's statement and said that it was "pleased" with the decision.
In its decision, the UAE Fatwa Council declared its full support for the Saudi council statement and called on all Muslims to reject the Brotherhood which they claimed "works to divide the ranks and inflame discord and bloodshed".

The movement has strenuously denied these allegations. "The Brotherhood… is far from acts of violence and terrorism, and the dissemination of division within the [Muslim Ummah]," said spokesman Talaat Fahmy. "It is a reformist advocacy group that calls for obedience to Allah through sharing wise and pious advice without excess or negligence."

In response to the decision, activists have circulated previous fatwas (religious opinions) to highlight the political motives behind the move and to suggest that the scholars designating the Brotherhood as a terrorist organisation have become a tool for Gulf autocrats to justify their repressive policies.

A previous fatwa by Saudi Arabia's most eminent scholar Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz (1910-1999), who was the Chairman of the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Iftaa, described the Brotherhood as "the most righteous Islamic groups and the closest to the teachings of the Prophet are Ahl Al-Sunnah, including Ahl Al-Hadith, Jamaat Ansar Al-Sunna and then comes the Muslim Brotherhood." ... ist-group/
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52326
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Naar aanleiding van het zetten van een Moslimbroeder (zuster in dit geval) op de kieslijst van Gr. Links, valt heel wat misleiding te bestrijden.
Organisatie Europese Moslimbroeders noemt FEMYSO als eigen instelling in document uit 2020

Door Carel Brendel, 26 november 2020

Een begin dit jaar geplaatst bericht (pdf) op de Facebook-pagina van de Council of European Muslims (CEM), sinds vorig jaar de nieuwe naam voor de Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE), geeft een overzicht van de belangrijkste instellingen van de Europee Moslimbroeders. Het Arabischtalige bericht over het ontstaan, de geschiedenis en de doelstellingen van de organisatie dateert van 31 januari 2020. Het noemt onder meer het Forum of European Muslim Youth and Student Organisations (FEMYSO), waar GroenLinks-Kamerkandidaat Kauthar Bouchallikht tot 1 december fungeert als vice-voorzitter, als een van de FIOE/CEM-instellingen.

Op 14 april 2020 kopieerde ik het bericht vanaf de volgende link. Op 17 april plaatste ik een “Twitterdraad” over het Facebook-bericht, dat eerdere conclusies van onderzoekers over de Europese Moslimbroeders bevestigt. Eind april 2020 was het info-document verdwenen van de Facebook-pagina van de Council of European Muslims.

Wetenschappers en inlichtingendiensten, waaronder de AIVD, beschouwen de FIOE (tegenwoordig CEM) als de koepelorganisatie van de Moslimbroeders in Europa. De door de FIOE/CEM in het leven geroepen instellingen zijn:
Spoiler! :
European Institute for Human Sciences, opgericht in 1990, een theologische opleiding met vestigingen in Frankrijk, Duitsland en Groot-Brittannië.

FEMYSO, opgericht in 1996.

European Council for Fatwa and Research, (opgericht in 1997), een raad van geestelijken die lange tijd onder leiding stond van Yusuf al-Qaradawi, geestelijk leider van de Moslimbroeders. De meeste leden komen uit de kring van de Moslimbroeders, met de afgelopen jaren ook geestelijken van Milli Görus en het Turkse overheidsorgaan Diyanet.

Europe Trust (opgericht in 1997), de vastgoedafdeling van de Europese Moslimbroeders.

Het European Forum of Muslim Women (opgericht in 2006), dat net als FEMYSO goede ingangen heeft bij de Europese instellingen, maar niet te koop loopt met zijn verbindingen met de FIOE/CEM.

De European Assembly of Muslim Imams and Spiritual Guides (opgericht in 2012). In 2019 werd deze instelling nieuw leven ingeblazen onder de naam European Council of Imams.

In april baseerde ik mijn tweets op Google Translate. Naar aanleiding van de kwestie rond de kandidatuur van GroenLinkser Kauthar Bouchallikht heb ik een beëdigd vertaler Arabisch gevraagd nog eens naar de tekst te kijken. Hij bevestigde dat de CEM zichzelf als een voortzetting van de FIOE beschouwt. Volgens hem klopt ook mijn opsomming van door de FIOE in het leven geroepen instellingen. ... -uit-2020/
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Pilgrim »

De Moslimbroeders-een van de vele beruchte jihad organisaties in Europa- zijn al jaren bezig hun invloed uit te breiden tot het Westen. De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump heeft daarom het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken onlangs gevraagd de Moslimbroeders te categoriseren als een ‘foreign terrorist organization’ – een buitenlandse terroristische organisatie. Het einddoel van de Moslimbroeders de oprichting is van een door de sharia (de radicaal islamitische wet) geregeerd islamitisch kalifaat. De islam wil haar wet de sharia aan alle naties opleggen en haar macht uitbreiden over de hele aarde. De jihad – een plicht voor IEDERE moslim- is een middel om dit doel te bereiken. Er bestaat een uitgebreid netwerk van islamitische organisaties in Europa, die aan de hand van een aantal criteria met vrij grote zekerheid herleid kunnen worden tot de Moslimbroeders. In Europese moskeeën circuleren Qutbs boeken van deze terroristische organisatie. Stel je voor dat westerse veiligheidsdiensten in het kader van een grootschalig gerechtelijk onderzoek plotseling documenten tegenkwamen waaruit bleek dat er een internationale goed gestructureerde organisatie bestond van neo-nazi’s of communisten die in het diepste geheim een programma had uitgewerkt waarin gedetailleerd werd beschreven hoe ze van plan waren om geleidelijk aan de macht te grijpen. Het is vrijwel zeker dat dit onderwerp wekenlang voorpaginanieuws zou zijn geweest in onze media en dat het alle discussieprogramma’s zou domineren. Een dergelijk islamitisch document werd in november 2001 in Zwitserland per toeval ontdekt...

De islamitische al-Taqwa bank in het Zwitserse Lugano was aandeelhouder van de internationaal bekende islamitische geestelijke Yusus al-Qaradawi, die wordt gezien als de ongekroonde koning van de Internationale Moslimbroeders. Yousef Nada was lid van de Moslimbroeders en directeur van deze al-Taqwa bank. Bij het doorzoeken van Nada’s woning werd een document gevonden dat gedateerd was op 1 december 1982 en dat sindsdien vaak ‘Het Project’ wordt genoemd. Wat dit document zo beangstigend maakt, is dat het een langetermijnvisie bevat waarin de culturele invasie van het Westen wordt uitgewerkt. Sinds 1982 had dit document gefungeerd als een soort van blauwdruk voor de Europese Moslimbroeders waarin allerlei tactieken werden besproken om hun doelstellingen in Europa te verwezenlijken. Deze tactieken bestonden onder meer uit immigratie, infiltratie, propaganda en eventueel terrorisme wat uiteindelijk zou moeten resulteren in de dominantie van de islam in Europa- het Ottomaanse Rijk in ere te herstellen. De Oostenrijkse wetenschapper Michael Ley noemt de Moslimbroeders vanwege hun werkwijze “gevaarlijker dan de islamitische Staat (IS)”...

Kauthar is vice-president en Head of Member Organisation Relations bij FEMYSO,die volgens talloze rapporten de jeugdtak van de Europese Moslimbroederschap is. Kauthar en FEMYSO zelf ontkennen dat, maar exact die ontkenning is volgens al die rapporten onderdeel van de Moslimbroederschap-methode. Iedereen die denkt dat het bij GroenLinks echt om het klimaat gaat, is te naïef voor woorden. Het marxisme van GL past prima bij de bedoelingen van de Moslimbroederschap. Klimaat is slechts een middel in hun strijd om Europa te islamiseren. Partijen als D66 die openlijk stellen dat de soevereiniteit van Nederland niet meer relevant is, dragen aan deze islamisering bij en ook andere multiculturele partijen-FvD ook. De PvdA was de eerste die direct zonder slag of stoot capituleerde voor de islam. De VVD heeft zand in onze ogen gestrooid en is eigenlijk gewoon de PvdA. We zijn nog maar enkele decennia verwijderd van een islamitisch continent en het huidige kabinet doet niets...

[...] ... -partijen/
De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
Berichten: 52326
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Carel Brendel
De Moslimbroeders van Islamic Relief Worldwide, de afgelopen maanden getroffen door enkele schandalen, staan op de subsidielijst van minister Kaag. ... bsidieren/

3/ Onlangs nog stopte Duitsland met het subsidiëren van Islamic Relief wegens hun banden met de Moslimbroeders. ... d-charity/

4/ Tweet 2 van deze serie verwijderd. In plaats daarvan een link naar de site van de Rijksoverheid, waar een pdf met daarin ook de subsidie aan Islamic Relief valt te vinden. ... middenveld

5/ Het komt er op neer dat Islamic Relief met andere (niet-islamitische clubs) geld krijgt uit een potje van 37,2 miljoen voor de vrijheid van meningsuiting en de vrijheid van religie. #Kaag #Moslimbroeders
6/ Nog wat verder gezocht. Het gaat om subsidie voor een "interreligieuze alliantie", waarvan Islamic Relief Worldwide (de internationale hulporganisatie van de Moslimbroeders) een onderdeel is.

7/ Volgens de Duitse regering bestaan er belangrijke persoonlijke verbindingen tussen Islamic Relief Worldwide en de Moslimbroeders. Dat staat in antwoord op kritische vragen van de FDP (zusterpartij van D66). #Kaag

8/ De subsidie van het Kaag-ministerie gaan dus niet naar Islamic Relief Nederland maar naar de in het UK gevestigde moederorganisatie Islamic Relief Worldwide, waarvan oprichter Hany el-Banna de Yezidi uitmaakte voor duivelaanbidders.
Yazidi الايزيدية
Founder of Islamic Relief Worldwide & chairman of the #UK’s Muslim Charities Forum, Dr Hany El Banna, called Yazidis "devil worshippers"
This type of rhetoric is what fuelled the targeted violence that led to the genocide of Yazidis, & this is also how ISIS described the Yazidis.

9/ Veel (in sommige gevallen hyperventilerende) vragen over "hoe dit in vredesnaam mogelijk is". Simpel, in principe gaat geld naar mooi doel: interreligieuze dialoog, vvmu. Ministerie BuZa kijkt vermoedelijk niet goed naar organisatie die het geld ontvangt. #IslamicRelief ... 0922976258
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
hans van de mortel
Berichten: 7918
Lid geworden op: zo jun 03, 2007 12:41 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door hans van de mortel »

De warme gevoelens van minister en terroristenvriend Sigrid Kaag gaan tezamen met die van haar man uit naar deze wereldvermaarde terrorist die u vast bekend voorkomt. Hij was nooit te beroerd om opdracht te geven tot het opblazen van een bus met joodse schoolkinderen. Hij is met medeweten van Allah vergiftigd in 2004.

Yasser Arafat, vieze man en terroristenleider van de Palestijnen.
Geen eigen mening verkondigen is de vrijwillige celstraf van het verstand.

Berichten: 52326
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

De Moslimbroeders van Islamic Relief Worldwide staan op de subsidielijst van minister Kaag.
Ook in de USA kregen ze belastingeld. Nu niet meer.
Over anti-Semitism, US State Department ends ties with Islamic charity

The U.S. State Department has cut ties with an Islamic charity over allegations of anti-Semitism.

Until recently, Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), a humanitarian and development organization, had received hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars and was an official partner of the U.S. government, according to The Washington Free Beacon, which first reported on Monday the cutting of ties.

The State Department is “conducting a full review of the organization and U.S. government funding” because of the “anti-Semitism exhibited repeatedly by IRW’s leadership,” U.S. Deputy Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Ellie Cohanim told The Washington Free Beacon.

IRW boasts a budget of more than $100 million annually and has a registered nonprofit arm in the United States. The State Department’s public reproach of the charity means that it will no longer enjoy the legitimacy that comes with a close relationship with the American government or be able to cash in from this stamp of approval,” according to The Washington Free Beacon.

IRW, which was founded in the United Kingdom in 1984 and is one of the world’s largest charities, has ties to and has been accused of funding Islamic terrorism, according to the Middle East Forum and NGO Monitor.

Heshmat Khalifa, who resigned last year as IRW director, called Jews the grandchildren of monkeys and pigs”; called Egypt’s president a “Zionist pimp”; and praised Hamas as “the purest resistance movement in modern history.”

In 2014, Israel declared IRW to be illegal based on its role of funneling money to Hamas, and it is banned from operating in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. ... c-charity/
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52326
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Muslim Brotherhood infiltrates U.S. Congress in the name of the Egyptian Revolution

Since its establishment, in Egypt, almost a century ago, the Muslim Brotherhood group relied on playing the victim and fabricating delusional grievances, in order to recruit new members, mobilize local and international supporters, and use as a justification for waging violent jihad against state institutions and officials, and also against civilians, who reject the misleading rhetoric of the group.

Recently, the Muslim Brotherhood decided to use the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 as their own grievance, with the purpose to influence policymakers in the United States, under the new Biden Administration.

Muslim Brotherhood members living in the U.S., such as Mohamed Soltan, has already started talking in the name of the Egyptian revolution and the Egyptian people to public media and members of Congress. This time, the Muslim Brotherhood is playing their grand deception game on the new Biden Administration; not through introducing themselves as a political opposition party suppressed by the Egyptian regime, but through claiming the role of a civil society group concerned with improving human rights in Egypt.

Unfortunately, the prevailing media rhetoric in Egypt, over the past few years, which insists on claiming that Egypt’s 2011 revolution was nothing but a foreign conspiracy, and the constant denial of the heroic role of the Egyptian liberal democratic youth in toppling Mubarak’s dictatorship, gave the opportunity, today, to the members of the Muslim Brotherhood to use the name of the revolution, which they did not even participate in creating, to legitimize their Islamist agenda in the west and beautify their ugly truth.

To perfect their deception game, last week, Mohamed Soltan tweeted that his recently established organization “Freedom Initiative” cooperated with two Democrat members of Congress, Don Beyer and Tom Malinowski, on forming “Egypt Human Rights Caucus” in Congress to mark the 10th anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution. Among the other human rights organizations involved with the new Caucus: Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and POMED; all of which are, allegedly, funded by Qatar and hires employees directly and indirectly affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The names of the two Congressmen forming the Caucus and the history of the human rights organizations they are cooperating with for this purpose, raises a lot of doubt around the real intentions of this Caucus. The Caucus looks more like a Congressional advocacy group defending the interests of the Muslim Brotherhood inside the American Congress against the interests of the Egyptian state, more than it is a group sincerely interested in advancing human rights in Egypt.

When he was working for the Bureau of Democracy, Labor, and Human Rights at the U.S. State Department, Malinowski advocated for Soltan’s release from prison in Egypt, in 2015, wherein he was accused of inciting violence, along with other Muslim Brotherhood members, including his father Salah Soltan who is a famous leading figure at the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood. After Malinowski quit diplomacy to become a member of Congress, he helped Soltan and his group organize congressional hearings and other events at Capitol Hill to attack the Egyptian state, and indirectly promoting the Muslim Brotherhood rhetoric about Egypt, under the umbrella of defending human rights.

There are published reports claiming that Malinowski received money from Qatar, through Al-Jazeera and its affiliated offices, to play this suspicious role in supporting the Muslim Brotherhood group at American policymaking bureaus, especially after 2017, when some Congress members were publicly condemned for meeting with members of the Muslim Brotherhood at Capitol Hill. Yet, let us assume, in good faith, that all these reports are wrong and that Malinowski provides this continued support to Soltan and his group only because he believes in human rights, and because he believes that Soltan is really a human rights activist and not a member of the Muslim Brotherhood as Soltan claims about himself.

Nevertheless, there are some difficult questions that one can hardly find a logical persuasive answer, in this regard:

(1)Why would an American Democrat Congressman, and a former diplomat, like Tom Malinowski, work at the service of a Muslim Brotherhood member like Mohamed Soltan and his affiliates?
(2)why does Malinowski advocate for human rights in Egypt, through Soltan and his affiliates only, despite the fact that Soltan has zero experience working for human rights in Egypt or elsewhere before being arrested in Egypt in 2013?
(3)Why would Malinowski, the American democrat support members of an Islamist organization that is threatening the national security of his own country, according to what is legally proven by FBI investigations and court decisions which found that the Muslim Brotherhood’s ultimate goal in the U.S. is to “sabotage America from within” to replace the democratic system of governance with an Islamist regime?

Until we get clear answers to these questions, the sincerity of the activities of Congressman Malinowski in support of the Muslim Brotherhood activist Mohamed Soltan, shall remain a matter of doubt and suspicion. ... evolution/
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Pilgrim »

Op 7 november 2001 bij een inval in de woning van Yousef Nada (was lid van de Moslimbroeders en directeur van de al-Taqwa bank) in het Zwitserse Campione werd een document gevonden, waarin de culturele invasie van het Westen wordt uitgewerkt. In dit document worden allerlei tactieken besproken, om hun doelstellingen in Europa te verwezenlijken. Deze tactieken bestonden onder meer uit immigratie, infiltratie, propaganda en eventueel terrorisme wat uiteindelijk zou moeten resulteren in de dominantie van de islam in Europa. Het einddoel van de Moslimbroeders is de oprichting van een door de sharia (de radicaal islamitische wet) geregeerd islamitisch kalifaat. Een bekende uitspraak van Hasan al-Banna (de stichter van de Moslimbroeders) luidt dat “de islam wil haar wet aan alle naties opleggen en haar macht uitbreiden over de hele aarde. De jihad, die een plicht was voor iedere moslim was een middel om dit doel te bereiken”. Antisemitische Hassan al-Banna ontving ook in de jaren dertig financiële steun van nazi-Duitsland...

De contraterrorisme-expert Oliver Guitta omschreef dit document als het geheime plan van de Moslimbroeders ,,om islamitische regimes in het Westen te installeren via propaganda, prediking en indien noodzakelijk geweld”. Dus, we moeten niet alleen gewelddadig islamitisch extremisme bestrijden, maar ook degenen die de voorwaarden scheppen waarin dit extremisme kan groeien. Al Qaida’s leider al-Zawahiri was in zijn jonge jaren lid van de Egyptische Moslimbroeders en Ab Bakr al-Bagdadi, kalief van de islamitische staat (IS), begon zijn carrière bij de Iraakse tak van de Moslimbroeders. De Oostenrijkse wetenschapper Michael Ley noemt de Moslimbroeders vanwege hun werkwijze ,,gevaarlijker dan de islamitische Staat (IS)”. Dus, pak niet alleen terrorisme aan, maar ook hele de islam, die in 1400 jaar 270 miljoen niet-moslims heeft gedood en nog steeds dood! Er bestaan geen gematigde islam, omdat er geen twee soorten islam zijn. Er is maar een islam en dat is de verschrikkelijke islam - die zit vol met haat en geweld... ... nederland/
De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
Berichten: 52326
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Egyptian MPs criticise US Congressman Tom Malinowski for supporting Muslim Brotherhood

Head of Egyptian parliament's Human Rights Committee Tarek Radwan sharply criticized US Congressman Tom Malinowski for his support of Muslim Brotherhood activists and political Islam movements.

In a statement issued on Saturday, Radwan said the attempts being exerted by Tom Malinowski - a Democratic party member of the House of Representatives - to open the doors of the US Congress before members of Muslim Brotherhood are totally rejected. "Malinowski has recently announced the formation of the so-called Egypt Human Rights Caucus, and wants to use this forum to allow members of the Muslim Brotherhood to hold hearing sessions and conferences inside the US congress on the situation of human rights in Egypt," said Radwan, adding that "the step is a dangerous development because it represents a violation of the UN Charter which states that no country has the right to directly or indirectly interfere into the internal and external affairs of any other country."

Radwan said US Congressman Tom Malinowski's attempts will imply helping the terrorist group (Muslim Brotherhood) deceive American policymakers and public opinion in terms of introducing its members and officials as political activists defending human and civilian rights. "But Congress member Malinowski should know that this is a dangerous game because when you open the door of the Congress for a group with an Islamist Jihadist and violent ideology you will cause harm to America's national security itself," added Radwan, arguing that "playing games with political Islam movements, and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular, will only hurt American national security." "Let me ask US congressmen and politicians to draw lessons from the wars in Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq and Libya, because in these countries, America supported Islamist jihadists and political Islam movements in one way or another and at the end this caused big harm to the United States and Western countries in the form of the proliferation of terrorist movements and threats around the world," said Radwan.

According to Radwan, it is the duty of Egyptian parliamentarians who represent all classes of the Egyptian society to issue initiatives to the US Capitol Hill, cautioning US Congressmen like Tom Malinowsky against forging contacts with political Islam and jihadist movements. "It is very dangerous to forge contacts with such malicious movements because in this way you help them infiltrate the American society and pose a threat to American national security itself," said Radwan, also emphasising that "political Islam movements are a big danger to the stability and security of Egypt and other Arab countries which designated Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization."

In Radwan's words: ""all in the US and the West should recall that the Muslim Brotherhood is the mother of all Islamist terrorist organizations like Hasm, the Army of Islam, IS, Al-Qaeda and Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis, that all of these were designated terrorist organisations by the United States and most Western countries and that all of these were born from the womb of Muslim Brotherhood.

A lot of Egyptian MPs have recently criticised the decision of two US Congressmen – Tom Malinowski and Don Beyer to form "the Egypt Human Rights Caucus". Deputy Parliament Speaker Mohamed Abul-Enein said the formation of such a caucus represents a direct intervention into the internal affairs of Egypt.

Ashraf Rashad, the Spokesman of the Parliamentary majority of the Mostaqbal Watan party, said "Egyptian MPs could ask the US administration to release the former US President Donald Trump supporters who protested before the US Congress (Capitol Hill) on 6 January simply because this is against the right of organising demonstrations," said Rashad. "But we don't like to interfere into the affairs of other countries and we urge US congressmen to focus on America's internal problems rather than intervening into the affairs of other countries," he added.

The two Democratic party US members of the House of Representatives Malinowski and Beyer announced on 25 January the formation of the so-called "the Egypt Human Rights Caucus" to mark the 10th anniversary of the Egyptian revolution.
Rep Beyer said "Egypt remains a key ally, but its human rights record – including the years-long detention of my constituent Aya Hijazi – remains a major concern, and we must stand up to demand better of our closest allies."
Tom Malinowski said "the Egypt Human Rights caucus will reflect and help shape the growing consensus in Congress that we need to rebalance our relationship with this important country."
Both Members of Congress Malinowski and Beyer previously served in the US State Department. Malinowski, a Democrat representing New Jersey, was a Former Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labour under the administration of Former US President Barack Obama. ... inows.aspx
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 51240
Lid geworden op: wo jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm
Locatie: Dhimmistad

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Pilgrim »

De sluipende islamisering in West-Europa is nu in volle gang.“Strijd om islamisering Europa is in volle gang,” schrijft ds. Eberhard Troeger (bestuurslid van het Duitse Instituut voor Islamvraagstukken) in het tijdschrift Diakrisis. In een gastkolom van de oudste Oostenrijkse krant Wiener Zeitung, waarschuwde ook de Oostenrijkse politicus Robert Lugar voor de islamisering van Europa. De islamitische cultuur is simpelweg onverenigbaar met welke cultuur dan ook. Het is een barbaarse, criminele doctrine, die vrijwel ieder facet van de rechtsstaat op sluimerende wijze weet te ondermijnen...

Op verzoek van de Verenigde Staten deden de Zwitserse autoriteiten op 7 november 2001 een inval in de woning van Yousef Nada in het Zwitserse Campione. Yousef Nada was lid van de Moslimbroeders en directeur van de al-Taqwa bank. Bij het doorzoeken van Nada’s woning werd een document gevonden dat gedateerd was op 1 december 1982 en dat sindsdien vaak ‘Het Project’ wordt genoemd. Wat dit document zo beangstigend maakt, is dat het een langetermijnvisie bevat waarin jihad-invasie van het Westen wordt uitgewerkt. Sinds 1982 had dit document gefungeerd als een soort van blauwdruk voor de Europese Moslimbroeders waarin allerlei tactieken werden besproken om hun doelstellingen in Europa te verwezenlijken. Deze tactieken bestonden onder meer uit immigratie, infiltratie, propaganda en eventueel terrorisme wat uiteindelijk zou moeten resulteren/leiden tot islamisering van Europa. Naar buiten toe prediken de Moslimbroeders als ze niet aan de macht zijn het geloof in democratie en mensenrechten. Maar eenmaal aan de macht, zoals in Egypte na de volksopstand in 2011, tonen ze hun ware gezicht en kwam de sharia weer terug in hun politieke programma... [...] ... e-stemmen/
De Islam is een groot gevaar!
Jezus leeft maar Mohammed is dood (en in de hel)
King George
Berichten: 24966
Lid geworden op: zo sep 11, 2011 1:22 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door King George »

Vraagt men zich wel eens af waarom in Egypte, waar men hun pappenheimers iets beter kent dan hier in Nederland, de Moslimbroeders gewoon verboden zijn?

En zo te zien en zo te horen aan dit filmpje van een toespraak van Nasser uit 1958 veegde hij zijn reet af met ook maar de gedachte aan een inzwachtelplicht voor vrouwen. icon_wave.gif
In a 1958 speech, Egyptian President Nasser describes to an audience the idea of the Muslim Brotherhood to force women to wear a hijab. Both he and the audience laugh at the thought of forcing millions of women to cover up.

Today, most Egyptian women wear the hijab. ... 1653800960
Het morele gelijk ligt bij het volk

Citaten van Mustafa Kemal Atatürk over de Islam
Berichten: 52326
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

De wind waait uit de verkeerde hoek voor de Broeders in Turkije.

De proxy oorlog in Libië tussen Turken en het door Egypte gesteunde Cyrinaica bewind is gestopt.
En nu komt er toenadering tussen beide partijen.
Er zijn vele Moslim Broeders die in Turkije dachten een veilig onderkomen te hebben maar ze zijn (in)ruilmateriaal geworden.En velen wacht de doodstraf in Egypte.
Muslim Brotherhood Members in Ankara Fear the Turkish-Egyptian Rapprochement

The young members of the Muslim Brotherhood organization fear "upcoming scenarios" after recent reports about the Turkish-Egyptian rapprochement, while the leadership ignores the situation, according to a number of experts in Egypt.

The experts told Asharq Al-Awsat that if the Turkish authorities began deporting some wanted young men to Cairo, within the framework of rapprochement, those who do not have the support of the leaders will be sent back home.

Expert on fundamentalist movements Amr Abdel Moneim asserted that the youth of the Brotherhood are in a state of confusion and uncertainty.
Abdel Moneim believes that Turkey’s decision to oblige anti-Cairo channels to adhere to media charters has kept Brotherhood youth in disarray.
Some of them believe the channels will be shut down permanently, or members will be handed over to Egypt, as happened in February 2019 with Mohammad Abdel Hafeez.

On the possibility of deporting young people and some leaders in the coming period, Abdel Moneim explained that about a year ago, many Egyptians obtained exceptional nationalities or permanent residencies. However, there remains the issue of the members with death sentences, whom Cairo wants, according to the expert.

He estimated there are 8,000 Muslim Brotherhood members in Turkey with their families, and about 3,000 activists.
Spoiler! :
Abdel Moneim suggested three scenarios for the future of the Brotherhood’s members and their channels in Turkey in light of the rapprochement with Cairo.

The first is not to create issues for the Turkish authorities with Egypt, the second is to find alternatives in other countries, and the third is an individual departure to Canada, the Netherlands, or Malaysia, or a mass departure to countries that are working to have them under an intelligence framework, such as Iran and Malaysia.

Brotherhood leaders believe that Turkish citizenship and media positions can no longer protect them.

Meanwhile, Ahmed Zaghloul, a researcher specializing in fundamentalist movements in Egypt, indicated that the developments of the Egyptian-Turkish rapprochement threaten the youth of the organization in Ankara, especially those who don't enjoy cover from any leader.

In the latest signs of rapprochement between Ankara and Cairo, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu announced that a senior Turkish diplomatic delegation will visit Cairo in May.

Zaghloul described Turkey's decision to oblige media to adhere to the charters as instructions to control the Muslim Brotherhood media only.

He indicated that deportation has always been an issue for young members because the leaders have their personal arrangements. It is likely that if the youths are sent back, they will not include those who are supported by the leaders.

A large number of prominent Brotherhood youth are sentenced to life imprisonment or hard labor, and the leaders will not hand them over. Many of them have obtained Turkish residency and have established a network of international relations that may provide protection, especially with human rights organizations.

Zaghloul indicated that the Brotherhood channels will work to control its rhetoric in the coming period, and the leaders will try to use international relations to achieve gains.

A number of the organization’s youth in Ankara complain that the leadership has completely abandoned them, after they were promised to obtain identification papers that enable them to travel outside the country, according to observers. ... prochement
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Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

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Swedish Pre-School Funneled Money to the Muslim Brotherhood

ANGERED — Over half a million kronor were transferred during 2018 and 2019 from the tax-financed pre-school Lär & Lek in Gothenburg to an Islamist organization. Now a married pair has been convicted for book-keeping violations. The preschool had previously had its license revoked on grounds of connections to the School of Science, which was closed after allowing returning ISIS-terrorists to teach children.

Over half a million kronor were transferred from the pre-school Lär & Lek in Gothenburg to a sports association and then on to the Islamist organization, Sweden’s United Muslims. Now the married pair, Wasim El-Jomaa, and Eva Freih, have been convicted of bookkeeping offenses, reports GT.

During the period 2018-2019, 545,000 kronor were transferred from the pre-school to the Andalus IF sports association and then on to the association Sweden’s United Muslims.
The transfers from the pre-school began shortly after contributions to Sweden’s United Muslims were restricted by both the Authority for Youth and Civil Society Affairs, MUCF, and the city of Gothenburg.
In its decision MUCF referred to statements made by preacher Muadh Zamzam in a lecture at the association that girls who did not cover themselves from the age of 12 would end up in Hell, which the foundation Doku earlier reported.
This was due to the connections to the School of Science, where returning IS-terrorists worked as teachers and managed multi-million kronor amounts from the operations to bank accounts in Saudi Arabia and Malta.

El-Jomaa stands behind the three accounts which have been involved in transfers and has said in interrogation that it is a sponsorship of the sports association’s activity. He has earlier told GT that he and his wife have done nothing illegal.
“For me, it is a matter of right or wrong. If this is legal or illegal. We have done nothing illegal here, so we have no further comment here,” said Wasid el-Jomaa.
Eva Freih didn’t want to comment on the indictment to GT, and she referred to her lawyer, Allan Stutzinsky. He called it “amazing” that the couple are charged with a felony.
“Eva has no problem asserting that she was representative of the pre-school company, and that for sure, the running accounts were delayed, and something was lagging behind. But the bookkeeping is completely correct,” said Stutzinsky.

The district court did not agree with the lawyer’s argument and believes that the couple, El-Jomaa and Greih, are guilty of negligence. They have been sentenced for a book-keeping crime in the normal grade to a conditional suspended sentence and a daily fine [proportional to one’s daily income]. The company behind Lär & Lek will also pay a so-called company fine, which amounts to 100,000 kronor.
In addition to the judgment, the Swedish Tax Agency earlier taxed El-Jomaa for the money which was taken out of the association in the form of unreported income.

El-Jomaa and Freih have declined to comment on the verdict to GT and have referred questions to their lawyers. Freih’s lawyer, Allan Stutzinsky, says that the verdict is well-written and well-motivated, while Jomaa’s lawyer, Peter Gilberg, says that both he and his client are satisfied with the verdict.

“If they are judged as the district court concluded, we can say that we are very satisfied with the judgment,” says Gilberg.

Westerholm: “Sweden’s United Muslims is part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s (network)”

Ledarsidorna’s Johan Westerholm tells Nyheter Idag that Islamist organizations are finding it more difficult to obtain financing through schools and study associations.
“The Muslim Brotherhood’s main financing has been money for study associations, libraries, etc. and educational money. The School of Science, the Römosse School, the Cordoba School, and the whole Ibn Rushd sphere, that is. Now we are seeing how it is being called into question, especially the study association council, etc.,” he says.
Instead, organizations are now seeking support from other sources, among others, through aid and public support to religious communities.
“They are very adaptive. It is the same people who show up all the time and sometimes the same organizations. They work so that ‘the wallet is closed in one place, so we take it and open it in another place.”

The association that is financed with money from the Lär & Lek pre-school is part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s sphere, according to Westerholm.

“Sweden’s United Muslims is part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s network,” he says. ... ingsbrott/

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Re: Moslim broederschap.

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Call to shut down Swedish Islamic school over 'link to extremism'

Report claims school is being financed by group linked to Muslim Brotherhood

A controversial Islamic school in Sweden should be shut down because of its "connection to extremism", a lawmaker said.

The Romosseskolan school attracted criticism after it was accused of gender segregation in lessons and forcing pupils to take part in prayer sessions.
After public funding for the school was halted in June, a report surfaced this week that teachers were being paid by a group linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Responding to the claim, Roger Haddad, the deputy chair of an education committee in Sweden's parliament, said it was time for the school to be shut down altogether.
"I have demanded for several years that Romosseskolan with its connection to extremism be completely closed down," he said.
“It is not enough to investigate the financial position, the whole operation must be stopped."

The city of Gothenburg halted funding for the school in June, saying it wanted to prevent public money from falling into the wrong hands.
But according to city newspaper Göteborgs-Posten, teachers were paid regardless with money from the Islamic Association of Sweden (IFiS).

Magnus Ranstorp, an extremism expert at the Swedish Defence University, described IFiS as a hub for the Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden.
“Not surprised that the Islamic Association of Sweden paid salaries for June and July,” Mr Ranstorp said.

IFiS is a part of the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe, a group established by the Muslim Brotherhood in 1989.

Inspectors had criticised the school for leaving young students with the impression that they had to take part in prayer sessions.

Gothenburg is seen as particularly vulnerable to extremism, with more than a third of Swedish ISIS fighters believed to have come from the city.
Swedish security services said last year that ISIS radicalisation was still taking place in parts of the city.

Another Islamic school in the city, known as Vetenskapsskolan, was shut down in 2019 because of fears that pupils were at risk of radicalisation.
It was accused of appointing teachers who had recently returned from fighting for ISIS abroad.

The Romosseskolan school attracted controversy last year over plans to expand into a building previously occupied by its closed counterpart. ... extremism/
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Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

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Libya’s Islamists: A Fragmented Landscape (1) Alison Pargeter

Post-Qadhafi Libya has been defined by chaos, division and disintegration. With the once-strong center in tatters, the country has fragmented into an array of militias, towns, tribes and regions, all competing to dominate the new order.


Libya’s Islamist milieu is no different. Ten years after the overthrow of the former regime and it is difficult to identify a single coherent Islamist movement or current.

Even the Libyan branch of the international Muslim Brotherhood is wrought with divisions and is shattered from within, as evidenced by the group’s recent decision to convert itself into an NGO.

The militant scene is even more diffuse, defined more by location and personalities than by any particular ideology or organizational dynamic, while the various Salafist currents that are spread across the country are equally difficult to pin down.

This complex and shifting Islamist landscape is partly a function of the way in which Libya’s revolution unfolded, with town after town rising up against the regime and forming their own local militias. It is also a reflection of the fact that in Libya, local and regional dynamics and identities often transcend national preoccupations.

As a result, the various Islamist groups that have emerged, including those at the more extreme end of the spectrum, have found themselves unable to go beyond their own localities.

This environment has given rise to a proliferation of Islamist personalities and commanders, each bent on establishing and maintaining their own personal fiefdoms.

Indeed, ideology has often been lost to the more pressing aim of imposing control and reaping rewards at the local level. Despite the aspiration to the Ummah (one Muslim nation) by both the militant and the moderate currents, therefore, Libya’s Islamists have fallen prey to the localization and raw fighting over the spoils that has characterized so much of the Libyan conflict.

The picture has been muddled further by the intervention of external powers, including Turkey, which is currently serving as a type of COMINTERN for the Islamist movement, controlling and directing it in a fashion not entirely dissimilar to that in which Moscow controlled the international Communist movement during its heyday.

While Turkish intervention may have served as a rallying point for many of these Islamist currents in western Libya, who welcome Ankara’s backing and support, there is still no ideological or organizational glue to hold them together. Libya’s Islamist scene therefore is as chaotic and dysfunctional as the rest of the country.

The Moderate Scene: Libya’s Muslim Brotherhood

The story of moderate political Islam in Libya, as represented by Libya’s Muslim Brotherhood has been one of disappointment and failure. A decade on from the Arab Spring, when it looked as though the region’s future would be defined by the rule of political Islam, the Libyan Brotherhood no longer even exists in its classic form.

This inglorious end is perhaps unsurprising. In stark contrast to its counterparts in neighbouring countries, the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood never had a chance to root itself in Libya, largely because of Qadhafi’s zero tolerance approach to any oppositional or organizational force outside of his Jamahiriyah (State of the Masses).

The movement operated mainly in exile abroad, its cadres returning to Libya at the time of the 2011 revolution. As such, the Libyan Brotherhood never had any social base upon which to draw.

Although its political arm, the Justice and Construction Party (JCP), succeeded in punching above its weight politically in the first part of the transition, manoeuvring its way through the bargaining that followed the 2012 elections to play a major role in the country’s first elected government, from the start, the Libyan Brotherhood found itself up against enormous challenges.

This was partly because armed groups on the ground always had more sway than the country’s nascent governance structures, but also because the Brotherhood soon found itself grappling with its own internal divisions.

These divisions became especially acute in July 2013, when the Brotherhood was brought down in Egypt, unleashing a wave of anti-Brotherhood sentiment inside Libya. The Libyan Brotherhood was accused of being bent on seizing power, and its offices and those of the JCP were attacked in Benghazi.

Indeed, events in Egypt galvanized anti-Brotherhood sentiment in Libya, prompting the JCP to announce it was freezing its work in the government and the General National Congress (parliament).

Events in Egypt also triggered an internal review process. At this time, a current within the JCP came to feel that the association with the Brotherhood in Egypt had become toxic. This current sought to use the review process as a means of distancing itself and the Libyan Brotherhood from its Egyptian counterpart.

As prominent JCP member Abdulrazak Al-Aradi explained, this linkage made the group “a soft target.” This faction within the JCP also began looking increasingly to Tunisia where An-Nahda was engaged in a process of “Tunisification,” focusing on politics and national priorities in a development that would later result in its dropping the term Islamist altogether.

As such, parts of the JCP began calling for a similar process of “Libyfication” within the Libyan Brotherhood.

Although the Libyan Brotherhood did not go as far as An-Nahda, at the movement’s general conference in October 2015, there was broad agreement that the Brotherhood should rebrand itself and refocus its activities on religious and educational work.

The movement’s then general guide, Ahmed Abdullah Souki, explained, “The movement’s priority at this stage should lie in focusing on internal educational work as well as dawa and serving society.”

However, a current inside the movement, including some in the traditional leadership who were intent on upholding the branch’s historical link with Egypt, pushed back against going down this route.

With elements inside the movement and the party pulling in different directions, this review process ended up being buried, leaving the Brotherhood and the JCP in a kind of suspended animation that was to continue for years.

Yet the movement was facing a bigger problem. When the country split into two competing factions in 2014—one in western Libya and the other in the east—the Libyan Brotherhood enmeshed itself fully in the dynamics of the west.

More specifically, it bound itself to Operation Libya Dawn, a loose coalition of revolutionary and Islamist forces led by Misrata, and backed by Qatar and Turkey, which in the summer of 2014 took control of the capital and most of western Libya.

Some elements within Operation Libya Dawn were particularly hard line, adopting a radical Islamist outlook, and supporting militant groups in the east of the country. As well as inadvertently confining itself to the west of the country, therefore, this association tarnished the Brotherhood’s image and left it open to accusations of extremism.

So much so that in February 2017, the Tunisian An-Nahda leader Sheikh Rachid Al-Ghannouchi cautioned JCP leader, Mohamed Sawan and senior JCP member, Nizar Kawan, that it was time to cede some “painful concessions” and move away from groups that have been labelled as terrorist, warning that failure to do so would open the Libyan Brotherhood to the same future as that of its Egyptian counterpart.

However, the movement’s traditional leadership was reluctant to split off from its Islamist allies in this way, preferring to remain situated within the revolutionary milieu. Yet by doing so, it ended up being swamped, lost in a sea of Islamist and revolutionary forces and currents in which it was unable to stamp its mark or authority.

In such an environment, internal cleavages only worsened. Serious problems erupted in 2015 when elements from the JCP began engaging in the UN-lead peace process that was to result in the signing of the Libyan Political Agreement in Skhirat in December 2015.

The Brotherhood’s leadership, with its more hawkish outlook, baulked at partaking in any kind of rapprochement with the forces in the east. So too did some members of the JCP. Al-Aradi explained, “The JCP was divided between those who accepted the Skhirat declaration and those who rejected it…. The faction that rejects the political agreement is keen on its association with the [Muslim Brotherhood] movement. Those who support the political agreement want to develop the party and take it away from the movement.”

Some JCP members were so outraged at the party’s willingness to back the peace deal that they resigned, accusing the party leadership of “deviation.”

Tensions grew, and in 2018, the movement mobilized its members to try to get a greater grip on the party. When JCP leader, Mohamed Sawan, reached the end of his two terms as leader, the movement called on its members to renew their membership of the party.

The attempt to muscle in on the party in this way elicited accusations from some JCP leaders that the movement was intervening in its affairs and threatening its independence. For many in the JCP, therefore, the association with the party had become a heavy burden.

With the party and the movement in disarray, and with the country unravelling fast, the Libyan Brotherhood was unable to keep itself together. The leadership, with its traditional mentality, proved unable to move on. As such, the Brotherhood became increasingly irrelevant. In August 2020, the Brotherhood branch in Zawiya announced its dissolution.

Two months later, the Misratan branch followed suit, citing the leadership’s failure to implement the revisions and reform sagreed in 2015 as one of the reasons for its decision. With these two important branches dissolved, the movement had all but imploded from within. So much so that in May 2021, the Brotherhood announced it was turning itself into an NGO and changing its name to the Revival and Renewal Association.

Despite its hopes in 2011 of seizing the moment to make a glorious return to Libya, therefore, the Brotherhood failed to make any real mark and got lost in the morass of forces and factions that sought to dominate post-Qadhafi Libya. Moreover, by binding itself so tightly to the forces of the west (and by extension to these forces’ foreign backers), it took sides in the conflict, thereby alienating large swathes of the population while simultaneously laying itself open to accusations of militancy. Furthermore, the resistance of its leadership to reform left it unable to adapt or make itself relevant. By its own actions, therefore, the Brotherhood cornered itself and in so doing, brought about its own ignoble demise. ... ndscape-1/
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Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Moslim Broeders zijn lief. En Muslim Zusters natuurlijk nog meer.
En treed je op tegen ze dan breng je ze leed toe. Dan zijn ze slachtoffer en je weet: die zijn zielig en die moet je uit menslievendheid hun zin geven.
Austria: court rules Muslim Brotherhood not a terrorist group

An Austrian court ruled this week that the Muslim Brotherhood is not to be regarded as a terrorist organisation in the country, Anadolu has reported. Raids carried out by Austrian police last year against Muslim activists and academics under the pretext of fighting terrorism were thus declared to be unlawful.

Graz Higher Regional Court spokesperson Elisabeth Dieber told reporters that the complaints lodged by nine people whose homes were raided by the police last year on the grounds that they provided financial support for terrorism and had relations with terrorist organisations were deemed to be justified by the court. She added that the raids, in which police used a disproportionate amount of force, were, therefore, not lawful.

The court touched on the prosecution's accusation that the people were members of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood. However, it was judged that the Brotherhood is not considered to be a terrorist organisation in Austria.

Vienna police raided 60 addresses on 9 November 2020 and detained 30 Muslim activists and academics in what was dubbed "Operation Luxor". They were accused of "establishing a terrorist organisation, financial support for terrorism, organised crime formation and money laundering."

The police use of disproportionate force against well-known individuals who were treated as terrorists led to NGOs, journalists and writers calling for the issue to be clarified as a matter of urgency. The excessive force has left its mark on family members. At least ten children have since been treated for mental health issues. The families have also had financial problems because their bank accounts were blocked following the raids. ... ist-group/
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Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Zouden de Moslim-knuffelende Democraten van de USA nu wel zover zijn dat ze de Muslim Brotherhood als een bende terroristen aanmerken? Ik betwijfel het. Maar het wordt toch maar weer eens geprobeerd om ze kleur te laten bekennen.
Republican lawmakers introduce bill to designate Muslim Brotherhood as terror group

Legislation would enable U.S. to take action against group’s fundraising activities.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) have reintroduced legislation that urges the U.S. State Department to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization.

The measure, which was introduced in the Senate by Cruz with a companion bill in the U.S. House of Representatives by Diaz-Balart, requires the State Department to report to Congress about whether the Muslim Brotherhood meets the legal criteria for designation, and if so, will enable the United States to take action that could stifle the funding they receive to promote their malign activities.

The Senate bill is co-sponsored by Sens. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.). The House bill is cosponsored by Reps. Kay Granger (R-Texas), Chuck Fleishmann (R-Tenn.), Bill Johnson (R-Ohio), Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.), Guy Reschenthaler (R-Pa.), John H. Rutherford (R-Fla.), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Mike Bost (R-Ill.), Glenn Grothman (R-Wis.), Kat Cammack (R-Fla.) and Pat Fallon (R-Texas).

Several U.S. allies, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, have designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terror group. Hamas, which is a Palestinian offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, is designated a terrorist organization by the State Department.

Cruz said in a statement that “it’s high time we join our allies in the Arab world in formally recognizing the Muslim Brotherhood for what they truly are—a terrorist organization. We have a duty to hold the Muslim Brotherhood accountable for their role in financing and promoting terrorism across the Middle East.”

He introduced similar bills in 2015, 2017 and 2020. ... ror-group/
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Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

How the Muslim Brotherhood’s Structure in Sweden Has Changed

On the eve of 2022, there are clear signs that the Muslim Brotherhood will further change the structure and methods of its financing through tax funds. From the private schools and private school groups as well as student associations, which early on financed activities, it is moving over to other appropriation items in the State budget.

Over-financed student unions and religious communities have received amounts in the multi-millions from the government during the Corona crisis despite the fact that these are not directly covered by the support. At the same time, the investigation by Ledarsidorna shows that the student unions have systematically attempted to appropriate more funding for themselves by reporting inflated salary levels for the people they seek support for.

There are questions surrounding the student unions, in particular whether these are actually covered by the law on short-term work, which explicitly excludes all tax-funded activities from what became the Corona grant. Student unions today are over-financed, and the Public Education Council is currently under investigation by the National Audit Office after extensive irregularities were discovered.

Irregularities with the Public Education Council that Ledarsidorna and the opinion-maker Rebecca Weidmo Uvell have pointed out since 2015 and which have come to the attention of the researchers Aje Carlton and Magnus Ranstorp, to finally be revealed in the greater context on TV4. Some of the organizations that are subject to doubt are the organizations that can be linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Ledarsidorna’s examination shows that the organizational and financial structure put together by the Brotherhood has a long history. As early as 1990, the Islamic Association in Stockholm, which today operates the Stockholm Mosque, held a meeting at the Hotel Malmen in Stockholm with representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood in the USA. The Stockholm Mosque is open about its affiliation with the Brotherhood through many statements from the present imam, Mahmoud Khalfi.

This meeting, with documents such as meeting notes, will be reported in a sequel to “Islamism in Sweden”, planned for release in May 2022.

Members of the Stockholm Mosque, during the time they were members, as well as after they left Sweden, have been engaged in weapons smuggling to ISIS or have joined allies of ISIS/Al Qaeda. The Stockholm Mosque is considered one of Sweden’s most radicalizing environments, but at the same time, it is the mosque with which many representatives of the Swedish Church prefer to work The same situation prevails in relation mainly to the Environmental Party and the Social Democrats.

The Stockholm Mosque itself is the hub within the Islamic Association in Sweden, which is the foundation that controls the Brotherhood financing through the Ibn Rushd Study Association, as well as the aid organizations Islamic Relief and Muslim Aid.

Muslim Aid, from its own information, is currently negotiating with the Sida aid authority to be elevated to the same status enjoyed by Islamic Relief. As a strategic partner with Sida*, Islamic Relief receives infrastructural subsidies financed by tax funds to distribute itself without any real intervention from the authority. Islamic Relief’s annual grant exceeds 100 million Swedish crowns.

There is a trend today for the Brotherhood to widen its financing by general funds to include several budget items, but the most evident is that today they lump their activities in budget items that are hard to examine from outside. Such as citizens, media, and investigating authorities as well. By placing a greater emphasis on foreign aid, it makes examination more difficult in that this is partly protected by foreign secrecy, and partly because foreign aid is based on close cooperation with civil society organizations.

These organizations have no obligation to report, even internally to their members, how they distribute allocated funds.

Forum Civ, or formerly Forum Syd, is the clearest example, which itself has over a quarter million Swedish crowns in tax funds available every year, and there they distribute this among members without the members themselves having full insight. Muslim Aid, Islamic Relief, like ACT Swedish Church, are members of Forum Civ. Muslim Aid is now also seeking status as a strategic partner of Sida in order to be able to increase revenue from tax funds even more.

The National Auditing Office is presently examining the aid authority Sida’s criteria and selection of strategic partners.

On the eve of 2022, it is not excluded that the Brotherhood will further change structures and methods for its financing by tax funds even more. From the private schools and private school groups, as well as study associations that financed activities at an early stage, they are moving over to other budget items in the State budget.

There are clear signs that the trend will continue and be expanded with several sources of financing, while, at the same time, such activity will be protected as much as possible by secrecy. ... -part-ten/ ... i-sverige/
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Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Yusuf al-Qaradawi gestopt met preken

De bekende soennitische prediker Yusuf al-Qaradawi is overleden. Al-Qaradawi was jarenlang panelgast bij de omroep Ongehoord Palestina, waar hij alleen maar vragen stelde over de islamitische overheersing van Europa, de invoering van de sharia, de fatwa tegen Salman Rushdie en aanslagen op onschuldige Israëliërs. Al-Qaradawi had nooit een officiële functie bij de Moslimbroeders (hoor je vaker, red.) maar was wel de geestelijk leider van de beweging. Hij is 96 jaar oud geworden. ... et-preken/

Hier een dosis haatbaardpraat van hem:

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Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Opmerkelijk hoe aan het nieuws van de dood van de ideoloog (bovenstaand) van de Ikhwan aandacht wordt geschonken door allerlei groepen en clubjes die beweren helemaal niks met de Brotherhood te maken te hebben.
Maar nu verder:

The Muslim Brotherhood in France, Part 5

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from French weekly magazine Marianne:

Political Islam: The European Commission maintains that they no longer finance FEMSYO

The European Commission has informed Marianne that the association FEMSYO, tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, was not receiving any more financing from the European Union. “A very good sign” for the European deputy Ilana Cicurel, who maintains that France can count on certain of her neighbors in the fight against fundamentalist Islam.

Has the European Union really turned off the tap? On Tuesday, September 13, Marianne revealed excerpts from the letter written by Gerald Darmanin, Minister of Interior, Catherine Colonna, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, and Lawrence Boone, Secretary of State for Europe to the European Commission to call it to account for subsidies granted to FEMSYO (Forum of European Muslim Youth and Student Organizations), an association close to the Muslim Brotherhood.
According to our information, the ministers, as of today, have not received any response from the European Commissioners they have queried. Asked by Marianne, the European Commission nevertheless informed us on Wednesday, September 14, that FEMSYO, “does not currently receive any funding from the European Commission,” admitting that, “in the past, it has received a certain amount of funds from the EU.”

The European Commission noted the rules concerning: No funding for organizations “that pursue illegal or extremist objectives, or that do not fully respect fundamental values and rights. We only fund organizations that adhere to the values of the Union, as enunciated in Article 2 of the treaty.” Among these values, particularly equality between men and women, tolerance, justice… “ In case of violation of the applicable conditions, we have the means to put an end to cooperation and recover the money, if necessary.”

“We have allies”

“This is a very good sign!” European Deputy (Renaissance) Ilana Cicurel, committed to these questions of secularism and fundamentalist infiltration, rejoices with Marianne. “This response commits them. I think that the letters from the French government have not left them indifferent,” she continues. There has been, up to now at least, a lack of thought from the European Commission on this subject, and, on the other side, a very big ability of the associations tied to the Muslim Brotherhood to put together files which seem to correspond to our European values.” For Ilana Cicurel, the European institutions are beginning to “become aware of the menace that today can also come from this kind of association.”

The Secretary of State for Europe, Lawrence Boone, explained to Marianne last August that “in addition to our calls for vigilance that we already issued in the past, we envision a common approach with our European partners in Brussels on this subject, to recall the risks of undermining social cohesion, induced by certain actions and messages of FEMSYO.” Which European partners, when many among them criticize the secularism of the French? “We have some allies on this subject,” says Ilana Cicurel. “Belgium, the Netherlands… countries that have experienced the consequences of Islam in their flesh.” ... ce-part-5/
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Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Muslim Social Media Influencers Deeply Divided Over Legacy Of Controversial Muslim Brotherhood Spiritual Leader Yousef Al-Qaradawi

The death of Yousef Al-Qaradawi, one of the most controversial figures in the modern Muslim history on September 26, 2022, did not end the debate among Muslims over his contributions, affiliation, positions, and legacy. While he was mourned by many around the world, who described him as "moderate" and who praised his efforts in defending Islam, others labeled him an extremist and condemned him for his support of the Arab spring revolutions and his justification of suicide operations.
Spoiler! :
As soon as his death was announced, Muslim social media influencers began debating whether he was a praiseworthy moderate who reformed Islam and defended Muslim issues or a monster whose fatwas and support for the Arab Spring revolutions brought wrath and suffering on Muslims. Some even declared that they would not pray for mercy for Al-Qaradawi because he had prayed for mercy for Pope John Paul II.

Though he was eulogized by high-level clerics around the world and mourned by many other Muslims, the Al-Azhar institution, where Al-Qaradawi attained his academic degrees, including his Ph.D, has not issued any statement regarding the passing of Al-Qaradawi.

Under the hashtags "Al-Qaradawi" and "Al-Qaradawi, a man who equals an entire nation," pro-Al-Qaradawi Muslims from around the world and and from all sorts of professions, backgrounds, Islamic organizations, and Islamist groups such as Hamas eulogized Al-Qaradawi, prayed for mercy for him, and even called him a "martyr of Al-Quds."

Highlighting Al-Qaradawi's popularity in Qatar, Qatari writer Jaber Al-Harmi tweeted: "Mohammad Bin Abd Al-Wahhab mosque, with the capacity to accommodate over 30,000 worshippers, was filled to capacity, causing a large number of people to pray outside during the funeral prayer of Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi."[1]
In a widely shared video that was broadcast live on Al-Jazeera of Al-Qaradawi's burial ceremony, Hamas senior leader Khaled Mashal was featured alongside other leaders and scholars praising Al-Qaradawi, saying: "With regard to Palestine, rest optimistically as [from] what you have planted, including knowledge, encouragement for resistance, prayer for the resistance, for the prisoners, and for the mujahideen, Allah willing, the trees will bloom and their fruits will prove themselves by liberating Palestine."[2] He then promised to build minarets and squares that will carry Al-Qaradawi's name in Palestine. He went on to describe Al-Qaradawi as "the martyr of Al-Quds."[3]

Among those who praised Al-Qaradawi was Ethiopian writer Abd Al- Rahman Saeed, who published an article on in which he described Al-Qaradawi as the "imam of moderation" and expressed that as a child, he read two of Al-Qaradawi's books that were translated into Amharic, and that they changed his life.[4]

The severity of the online campaign against Al-Qaradawi forced some pro-Al-Qaradawi clerics to respond in condemnation. For example, Mauritanian cleric Ahmad Al-Hasani Al-Shinqiti, who is a social media influencer and the assistant secretary-general of the Arab Maghreb Scholars League, posted a tweet on September 27 in which he described Al-Qaradawi critics as "Arab Zionists," saying that those who insulted Al-Qaradawi after he passed away will be disappointed, as "Allah has preserved a group of the Ummah's scholars who will refute your arguments. Among the students and the brothers of Al-Qaradawi are those who will stand out firmly for justice and will speak the truth until judgment day."[5]

Twitter user Essam Mahmoud, who has over 12,000 followers, defended Al-Qaradawi against those who described him as "the Fatwa issuer of NATO" and wrote a tweet on September 27, saying "Sheikh Al-Qaradawi: Was banned from entering the U.S and the UK 20 years ago because of his firm positions against the Zionist occupation of Palestine and the American occupation of Iraq. Why do the insignificant people call him the sheikh of NATO? May Allah have mercy on him and grant him paradise."[6]

Muslims' mixed views on whether Al-Qaradawi was a radical or a moderate was a topic discussed by liberal Egyptian author Saied Shoaib in a video he published on his YouTube channel on September 29. In the video, Shoaib said: "Some view Al-Qaradawi as a moderate and a kind centrist and others view him as a terrorist... most of those who support political Islam view him as a reformer and a moderate. This is expected from them because they believe in the same ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and the ideology of all Islamists that Islam is not a religion, but a state ruled by Shari'a and is an empire that should rule the world."[7] On the other side, Shoaib mentioned that Al-Qaradawi supported Hamas, which is "a dictatorial, fascist, and religious organization that is causing the suffering of the people of Gaza and that is against human rights... Al-Qaradawi also issued a takfiri[8] fatwa against regimes that he opposed such as the Mubarak regime. He deemed it a regime of unbelief and did not disagree with it politically. There is a difference. Deeming someone as unbeliever is different than a political disagreement. Deeming someone as an unbeliever is a crime..."

Ironically, even among Islamists, there are groups and individuals who are against Al-Qaradawi and refused to pray for mercy for him and condemned his approval of joining political parties, women's education, and employment and of taking interest-based loans from banks to buy houses for those living in the West. For example, Lebanese-born British Islamist Dr. Abdur-Rahman Dimashqiah posted a tweet on September 28, saying: "I will not pray for mercy for a man who prayed for mercy for the Pope and asked Allah to grant the nation of Christianity a new Pope to continue the journey of the cross. He [Al-Qaradawi] died without issuing a statement of repent to rectify the damage he had made. It is impermissible to pray for mercy on him... " In the same tweet Dimashqiah added in English "I can't ask mercy to the one who was seeking mercy to the pope, then died without repent [sic] from that."[9]

The Canada-based pro-Al-Qaeda Islamist Sheikh Tariq Abdelhaleem also commented on Al-Qaradawi in a September 26 post on his website. In the post, Abdelhaleem accused Al-Qaradawi of being "intellectually submissive to the West and its culture..." Condemning Al-Qaradawi, Abdelhaleem wrote: "The man was a supporter of the multi-party [system] and sees nothing wrong with the establishing of Communist parties or secular parties under the banner of democracy, which he spent his life defending as he equated it to a Shura [consultative council or assembly] and the difference between them is known to any high schooler from Al-Azhar."[10] Abdelhaleem went on to condemn Al-Qaradawi's support for women's education and employment, including becoming president of a country, and said that Al-Qaradawi issued strange fatwas to make life easier for Muslims regardless of whether the fatwa violated the teachings of Islam and its principles "as he issued a fatwa saying it is permissible to take bank loans with interest in the West to buy a house or start a business."

Among the critics of Al-Qaradawi was the Emirati imam and preacher Ahmed Mousa, who shared a video and posted a tweet addressing those defending Al-Qaradawi, saying: "If your father, your mother, your son, your daughter or your wife died at the event of the Arab Spring because of the incitement of Al-Qaradawi, you would not have dared to defend him."[11]

A Saudi Twitter user named Tuwa1q, who has over 8,700 followers, tweeted in English on September 26: "Let us all not forget that #alqaradawy was an extremist who legitimized suicide bombing. Thousands of Muslims and non-Muslims have lost their lives because of him #القرضاوي. Some are trying to whitewash his dark violent image after he died."[12]

Egyptian journalist and expert on security and political issues Muhammad Al-Daysati tweeted on September 26: "Yousef Al-Qaradawi was the Mufti of terrorism and he distorted Islam and created strife in Syria, Palestine, Libya, Egypt, and Tunisia and made Muslims kill Muslims so that the Muslim Brotherhood come to power... the Muslim Brotherhood has failed and they were rebelled against and Al-Qaradawi has died..."[13] ... rotherhood
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Berichten: 52326
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

The Muslim Brotherhood’s succession crisis deepens

The Islamist group has split in three, with a younger and more radical generation rising.

The Nov. 4 death of the Muslim Brotherhood’s acting general guide Ibrahim Munir has triggered a new internal power struggle.

At the moment, there are three factions struggling for control, all operating outside of Egypt: One in Britain and two others in Istanbul. The London faction, once led by Munir, is now led by Mohei El-din El Zayet. One Istanbul faction is led by Mahmoud Hussein, and the other is the “Current of Change” faction. Each claims to be the legitimate representative of the Brotherhood and its goals.

Before his death, Munir declared that the Brotherhood would no longer seek power in Egypt. The Istanbul factions reject this position, and one of them believes in militant operations against the Egyptian government and army.

After Munir’s death, the group’s London faction immediately declared El Zayet to be its acting guide. In response, an Istanbul-based faction anointed Mahmoud Hussein.

“The Muslim Brotherhood group realizes that the youth boys and girls are its present tools, the power of the group, the hope, its glory makers, the safety valve for its continuity and the name of its future,” Hussein said in a Nov. 20 speech. “That’s why the group is working on preparing and qualifying a generation of youth leaders who is completely qualified in all professions and able to lead the group toward a safe transition into the second centennial for the group, God willing.”

The feud cannot be settled anytime soon. It requires a general assembly vote, something difficult to arrange with members behind bars or in exile.

Egypt considers El Zayet a terrorist. He was sentenced in absentia to six years in prison by a military court for a number of terrorism-related cases involving a terrorist cell known as the Helwan Brigades. Helwan Brigades attacks in 2014-15 killed five police officers and destroyed a number of electrical towers. El-Zayet was charged with coordinating various brigade groups.

Munir was credited with keeping the global Muslim Brotherhood group intact after it was banned in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Jordan. In 2016, he persuaded the British parliament not to ban the Muslim Brotherhood or label it a terrorist entity. He told a parliament committee that sharia laws tolerate apostates and homosexuals, which contradict the teachings of Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna.

But both Munir and Mahmoud Hussein were abhorred by the Current of Change faction, which is comprised mostly of the group’s youth, who see the old guard as too old and entrenched. It is also known as “The Third Wave” and “The New Kamalists,” referring to Mohamed Kamal, a deceased founder of the group. Current of Change organized a convention in Istanbul last October coinciding with the anniversary of Kamal’s death.

Kamal masterminded a number of terrorist activities in Egypt before being killed by Egyptian security forces in 2016 after a short battle at his hideout in Cairo. The Change movement believes in restoring the tenets set by the group’s founder Hassan al-Banna and its ideologue and terrorism mastermind Sayyid Qutb. These tenets include fighting apostate governments and ousting rulers by force as a form of jihad. Qutb believed in imposing sharia laws on to society in place of civil law.

The Current of Change faction issued a charter during its first official meeting in Istanbul. It indicates that the group is willing to resume terrorist activities in Egypt, according to Sky News Arabia. It shuns any reconciliation or rapprochement efforts with the Egyptian government.

“All options are open to the use of force and violence, and the need to release prisoners,” the charter said.

It also called for “the end of the era of centralization within the [Brotherhood] and the reliance on decentralization,” seen as a statement that it would not follow the London or Istanbul factions.

These positions contradict Munir’s statement that the Muslim Brotherhood no longer seeks power in Egypt.

Munir had claimed that his faction’s focus is on freeing Brotherhood members in Egyptian prisons, “achieving societal reconciliation, and building a broad national partnership that adopts the demands of Egyptians in achieving political and economic reform.”

“Ibrahim Munir’s statement seems to make concessions to the authority in Egypt, thinking that this might allow [the Muslim Brotherhood] to return to political work after a while, or at least to engage in social work, especially since Munir and his front have the perception that the group no longer possesses any weapons with which it can confront the political system in Egypt,” wrote Egyptian counterterrorism researcher Munir Adeeb.

If Muslim Brotherhood bylaws were applied to the letter, the next acting general guide should be 80-year-old Mohamed El-Beheiry, who lives in Turkey. He is the oldest member of the Muslim Brotherhood and was part of the notorious cell known as Organization 65, which was headed by Sayyid Qutb and also included Badie.

Organization 65 carried out a number of assassination attempts targeting Egypt’s then-President Gamal Abdel Nasser, and launched other coordinated attacks in an effort to topple the Egyptian government. Egyptian authorities dismantled the group in 1965, sentencing a number of its members—including Qutb—to death.

El-Beheiry was one Munir’s many enemies and participated in an attempted coup against him in October 2021. In response, Munir suspended El-Beheiry and a number of his accomplices.

El-Beheiry’s potential rise as the next acting general guide would deepen the rift between the Muslim Brotherhood factions. Younger members feel that they are being ignored and treated as cannon fodder in their leaders’ battle with the Egyptian state.

The future of a unified Muslim Brotherhood group in Egypt remains murky, as the group is splintered into at least three known factions, each with its own set of goals and agenda that sometimes contradict the others. The new Current of Change group lacks the legitimacy that is enjoyed by the London and Istanbul factions, but carries the ideals of the overzealous radicals of the group, who represent a large number of the Brotherhood’s younger generation. ... s-deepens/
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Berichten: 52326
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Continuing Influence in the Central Council of Muslims (ZMD) in Germany Sparks Concern

Sigrid Herrmann-Marschall

Since it was founded, the Islamic umbrella organization, the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, has been predominantly dominated by actors who belong to, or have been assigned to, the Islamic Center Aachen. While Iran’s influence on the Council, which has been weak for some time, continues to decline, organizations associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, and one organization from the Gray Wolves spectrum, continue to be strongly represented. This is despite the formal exclusion of the largest organization in Germany, which is influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood, Deutsche Muslimische Gemeinschaft (DMG). The current filling of positions on the board after elections gives reason to analyze the people and organizations behind that board and also examine their connections and contacts abroad.

According to its own charter — which has remained almost unchanged for years — the Central Council of Muslims in Germany (ZMD) sees itself as representing Muslims from a wide variety of countries in the diaspora. The Council emerged from the Islamic Working Group Germany in 1994 and sees itself as a religious community under German law — a status that it has not achieved to this day. The reason for the non-recognition could be the non-binding nature of the religious doctrines of all members and sub-organizations, which is legally required in Germany. ZMD members have also been repeatedly under observation by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and were explicitly named in reports that call into question anti-constitutional actions.

Council Composition

The Central Council acts as a kind of non-denominational Islamic alliance which, for years, has also involved officials from organizations loyal to the Iranian regime such as the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH), i.e. Shiites Muslims of Turkish origin form the largest Muslim group in Germany. The largest Turkish umbrella organization DITIB, which is traditionally and organizationally close to the Turkish government, was never a member of the ZMD. The Ahmadiyya community, which has a strong presence in Germany with around 40,000 Muslims, has never joined either, which is not unusual. However, people of Turkish origin are not only founding members of the ZMD, along with the ATIB — an umbrella organization close to the Gray Wolves with around 130 mosques nationwide — but have also repeatedly fielded board members. Apart from the ATIB, predominantly non-Turkish Muslims are organized in the ZMD. In addition to the other umbrella organizations, which are mostly organizations of Turkish origin, the ZMD is a relatively small association. In relation to the Muslims it represents, however, it is much more present in the media than the larger associations through its chairman, Aiman ​​Mazyek.

While the organizations of origin of board members are sometimes still recognizable, which can be used to infer membership, other members are not so easily recognizable. The last publicly available directory dates to the end of 2016. Various governments at federal and state bodies know little of the internal structure of the ZMD since the group does not have a directory of members. Nevertheless, public funds are given to ZMD projects or for foundations belonging to ZMD functionaries, such as the Soziale Dienste und Jugendhilfe gGmbH.

In addition to the umbrella organizations that form the backbone of the ZMD, a number of individual associations and institutions are also members of the ZMD or have been listed as “associated members” in the last available directory from 2016. Among them is the Rat der Imame und Gelehrten in Deutschland (RIGD) — an alliance of imams that the Hessian Office for the Protection of the Constitution claims has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

All sorts of misunderstandings about the assembly are currently circulating internationally. The Egyptian media, for example, has claimed that organizations in which Ibrahim El-Zayat — the former chairman of the Islamic Community in Germany (IGD, now German Muslim Community, DMG) — plays a role, were excluded from the recent election. He would also have lost his post as “Secretary General”. However, El-Zayat was never Secretary General of the ZMD, but he was Secretary General of the predecessor association.

According to its statutes named “Satzung” — an internal set of rules on meaning, task and organizational processes prescribed by German association law — the board of the ZMD is to be elected every three years. Prior to the now-publicized election, the last board was announced publicly in 2016 and was made up of representatives of organizations that have since been dissolved or expelled.

In addition to the DMG, the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) and the Avrupa Türk-Islam Birligi (ATIB) are also included in current reports from the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. The ATIB is an umbrella organization and the IZH dominates an umbrella organization of Shiite organizations called the “Islamische Gemeinschaft der schiitischen Gemeinden Deutschlands e.V.” (IGS). The board of directors, which held office until recently, was made up mainly of people who came from organizations monitored by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

Board Changes

The board consists of nine members, the chairman, Aiman ​​Mazyek, the secretary general, Abdassamad El-Yazidi, the deputies Özlem Başöz and Daniel Abdin, the treasurer, Mohamed Abu El-Qomsan and other board members including Samir Bouaissa, Abdelkarim Ahroba, Nurhan Soykan and Mohammed Khallouk. This means that five people have been brought onto the Executive Board and there have been, as is often the case, changes of function in other positions. Houaida Taraji, Hamza Wördemann, Mehmet Alparslan Celebi, Burhanettin Dag and Sadiqu Al-Mousllie are no longer board members.

With Dag, the IZH will no longer be represented — the board is now purely Sunni. It seems possible that the IZH no longer feels sufficiently represented and protected by the ZMD, since the latter has hardly reacted to public criticism of the IZH in recent years. The Yemen conflict — where a proxy dispute between Saudi Arabia and Iran is unfolding — may also play a role. This conflict can be seen as a fundamental clash between Sunni and Shiite influences.

The chairman of the council has, so far, mostly been assigned to the Islamic Center Aachen (IZA), which goes back to a founding of Syrian Muslim brothers. Years ago, IZA was classified by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, together with the mosques assigned to it, as the second largest structure close to the Muslim Brotherhood after the German Muslim Community (Deutsche Muslimische Gemeinschaft (DMG), formerly IGD, Islamische Gemeinschaft in Deutschland). Wördemann is still managing director togehther with Mazyek of the “Soziale Dienste und Jugendhilfe gGmbH” (as of the end of September). Wördemanns association “Freier Verband der Muslime e.V.” (Free Association of Muslims) was criticized for organizing an education fair where Muslim Brotherhood activities were present.

Taraji was assigned to the IGD, since she was the deputy of Ibrahim El-Zayat when he was still in charge of the IGD. According to the latest information, Taraji is married to former senior Islamic Relief official Almoutaz Tayara, who had to resign in 2020 for his public expressions of sympathy for Hamas. Tayara was also responsible for an educational institution associated with the movement. According to the latest information, Wördemann is no longer treasurer of the ZMD.

Celebi is the son of ATIB founder Musa Serdar Celebi and also held positions within ATIB. Since the ATIB was named in the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the group has faced renewed criticism.

El-Yazidi, Khallouk and Ahroba were board members of an association that no longer exists— the umbrella organization “Deutsch-islamischer Vereinsverband Rhein-Main e.V.” (DIV). This group came under public criticism in 2016 when it became known that the association and some board members were personally under surveillance by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. The organization dissolved in 2018. The DIV was a ZMD member, and the three DIV members were on the DIV board in 2016.

In response to criticism, the ZMD promised, at the time, that it would examine the allegations. The allegations included the involvement of Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist institutions in the umbrella organization. Apparently, this scrutiny is now over. Khallouk is also said to be part of the ZMD’s Scholarly Council, which was announced in 2016. Only two to three members were made public. Khallouk briefly held a teaching position at the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies at Qatar University in Doha between 2014-2015. Meanwhile, Ahroba is professionally anchored in finance.

New Deputies

The new deputies Aiman ​​Mazyek, Özlem Basöz and Daniel Abdin come from different organizations. Basöz is Secretary General of ATIB. Daniel Abdin is chairman of the board of directors of the sponsoring association of the Hamburg Al Nour Mosque. This mosque was rebuilt a few years ago. According to the media, the funds came from Kuwait — probably from the Zakat House. Meanwhile, Nurhan Soykan, Aiman ​​Mazyek’s deputy in the last parliamentary term, came into the public eye when Germany’s Foreign Office (AA) wanted to hire her as a consultant.

The DMG is often still seen as Egyptian-dominated which, in terms of organizational history, goes back to the strong pioneering role played by the Islamic Center Munich (IZM). The IZM was founded in the early 1960s by Said Ramadan, the son-in-law of the Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna. IZM is considered to be the precursor of today’s DMG.

Meanwhile, the growing community had also been joined by Muslims of other origins but similar ideology. Although the IZM formally withdrew from the DMG in 1982, Syrian migrants continued to play an important role and held leading positions in the DMG or in organizations close to it. The formal separation of DMG and IZM, therefore, does not appear as a strong boundary or clear separation, but more as a subtle emphasis or strategic action. Taraji, for example, is of Syrian descent and was the deputy of El-Zayat, who was of Egyptian descent.

Access to Public Funds

However, after the exclusion of the DMG from the ZMD in January of this year, this mixing and networking is kept under tight wraps. The reason could be the desire to obtain public funds in Germany despite the group’s long-term goals and the observation of members by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. While public funding of organizations being monitored by the state is difficult, it is not impossible in Germany. In fact, some ZMD projects are publicly funded.

While the Egyptian-born Muslim Brotherhood in Germany is now taken seriously as an extremist organization to a limited extent, Muslim Brotherhood members of other origins are courted by politicians and are involved in state-financed projects. In particular, the Muslim Brotherhood of Syrian origin has been very successful politically, and in the media, through its foundations.

Muslim Brotherhood Forms ZMD Core

The connections of the Central Council of Muslims to the national and international network of the Muslim Brotherhood have been documented for many years. However, these connections do not only exist through the former institutional membership of the DMG. Rather, they exist through other members, individual associations and institutions. The formal exclusion of the DMG is, therefore, little more than window dressing. Associations and individuals close to the Muslim Brotherhood are at the core of the ZMD, even if they are not directly involved in the DMG. Needless to say, the DMG does not officially announce any of its members and ZMD press releases lack transparency.

In addition to the long-standing involvement of at least one IZA official in the European Council for Fatwa And Research (ECFR), (Muhammed Al-Hawari in 2015), there are also more recent references such as a 2018 ECFR conference, which is said to have taken place in IZA. Mazyek and his secretary general are also welcome guests at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Muslim World League (MWL). One can guess that such meetings are less about better integration and more about defending and prioritizing an imagined Muslim identity.

Ever since the Muslim Brotherhood was founded, Muslim Brotherhood officials have shied away from openly admitting to being involved in the movement. In their countries of origin, where structures have existed for a long time, the Muslim Brotherhood is increasingly seen as a threat to the existing order because of its quest for political power. Since violent groups repeatedly emerge from the Muslim Brotherhood and there is still no official renunciation of violence, the Muslim Brotherhood is now classified as a terrorist organization — even in its country of origin, Egypt.

Muslim Brotherhood Tactics in the West

In the West, the Muslim Brotherhood positions itself as a political movement that supposedly relies on dialogue and adaptation to the society in which it operates. At the same time, however, covert moves are being made that point to a long-term strategy of spreading, infiltrating and gaining political influence. In addition to the implementation of state structures, their toolbox also includes the establishment of new clubs and organizations. In Germany, the Muslim Brotherhood not only infiltrates state organizations, but also educational associations, welfare associations and environmental initiatives.

Muslim Brotherhood members or supporters have always made Islam to be more than a religion but a way of life. All activities should have religious connotations and all actions and attitudes of these organizations are subject to Islamic rules.

Especially at the municipal level, it has been a common strategy of structures close to the Muslim Brotherhood for years to win over Jewish organizations and actors as collaborators in projects, to demonstrate the group’s tolerance. Since the attitude towards Israel has not changed, but the open and direct articulation of this attitude is not politically desirable, an attempt is made to distinguish between Western Jewish commitment and advocacy for Israel. The ZMD would like to be perceived as a civil society actor, but it is not. In this respect, it needs recognition from other social groups and courts them accordingly in order to counter concerns over their true beliefs. This is a strategy that has also been recommended by the MWL for a number of years.

The most recent example is the ZMD dialog project “Schulter an Schulter”. In addition to ZMD officials, the project involves board members of the Central Council of Jews in Germany (Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland, ZdJ). Regrettably, the “key witness” is the former Secretary General of the Central Council of Jews, Stephan J. Kramer, who was involved in the project. Kramer — who in his current position as Thuringia’s head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution — has legitimized the ZMD with his personal support and has made Islamists presentable. With his previous statements on a working paper of the CDU, the largest conservative party in Germany, he even stabbed other constitutional protection officers in the back.

It even went so far that this common project has now received an award in Doha. The awarding institution is the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue (DICID) in Qatar. The center has existed since 2011 and aims to promote “interreligious dialogue”. Since interreligious dialogue is not an end in itself, but a vehicle in which to pursue specific goals, it is important to question whose interests are being represented. As early as 2011, very shortly after it was founded, a delegation of functionaries from the German Muslim Brotherhood visited this facility. DICID and a personal encounter with its director were on the agenda of the small, fairly exclusive travel group, as well as a small audience with the recently deceased Yusuf Al-Qaradawi. Ibrahim El-Zayat`s brother Bilal and ECFR official Khaled Hanafy are also on the board. In May 2022, the Secretary General of the ZMD, El-Yazidi, accepted an award from DICID for “Schulter an Schulter”.


While it was hurtful, the exclusion of DMG, was not a fatal blow. With actors from organizations close to the Muslim Brotherhood and representatives of other questionable groups such as the Gray Wolves, the ZMD remains a problematic actor whose true motives cannot be concealed by the cover of an umbrella organization. Politicians and the media are well advised to not confuse personnel changes with real change. Extremist influences and questionable foreign financing to the ZMD remain a challenge. ... s-concern/
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Berichten: 52326
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

The Muslim Brotherhood in France, Part 5

“I am secular and a Republican,” says the elected official in Valence, Adem Benchelloug, accused of ties with the Muslim Brotherhood

The Journal du Dimanche reveals an internal note within Drome [geographical department in France] Territorial Intelligence. According to this document, Adem Benchelloug, a municipal councilor and vice president of the agglomeration of communities, is reportedly close to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Valence elected official says he is wounded, and refutes the allegations.

“I am wounded and bruised.” That is the reaction of Adem Benchelloug after the article published January 7 by Journal du Dimanche. Entitled “In Valence, the shadow of the Muslim Brotherhood”, this article describes the contents of a internal note in the Drome Territorial Intelligence (RT) that was addressed to the Prefect of Drome last August 3. A note in which the RT, according to our colleagues, shared their suspicions about the municipal counselor assigned to the movement of equipment in the quarter of Valence. Adem Benchelloug is also the 13th vice president of the Valence Romans [agglomeration of communities in charge of sports].

“It’s a bunch of assertions without proof”

Contacted Sunday afternoon, the elected official said he was wounded by these allegations. “I am wounded and bruised when I see such accusations, which are founded on nothing.” Adem Benchelloug continues: “It’s a bunch of assertions without proof and allegations without foundation. Territorial intelligence is there to produce intelligence; that’s their role, but let them do it in the correct manner.” The elected official states: “This note brings nothing concrete and reveals nothing because there is nothing to reveal.”


The vice president in charge of sports in the Valence Romans community agglomeration chooses a sports metaphor in responding: “I take the blow,” but he also notes that for him, these allegations are defamation and that he will take the time to respond point by point. He is presented in the note as, “an elected official with a theologically-formatted profile since 2012 within the associations Ouverture and the Plume Institute,” two associations “essential in the Brotherhood theological training in the Drome [department]”, again according to Territorial Intelligence.

Adem Benchelloug admits having taken a course in the Arabic language in the summer of 2010 at the Plume Association, “but I am neither closely nor remotely connected to the Muslim Brotherhood movement. I am no more than an elected, secular Republican, and before being an elected Republican, I was just a young man in the community invested in the associative environment of the secular hearth of Valensolles [district in Valence], therefore, a home for all. I am the pure fruit of the school of the Republic.”

Violent messages on social media

And Adem Benchelloug says he is also affected by the particularly aggressive reaction that the article triggered on social media. “When we see the reactions of the fascist sphere calling for actions against me, it affects me, and it makes me fear for my family, for our living well together.”

What evidence?

Nicolas Daragon, the Republican mayor of Valence, also says he is outraged by these revelations. “I am shocked to read of such false accusations that are not founded on any proof.” The mayor, who says he has known his municipal counselor more than fifteen years, was not aware of this RT case, nor of the note to the prefect. Thus, he first raises the question of evidence. “There, based on the fact that a municipal counselor took a foreign language course for one month twelve years ago, they say that he is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood? There is a moment when you should bring evidence when you advance such remarks.”

Even if the elected official knows it, it is the nature for Territorial Intelligence to work with total discretion, and to collect bundles of information without real material evidence, which is extremely complicated to obtain in these types of cases.

Questions from the mayor of Valence

The mayor and president of the agglomeration of Valence Romans resumes his form of questioning: “In this note, it is said that there is an organization that trains jihadists. This organization is still open! Last summer, after having been awakened, the prefect indicated to me that the Muslim school was run by the Muslim Brotherhood. She made her tenth or eleventh return visit. So today, I question: The prefect received this note on August 3, she should alert me, she should not spread it in the media, and she should take measures to ensure internal security and public tranquility, something that as of today is absolutely not the case. And so I question myself as to whom we are really targeting? Is there not a form of settling of scores today?

Settling of scores?

Nicolas Daragon concludes: “Not only is nothing clear, but there are some strange maneuvers that make me think there is a sort of settling of scores. It’s as if certain state representatives whose departures have been announced at this time were saying, ‘After me, the deluge’. So there are some steps that are unworthy. And this note, the fact that it is circulating now when it was addressed last August 3 to the prefect of Drome, puzzles me.”

It must be said that the relations between the mayor of Valence and the prefect of Drome have been strained for six months since the Muslim school affair. Is the mayor implying that Elodie Degiovanni herself might have leaked this note? The mayor’s answer is clear. “Well, it’s either the sender of the note or whoever received it. But it’s one or the other. And given the trustworthiness of relations that we have had for a certain number of months now in Drome, I ask myself. At the least.”

We have contacted the prefect of Drome regarding this attack against her by the mayor. Sticking to her position since the start of the Muslim school affair, she does not wish to comment.

The opposition demands an emergency municipal meeting

One opposition party has already reacted. The ex-LREM [Renaissance Party] municipal counselor, Bruno Casari, and Socialist Florent Mejean, in separate statements, are calling for pretty much the same thing: The withdrawal of the Adem Benchelloug delegations, as well as his resignation and the holding of an emergency municipal meeting. ... -part-5-2/ ... ns-1859878
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52326
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Moslim broederschap.

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Austria Bungles Investigation of Muslim Brotherhood

The collapse of a high-profile case against anti-"Islamophobia" activists in Austria is a setback for the government's efforts to counter political Islam in the country.

A high-profile campaign against Islamic extremism in Austria is on the brink of collapse after courts exonerated more than two dozen influential Islamists of terrorism charges due to insufficient evidence. The legal setbacks represent an unmitigated disaster for the Austrian government's efforts to counter political Islam.

The suspects, who were the focus of Operation Luxor, a high-profile nationwide counter-terrorism operation carried out in November 2020, have avoided formal charges through a combination of skillful legal wrangling by their attorneys, incompetence on the part of Austrian law enforcement officials, and lenient rulings from sympathetic judges.

The failed crackdown on non-violent Islamism in Austria is likely to have dire long-term consequences for the country, where efforts to counter political Islam are being stymied by multiculturalism, political correctness, and deep divisions in domestic politics over the role and perceived danger of Islamism.
Spoiler! :

On January 10, the Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht) in Graz, the second-largest city in Austria after Vienna, ordered the government to drop its case against Farid Hafez, an Austrian-born political scientist, because the government was unable to prove that he is a member of a terrorist organization.

Austrian officials alleged that Hafez is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas and was guilty of terrorism financing, money laundering and seeking to establish Islamist enclaves in Europe. He was also accused of trying to overthrow Egypt's anti-Islamist government, calling for the destruction of Israel and seeking to establish a worldwide Caliphate.

On January 10, the Higher Regional Court ordered the government to drop its case against Farid Hafez because the government was unable to prove that he is a member of a terrorist organization.

Hafez, best known for editing the annual "European Islamophobia Report," produced with the backing of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has long been a thorn in the side of the Austrian government. He has asserted that "Islamophobia" forms the basis of "accepted racism" in Europe, where politicians are embracing anti-Muslim bias to mobilize voters.

The Graz court noted that although Hafez is an Islamist provocateur who pushes the narrative of "Muslim victimhood" and tries to silence his critics by branding them as "Islamophobes," this does not prove that he is a member of a terrorist organization.

On January 6, the same court ruled that another Islamist, allegedly the "leading Muslim Brotherhood operative in Austria," could not be prosecuted for terrorism offenses because the government had provided insufficient evidence of his guilt. The court determined that the government's allegations against the defendant, identified only by the initials A.S., could not be proved because they were based on "a collection of mere suggestions, rumors and assumptions from sources that can no longer be verified."

The court also ordered prosecutors to drop their investigation of Anas Schakfeh, a former president of the Islamic Religious Authority of Austria (Islamischen Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich, IGGÖ), an umbrella organization of more than 250 Muslim associations throughout Austria. Prosecutors alleged that Schakfeh, 78, was close to the Muslim Brotherhood, but the Graz court ruled that the evidence against him was insufficient.

In all, Austrian courts have now dropped terrorism charges against 30 of 70 alleged members of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. The high-profile setbacks have called into question the government's legal basis for approving Operation Luxor, the largest-ever counter-terrorism operation in Austrian history. The raids, conducted during the pre-dawn hours of November 9, 2020, involved more than 900 police officers and special forces members who raided 60 properties — apartments, houses, businesses, shops and mosques — linked to 70 suspected Islamists in four Austrian states.

Police detained 30 people and confiscated documents, cell phones, computers and more than 25 million euros in cash. Those detained were questioned for a panoply of suspected illegal activities, including money laundering, terrorist financing and subversion. Prosecutors said that Austrian security services had surveilled the suspects for more than 20,000 hours before the government approved Operation Luxor.

The raids were carried out exactly one week after a jihadist attack in Vienna left four people dead and 23 others injured. The November 2, 2020 attack was claimed by the Islamic State and a verdict in the trial of six suspected accomplices of the Vienna attacker, who was shot dead by police, is expected in early 2023.

At the time of the raids, then Interior Minister Karl Nehammer (who is now Chancellor of Austria) said that Operation Luxor was primarily focused on the Muslim Brotherhood, which he described as "deeply dangerous" because it seeks to "undermine democracy, introduce Sharia law and fight against the basic rights and freedoms that have become dear to us." The raids, Nehammer said, had "struck a blow" against "the breeding ground of extremism" in Austria. Integration Minister Susanne Raab added: "With this strike against the Muslim Brotherhood, we are taking the fight against radical, extremist ideologies seriously. We will not allow extremist ideas to be spread in Austria."

Since then, Austrian courts have systematically dismantled the government's legal arguments for approving Operation Luxor. In August 2021, the Graz court ruled that, in contradistinction to the Islamic State, it did not consider the Muslim Brotherhood to be a terrorist organization but rather a "mass movement consisting of millions of followers." The court declared that "The conclusion that everyone attributed to this movement is a terrorist is simply wrong and therefore inadmissible."

In November 2021, the Graz court questioned information provided by an "anonymous whistleblower" whose tips provided groundwork for the nationwide raids. The court complained that in at least one instance, the whistleblower's information was not based on "factual assessments" but rather on "perceptions."

In June 2022, the Graz court ordered two expert consultants on political Islam to be fired due to their alleged bias. Historian Heiko Heinisch and political scientist Nina Scholz had been commissioned by the public prosecutor's office in Graz to write an expert report on the Muslim Brotherhood in Austria. That report played an important role in the decision to approve the November 2020 raids. The court noted a 2017 television appearance in which Heinisch said that the Muslim Brotherhood had contacts with terrorist groups. The court ruled that the comments "could raise doubts" as to whether Heinisch was "actually completely neutral."

The Austrian government's case has also been hampered by a lack of Arabic translators. Operation Luxor-related raids resulted in the confiscation of more than 200 terabytes of Arabic-language documents. An official document leaked to Der Standard newspaper estimated that with the current number of translators on the case, it would take 21 years for all the documents to be translated into German.

Austrian journalist Jan Michael Marchart, who has chronicled the progression of Operation Luxor, warned that the government's failure would "provide impetus" to the "problematic inciters" of the Islamist scene in which "anti-Zionist and anti-Western worldviews" prevail — to those "who believe they are in a fight with the Western world." ... -of-muslim
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