Artikelen van H Numan

"Opinies" is een collectie van korte teksten (van 500 tot 750 woorden) waarin de auteur zijn opinie over courante islam-gelinkte gebeurtenissen uiteen zet. Indien je jouw opinie gepubliceerd wil zien kan je ze hier kwijt. Geef ons ook je naam en email adres. De tekst moet wel van jouw hand zijn.
Berichten: 52280
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Artikelen van H Numan

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Ahmed Aboutaleb wordt op dit moment door velen in de partij gezien als mogelijke redding van de PvdA die anders zal wegsmelten in de Gr. Linkse klefheid.
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
hans van de mortel
Berichten: 7918
Lid geworden op: zo jun 03, 2007 12:41 pm

Wie gaat de partijkar van de PvdA trekken?

Bericht door hans van de mortel »

Mahalingam schreef:
do apr 14, 2022 9:03 am
Ahmed Aboutaleb wordt op dit moment door velen in de partij gezien als mogelijke redding van de PvdA die anders zal wegsmelten in de Gr. Linkse klefheid.
Hahaha! Geweldig! Die slinkse linkse ontredderingspartij was vroeger een van de felste tegenstanders van religie.

Van moordaanslagen op bussen met schoolgaande kinderen, aanslagen op metro's, vliegvelden, marktpleinen, vul maar in . . . heeft iedere bewoner op aarde kennis van genomen, allemaal bedreven door enthousiaste volgelingen van de historische meest smerige vunzige Arabische roverhoofdman, sadist, terrorist, psychopaat en nepprofeet in de glorieuze zandbak van maangod Allah.

Aan al deze gebeurtenissen sinds de aanvalsoorlogen, rooftochten, plunderingen en het neuken van door buit verkregen haarvrije kutjes van Mohammed is een virusreligie verbonden:


De eersteklas waardeloze achterbakse slinkse politieke partij PvdA die vroeger al de weg-met-ons-partij werd genoemd presteert het om de kluit - het volk - te belazeren door als laatste redmiddel met de grootste handicap, met een ongelooflijke stunt tevoorschijn te komen, door een moslim te kiezen die ook nog eens - JAWEL - zich erop voorstaat salafist te zijn. Ahmed Aboutaleb is de naam van de Rotterdamse wolf in schaapskleren. Niet herkenbaar als salafist vanwege zijn enorme populariteit en gebrek aan durf om volgens de leer van de Arabische nepprofeet Mohammed geweld te gebruiken tegen andersdenkenden.

De makkelijkste manier om Ahmed over te halen de krakkemikkige politieke PvdA-kar te trekken is door hem met de juiste koranteksten om de oren te slaan. Waar een normaal mens dit met droevige oren zal ervaren, valt deze islamitische vijfde colonne specialist op de grond met zijn achterwerk omhoog naar Allah om hem voor deze bewezen dienst van het PvdA bestuur te danken. Immers, alle zegen komt uit het Hellevuur van Allah vandaan. Waar overigens de meeste bewoners die daar vertoeven vrouwen zijn. Iets wat iedere moslim behoort te weten. En dat weten vooral de salafisten als geen ander. Nietwaar gluiperige Ahmed?
Geen eigen mening verkondigen is de vrijwillige celstraf van het verstand.

Berichten: 89848
Lid geworden op: wo apr 07, 2004 10:30 pm

Re: Artikelen van H Numan

Bericht door Ariel »

Dit kan wel eens lang gaan duren

De Russische speciale militaire operatie (absoluut geen invasie!), die iets van drie dagen zou duren, is nu twee maanden jong. De Russen zijn niet zo gek ver opgerukt sinds februari. Sterker nog, ze kregen een behoorlijk pak slaag. Zoveel slaag dat ze noodgedwongen het beleg van Kiev moesten opgeven. Het Oekraïense leger doet het goed, veel beter dan iedereen verwacht had. Als u mij in januari had gevraagd hoelang het Oekraïense leger stand zou houden, dan had ik gezegd: tegenstand bieden? Aan Rusland? Is dat een grapje? Maar ik heb geen toegang tot geheime gegevens. Poetin wel. Die had dus beter moeten weten voor hij met z’n rampenplan begon.

Sommige oorlogen duren kort. De kortste oorlog in de geschiedenis duurde 38 minuten. Andere kunnen heel lang duren. Soms tachtig of meer jaar. Zo lang zal de Russische speciale militaire operatie niet duren, maar dat dit niet in een paar dagen is bekeken, is wel zeker. De kameraden zijn op zeker niet thuis met Kerstmis.

Het lijkt wel of Poetin besloten heeft om het Guiness Book of Records te halen met de grootste politieke blunders aller tijden. Hij heeft precies het tegenovergestelde van wat hij wilde, bereikt:
  • Oekraïne is nu een natie aan het worden met een eigen identiteit. De Russen zijn ongeveer even populair als bij ons de Duitsers na mei 1940. Naties worden (meestal) geboren in oorlog. Niet bij meerderheid van stemmen. Oekraïners zijn orthodox, maar ze hebben al afscheid genomen van de patriarch van Moskou. Patriarch Kirill staat vierkant achter Poetin, daar won hij geen zieltjes mee in Oekraïne.

    Hij wilde Oekraïne buiten de EU en de NAVO houden. Ja, dat werkt fantastisch!

    Zweden en Finland mogen van Poetin geen lid van de NAVO worden. Anders zou er wel iets ‘heel vervelends’ kunnen gebeuren. Klopt. Alleen is dat ‘heel vervelends’ net even anders dan hij zich voorstelde: Zweden en Finland gaan voor 1 juli een lidmaatschap indienen dat de volgende dag gehonoreerd zal worden. Vanwege Poetins briljante diplomatie geeft Zweden 200 jaar neutraliteit op. Inderdaad, heel vervelend.

    De destijds USSR heeft altijd gewaarschuwd voor (West) Duitse herbewapening. Was nergens n voor nodig, want de BRD herbewapende niet. Niet meer dan nodig was. Daarna zakte de Bundeswehr door zijn assen. Minder beroerd dan het Nederlandse leger, maar niet veel. Dankzij de geweldige diplomatie van Poetin heeft Duitsland herbewapening uit het vriesvak gehaald. Vanaf komend jaar is Duitsland de derde natie qua militair budget. Met 2% van het budget verdringen ze Rusland, dat 5% aan bewapening uitgeeft.

    De EU was intern zwaar verdeeld. Nu niet meer. Goed gedaan jochie!

    De NAVO werd gezien als overbodig. Er werd al voorzichtig gesproken over opheffing. Dat gaat voorlopig niet gebeuren.

    China heeft gegokt op het verkeerde paard. Xi betreurt dat enorm, en doet er alles aan om vooral niet als bondgenoot van Rusland gezien te worden. Zijn eigen slimme plan om Taiwan even snel over te nemen als de aandacht van de wereld op Oekraïne gericht is, kan hij in het vriesvak plaatsen. Ruimte zat, nu Duitsland herbewapening er uit gehaald heeft.

    Zelfs Kim in Noord-Korea moest even grinniken. Een regering met een JOODSE president denazificeren? Hoe doe je dat?
Kortom, zo ongeveer alles wat Poetin probeerde te voorkomen, is nu aan het uitkomen. Dank zij één persoon: Vladimir Vladimirovich zelf. (Xi heeft zo ongeveer hetzelfde probleem.)

Waarom deze oorlog in ieder geval vele maanden en waarschijnlijk jaren gaat duren?

Vooral Rusland ziet deze oorlog als essentieel belang. Dat is onzin, maar wel wat Russen zelf geloven. Vergelijk het met het Duitse Lebensraum verlangen. Zonder Lebensraum heeft Duitsland de sterkste economie van Europa. Als je +6000 atoomwapens hebt, kun je je beter op economie focussen dan op militaire overwinningen.

De verliezen zijn hoog, heel erg hoog. Iets waar het Russische leger sowieso lak aan heeft. Voor een westers leger is 5% verlies genoeg reden om aan overgave te denken. De Russische verliezen zijn in ieder geval veel hoger, mogelijk meer dan 10%. Dat doet er niet toe. Er is geen enkele reden voor Russen om aan overgave te denken. Nog niet, in ieder geval. Ze hebben dit soort oorlogen eerder gevoerd. Denk aan de Krimoorlog. De reden was ongeveer even gezocht. De oorlog duurde 2,5 jaar en kostte honderdduizenden Russische soldaten het leven. Net als nu was het Russische leger incompetent, zwaar verouderd en slecht geleid. Even zo goed gaven ze het niet op. Pas toen de geallieerden (Frankrijk, Engeland, Turkije en Sardinië) de oorlog moe werden, en min of meer coulante voorwaarden aanboden, gaven ze het op.

Min of meer hetzelfde zien we in alle oorlogen die Rusland daarna voerde: de Russisch-Japanse oorlog, de Eerste en Tweede Wereldoorlog, de Afghaanse oorlog en de oorlogen die Rusland na de val van het communisme voerde. Ze geven zelden of nooit op. Als ze verliezen, dan consolideren ze zich om het later nog een keer te proberen. Dat zien we in de oorlogen op de Kaukasus. Die oorlogen voerde Rusland vanaf 1999 tot de dag van vandaag.

Wat we in al die oorlogen ook zien, is de manier hoe Rusland oorlog voert: het zijn bijna allemaal vernietigingsoorlogen. Als ze niet kunnen winnen, wordt de tactiek van de verschroeide aarde toegepast. Massamoord, verkrachting en ontvolking zijn gewoon. Tijdens de Eerste Tsjetsjeense Oorlog werden burgers op grote schaal gedeporteerd. Heeft niets met communisme te maken, of met Poetin. Het is de manier waarop Rusland oorlog voert. De tsaren deden het, de communisten deden het, en nu doen de presidenten het. Boris Jeltsin net zo goed als Poetin.

Die tactiek wordt nu in Oekraïne toegepast. Massamoord en verkrachting zijn al gerapporteerd op grote schaal. Het openen van routes voor burgervluchtelingen, om die af te sluiten als ze vol vluchtelingen zitten, is ook niets nieuws. Mariupol is verandert van een stad in een berg puin. Aleppo in Syrië onderging hetzelfde lot en Grozny (Tsjetsjenië) ook. Voor Rusland is Oekraïne van groot strategisch belang. Afstand (naar Moskou) is wat voor hen telt. Natuurlijk willen ze het liefst het land intact innemen. Dat deden ze in Kazachstan en Belarus. Maar als dat niet lukt, schakelen ze over op plan B: het land veranderen in een woestenij waarin niemand kan leven. Dat is vervelend voor de economie, maar de veiligheid van Rusland gaat tenslotte voor.

Er is een tweede reden waarom deze oorlog erg lang kan gaan duren. Het is waarschijnlijk dat het een loopgravenoorlog wordt. Het Oekraïense leger ligt goed ingegraven in Donbass en Luhansk. Als – onwaarschijnlijk op dit moment – het Russische leger weet door te breken, komt het op vlak terrein. Niemand heeft luchtoverwicht. De Russen niet, en de Oekraïners ook niet. Tanks kunnen (en worden) uitgeschakeld worden met relatief goedkope anti-tank wapens. In zo’n omgeving zijn tanks en andere pantservoertuigen ten dode opgeschreven. De manier om daar wat tegen te doen, is een verzadigingsbombardement in de hoop genoeg anti-tank wapens uit te schakelen om op te kunnen rukken. Dat is precies waar het Russische leger in gespecialiseerd is. De manier om daar wat tegen te doen, is ingraven.

Waarom is het onwaarschijnlijk dat Rusland kan uitbreken vanuit Luhansk en Donbas? Dezelfde reden waarom Duitsland Operatie Barbarossa begon in juni en niet eerder: modder. Op dit moment is de Raspoetitsa bezig. Je kunt met tanks beter door de modder ploegen dan met auto’s, maar niet veel beter. Te voet is het nog steeds geen lolletje, tenzij je een fetisj voor modder hebt. De belangrijkste reden waarom het heel lang kan gaan duren, heeft niets met Poetin te maken. We hebben de Griekse crisis afgekocht met gratis geld. Toen kregen we “vluchtelingen”, die we krankzinnig luxueus moesten opvangen. Twee jaar geleden kwam daar een pandemie bovenop. Het kersje op het ijsje is Poetin´s invasie.

Zelfs als Poetin vandaag vrede sluit, verandert er weinig. Dankzij Covid is de inflatie weer terug. Dat maakt het gratis geld heel erg duur. Olie en gas zijn op dit moment van duur onbetaalbaar aan het worden. Niet leuk, maar wist u dat kunstmest (stikstof) uit aardgas gewonnen werd? Werd dik gedrukt, want dat is verleden tijd. We mesten tenslotte niet met goud. Er zijn twee alternatieven: fosfaat en kalium (potas). Potas komt uit Canada, Rusland en Belarus en valt onder het embargo. Er is niet genoeg fosfaat in de wereld om als vervanger op te treden.

Oekraïne en Rusland waren belangrijke graanexporteurs. Oekraïne is dat de komende tien jaar niet meer. Rusland het komend jaar ook niet. Boeren kunnen oogsten of soldaat spelen, maar niet tegelijkertijd. Dat betekent veel hogere voedselprijzen in Noord-Afrika en het Midden-Oosten. De bekende Arabische Lente was het gevolg van hogere voedselprijzen. Vergeleken met wat die landen te wachten staat, was dat een eitje …

De pandemie is min of meer onder controle in Europa en Amerika, dankzij de vaccins. China – waar het allemaal begonnen is – heeft enorme problemen met de Omicron-variant. Hun eigen vaccin, Sinopharm, werkt niet. In ieder geval niet tegen Omicron. China koos voor absolute lockdowns en isolatie, en dat werkt ook niet. In Shanghai (20 miljoen inwoners) dreigen de bewoners letterlijk te verhongeren. Niet omdat er niet genoeg eten is, maar omdat niemand de deur uit mag. Peking gaat nu de lockdown in. In de fabrieken die nog werken, kunnen de werknemers niet naar huis. Die slapen op de werkvloer. Dag in, dag uit. De meeste fabrieken zijn gesloten. De gevolgen daarvan voor onze economie zijn niet te overzien. Het is een open vraag of China als volksrepubliek over een paar jaar nog bestaat. Kortom, zelfs zonder oorlog in Oekraïne zie ik het komend jaar met angst en beven tegemoet.

H. Numan
The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
but the heart of the fool to the left.
hans van de mortel
Berichten: 7918
Lid geworden op: zo jun 03, 2007 12:41 pm

Re: Artikelen van H Numan

Bericht door hans van de mortel »

Mooi lang verhaal van Numan. Altijd de moeite waard om te lezen. Maar ook om zijn tekortkomingen waar te nemen. Lees onderstaande commentaren van mij.
Numan schreef:
di mei 03, 2022 7:56 pm
De pandemie is min of meer onder controle in Europa en Amerika, dankzij de vaccins.
De pandemie is onder controle omdat het geen pandemie maar epidemie was waarbij vaccins voor geen cent deugden. Steker nog: iedereen die ik ken die gevaccineerd is - uitzondering daargelaten - werd besmet met corona. Ik behoor tot de uitzonderingen. Op zich niks nieuws, want ik ben sowieso al een uitzonderlijk type.
Numan schreef:
di mei 03, 2022 7:56 pm
Het is een open vraag of China als volksrepubliek over een paar jaar nog bestaat.
Inderdaad een open vraag. China wordt in alles nummer 1 in de wereld.
Numan schreef:
di mei 03, 2022 7:56 pm
Kortom, zelfs zonder oorlog in Oekraïne zie ik het komend jaar met angst en beven tegemoet.
Numan is bang uitgevallen maar legt niet aan waarom. :thinking:
Geen eigen mening verkondigen is de vrijwillige celstraf van het verstand.

Berichten: 52280
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Artikelen van H Numan

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Are We Being Replaced?
Posted on June 10, 2022 by Baron Bodissey

Below is an overview of the Great Replacement by H. Numan from a Dutch perspective.

Are we being replaced?

by H. Numan

At this moment an old debate is being stirred up in The Netherlands. Conservative parties (PVV, FvD) openly question ‘omvolking’, or replacement by muslims. This is very much a taboo subject, proving to left-wing parties that the PVV and FvD really are definitely fascist. Otherwise they wouldn’t dare break the taboo. I’m describing the situation in The Netherlands, but it is roughly the same in other Western European countries, with local variations.

Let’s start with the camel in the room. Are we being replaced by muslims? De jure, no. The Dutch government never formulated such a policy. Neither has any other government in Europe. That means the Replacement Theory is, strictly speaking, a false one. However, the facts speak for themselves. De facto we are being replaced. We’re just not allowed to acknowledge the fact.

The next question is: Why are we being replaced? Greed. Pure unmitigated selfish greed. Nothing else. From day 1, some people made a lot of money out of it, or built their careers on it. I know quite a few people who did exactly that. Privately, they vent their hatred of the subjects that provide their income. But not from 9 to 5. I’m talking about social workers here. You have no idea how they think privately about muslim migrants. Until it’s time to go to work, of course. From 9 to 5 they are more social than Mother Theresa and Lenin combined. Once they clock out, they put on their white sheets and give any Grand Kleagle a run for his money.

However, you have to dance to the tune. If you don’t, doors close. Usually very quietly: people avoid you, don’t want to do business with you or promote someone else. Sometimes it’s quite open. They publicly say you are a neo-Nazi. Yes, I’m talking about enlightened well-educated socialists who are open to all opinions and love a debate. Except when it doesn’t correspond with their viewpoints. Sound familiar?

The problems began right after World War Two. There was a huge labor shortage. Understandable, as a lot of men had died during the war. It was even worse; the Dutch army was mobilized and send to the Dutch East Indies to prevent it becoming Indonesia. That’s also an economic problem, because it inevitably caused wages to rise. Something our Christian Democrat and Conservative VVD politicians didn’t like. They were paragons of free market enterprise — except when it came to wages.

The solution was an easy one. Hire scabs. People who are worse off than our poorest. The government recruited first Walloons, followed by Galicians in Spain, Italians and Greeks as ‘gastarbeiders’ or guest laborers. Those guys worked in steel mills and mines for a couple of years, then returned home. Usually because by then there was better-paying and less dangerous work available in their own countries.

The elites quickly came up with the myth of the lazy Dutchman who considered himself too good to work in the mines. The shaming worked, and still does even today. People believe that myth. A fairy tale, because it is simple a matter of making choices. Imagine you are a young man in a rural or poor environment. You can work from 9 to 5 in a factory, for a guilder a day. Or work in shifts in mines or steel mills for 2 guilders a day. You earn a lot more, but the work is very dangerous, hazardous to your health and brutally heavy. You’d be really lucky to live past 50 years. Both factories and mines were screaming for new workers. Understandably, most men opted to work in the factory for less money and a longer life. You and I would do exactly the same.

Once the flow of Greek and Spanish laborers stopped due to improved local economies, recruiters looked south of the Mediterranean and found plenty of takers. They had absolutely no idea what can of worms they were opening. Neither did the politicians.

You see, those people were very different. They came from a totally different culture and religion. Locally, they work according to the principle: anything goes, as long as the referee doesn’t see it. It’s not a problem to lie. Just make sure you are never found out. That’s among themselves. It’s a given with infidels. Here is one cultural difference most Western people refuse to understand. Another one is jizya. Muslims aren’t lying, stealing or cheating. They are merely collecting their dhimmi tax.

Where previous guest workers stayed for a couple of years, the new recruits stayed forever. The previous workers lived in ramshackle housing to make do. Those shoddy living conditions were a vast improvement over their own homes in Anatolia or the Atlas mountains for the new migrants. They had no problems living at the bottom of society. It’s what they were accustomed to. Their usual mode of operation was to work a few years, then fake some kind of illness and collect their rightfully earned jizya for the rest of their lives.

At the same time, the political situation had changed drastically. The old conservative establishment was being replaced by a new socialist establishment (revolution of 1968). The conservatives had political interests in business. The new socialists focused on people and managing people. At first all socialist parties were firmly against guest labor. For the common man, a guest laborer is a scab. Someone who willfully undercuts wages. That changed quickly when socialists discovered those poor muslim migrants were the goat with golden udders for them. They needed better housing (under control of socialists), education (reformed by socialists), support (by socialists) and more (also under control of socialists).

Yes, there were rumblings of discontent. The common men was not happy. First Boer Koekoek (farmer Koekoek; he used to be a farmer; it became his nickname) and later by Hans Janmaat. Those rumblings were quickly and effectively defused. Koekoek was ridiculed into oblivion, and Janmaat was immediately tarred neo-Nazi. So much so, that he had to become one. They operated for years at the fringes of politics. Both parties never got more than three seats at best.

Now the golden years of socialism began. Nothing was crazy enough. Everybody was shamed into correct behavior. The goat with the golden udders was pampered, had its every whim catered to, and milked. Of course they could stay in the country. Why on earth not? Oh, they are lonely. Well, bring your wife(s) and children over, you deserve it!

The rumblings remained, because muslims by default do not integrate. They most certainly don’t integrate into an infidel society! Well, said the socialists. That’s because they aren’t citizens. Why would they integrate, if they are considered foreigners? Just give them the vote, and it’ll be all right.

Oh no, it wasn’t. An easy-to-solve problem just got worse. When guest labor was quietly abolished in 1973, there were fewer than 50,000 muslims in The Netherlands. Give them a generous bonus to move back, and the problem could have been solved. Only that would put hard-working socialists out of business. We don’t want that! Pretty soon the floodgates were opened for wives and family. Quickly the number of muslims grew to half a million. Currently, there are more than 1.5 million muslims in the country.

Anything goes to make them — read: socialists — happy. Architects got unlimited funds to go multicultural. One designed halal housing. Marvelous! That’s deep thinking! A house designed with women’s and men’s quarters. The wives can do what they are supposed to (washing, cleaning, cooking, the kids) while the men are not disturbed while drinking tea. The only problem was that nobody wanted to live in those houses. Western families politely declined. Muslim families simply couldn’t afford it. They were busy investing (illicit) money to buy properties in Alanya or Casablanca. Who on earth wants to lose money on a silly dhimmi house? Even worse, you’d have to explain how you make your income to the IRS.

Other architects came up with brilliant plans: let’s beautify their ghettos! Yes, you read that right. Let’s put them in gilded cages. The derelict inner areas of our big cities got an expensive makeover. One designed a exotic halal bazaar in The Hague. A brilliant design of Dutch no-nonsense blah blah blah fused with Oriental bull crap. It’ll make them feel at home! No, it didn’t. The building stood empty for years. Why? The rent was way too high to make profit. Not to mention the Dutch design elements were probably blasphemous to devout muslims. But who cares? We made a ton of money out of it. As the cheaper inner cities were no longer cheap, muslims quickly took over lower class areas elsewhere in the city. Which, in the eyes of the elite, was a benefit. Makes everybody integrate and embrace multiculturalism.

Schools were another socialist focus. First they made sure Jean was educated as stupidly as Jan. Now both of them had to dumb down so muslim children would feel equal. In other words: black schools. Everybody had a school assigned to them, regardless of one’s choice. That was the plan. It didn’t work because socialists do not yet have that kind of power. But we do have lots of black schools now. Except for our socialist elites. Femke Halsema (now mayor of Amsterdam) blatantly and openly refused to send her kids to a black school, much to the chagrin of anything progressive. That caused an outcry, and basically killed the idea of making every school black.

As the problem only got bigger, the rumblings got louder. And a new man appeared. His name was Pim Fortuyn. He became hugely popular and demolished the myth that conservatives are by necessity fascists. It was a certainty he’d become the next prime minister. Now, don’t get too optimistic. He was almost certainly a man who could turn things around. But not the people he surrounded himself with. After his murder his party was elected, that cabinet only lasted weeks.

Something the elites knew all too well. They haven’t remained continuously in power since 1572 without learning a trick or two. Let the man have his moment of glory, then tear him down little by little. Repair the damage he caused after he is forced to resign. Business as usual. However, Fortuyn made one huge mistake. He was openly republican. Not only that, it caught on! He said in no uncertain words what he planned to do with the monarchy when he became PM. That cannot be tolerated.

Many years later, when the murderer of Fortuyn was released from prison and was somehow was able to afford a deluxe villa in the countryside, Princess (after her abdication) Beatrix bought a horse. She named it Volkert. Need I say more?

Killing the messenger didn’t solve the problem. Another man appeared. He was blond. Menacingly blond. As much as I admire Geert Wilders, I feel he is trying to plait soot. Simply because the situation is now irreversible. There are more than a million muslims in the country. Some for generations. You can’t send them back. No matter what. The law simply doesn’t allow it. Even if the law could be adjusted, their home countries absolutely refuse any cooperation. They’d much rather declare war. For two obvious reasons: they don’t have the infrastructure to receive so many people, and what do those #$#@ infidels think? That they can do whatever they want? The goat with golden udders is milked on both sides. Dutch socialists milk it, and so do the Moroccan and Turkish governments. Contributions from citizens overseas form a substantial part of their budgets. It also gives them a strong voice in countries they otherwise would have little say in.

Let’s be honest. Does guest labor work? Of course; it keeps prices low. But also wages. And it has to be managed carefully. Something that was equally carefully avoided. Do tell me: Why do we have to close our shoe factories and textile industry and farm the work out to Asia, while at the same time we keep unprofitable steel mills and mines running? “We do it for king and country!” sounds a bit hollow. We did it because a few people made a ton of money out of it.

The first phase was badly managed. The next phases were even worse. When socialists ran out of Moroccan and Turkish migrants, they focused on a newly-created source: asylum seekers. Right now, the situation is irreversible. Not really; it can be reversed, but not on a democratic way. They won’t go back unless forced to at gunpoint.

Which brings me to today. The world is changing fast. This time next year Putin and Xi Jinping won’t be there anymore. Both face insurmountable domestic problems. Even if Putin manages some kind of victory, it won’t be the victory he was aiming for, and it includes the economic destruction and humiliation of his country. Xi also saw his plans shattered. Zero covid doesn’t work, and he can forget invading Taiwan. The sanctions that merely hurt Russia would destroy China completely. In fact, our biggest problem with China is how to lessen sanctions, so as not to cause a mass genocide.

In Europe we had a huge debt crisis that was bought off with zero interest rates. That’s no longer the case. Instead of zero interest rates we’re heading towards hyperinflation.

The Russo-Ukrainian war will last a long time. Right now we’re heading towards a stalemate and trench warfare à la WW1. One thing is certain: the world will have difficulty feeding itself in 2023/4. Expect serious food riots from North Africa via the Middle East up to China. Those countries are the main importers of grain from Russia and Ukraine. Remember the Arab Spring? The cause was food shortages. Consider that a walk in the park compared to what will be coming. There isn’t enough fertilizer in the world for the coming crop. Besides, both Russia and Ukraine are busy with something else.

As always, socialists go on doing what they do best: ignore everything, do whatever they feel like doing. Oh, do you have a problem with that? Let’s shop for more problems to solve. Climate crisis, anyone? Build Back Better! LGBTQ+! That’s what we always do; divert attention.

It won’t work this time, because we ran out of money, out of food and out of options. Marie Antoinette is alleged to have said: If the people don’t have bread, why don’t they eat cake? I have heard elite socialists literally say: if the people can’t afford gas, why don’t they buy Teslas? They are the same people who went to the guillotine, completely oblivious of why the people didn’t get the joke.

— H. Numan ... more-53954
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 2510
Lid geworden op: do apr 14, 2016 8:43 pm

Re: Artikelen van H Numan

Bericht door Pizzaman »

"It won’t work this time, because we ran out of money, out of food and out of options. Marie Antoinette is alleged to have said: If the people don’t have bread, why don’t they eat cake? I have heard elite socialists literally say: if the people can’t afford gas, why don’t they buy Teslas? They are the same people who went to the guillotine, completely oblivious of why the people didn’t get the joke."

Zo is het, het houdt niet op, niet vanzelf.
Gelukkig hebben we nog een aantal zo-goed-als-nieuwe guillotines bewaard in diverse musea.
Eventueel doneer ik ook een aantal meters FSC-milieuvriendelijk hout en een eind henneptouw.

Deze lui rotten pas een eind op als we ze zelf een handje helpen. :greeting2:
Zalig zijn de onnozelen en simpelen van geest, want zij zullen er in lopen.
Berichten: 52280
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Artikelen van H Numan

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Elections in Holland

The political scene in the Netherlands is about to become very entertaining. Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan has the latest.

On the 15th of March we’re going to vote for provincial governments. Normally, these elections are the most boring and dullest you can imagine. Not this time! These elections will probably decide the fate of the current cabinet. Everybody knows that, and campaigning is lively. Plus, as you can expect, the vilifying of conservative parties and boycotts. Actually, these are the liveliest elections in years.

The reason is our system. We elect the Tweede Kamer (Second Chamber, or House of Representatives), but we don’t elect members of the Eerste Kamer (First Chamber, or Senate). That is so sensitive and complex only members of the provincial governments can vote for them, so we are told. The real reason why we have a Senate is simple. When the Senate was created in 1815, it was to give a disproportionally large voice to the nobility. At that time Belgium and The Netherlands were united. The Dutch part didn’t have much nobility, but the Belgian part did. The king used the Senate to get what he wanted. It was hugely unpopular, especially in the Belgian. The called it ‘le ménagerie du Roi’ (the king’s zoo). After Belgium became independent it didn’t change a lot. Only the wealthiest people were elected to it. Not much has changed over the years…

As in America, a government needs a majority in both Houses. It has a majority by the slimmest of margins in both Houses right now. It’s dead certain the government will lose that majority in the Senate. Both Mark Rutte and Sigrid Al-Qaq* (Sigrid Kaag) are hugely unpopular. It’s difficult to say which one is more hated.

First Mr. Rutte. He’s now the longest-serving premier in the history of the country. To get that distinction he had to compromise in just about everything with Mrs. Al-Qaq and D66 (progressive liberals). So much so that nobody believes he is the premier. Officially, yes. But in reality Al Qaq rules. A coalition government is always a compromise, only in this case Rutte had to compromise in everything, just to get his prize as the longest-serving premier ever. Being the longest-serving — definitely not the most popular — premier means that he is very capable, otherwise he wouldn’t be glued to his chair. He can slither and giggle his way in and out of almost any situation.

Mrs. Al-Qaq is a different story. She was only popular within her party, not nationwide. Her popularity, the little she had, nosedived when she became vice premier and de facto premier. She showed her true colors as a control freak and megalomaniac. The law applies to everyone, but not to her. She blatantly abuses her power and position. For example, she was able to get a full hour-long documentary on prime time TV about herself, before the elections. Free of charge, of course. The lady who arranged this for her became alderman in Amsterdam. She just resigned, to avoid being sacked for incompetence.

There is more, much more. I told you about the childcare benefits scandal. About 2,000 children were taken by childcare to orphanages, thousands of innocent parents are destitute and waiting to be reunited with their children, and for compensation. The previous government collapsed over this scandal, but nothing has been done. The people (= voters) have not forgotten this.

Another issue is an official report about the Groningen natural gas problem. Holland isn’t exactly the first place you think about in relation with earthquakes. After the discovery of natural gas, every government spent the money like there was no tomorrow and sucked Groningen dry. Natural gas is a gas, but that still means it has volume. Many scientists warned years in advance that measures should be taken to prevent earthquakes. Nothing was done. Many tremors have occurred, and many more houses have been seriously damaged. The people are waiting for compensation. The report really slams and condemns the government. The victims have to queue up behind the waiting parents. Both can vote while they wait.

Another report slams the cherished green ideal of heat pump systems. It’s a kind of air conditioning system working the other way around. All green parties love it, especially D66. Probably because they have the most entrepreneurs making money out of it. Air conditioning is expensive; so is this. Not a bit more expensive but many times more expensive than central heating systems. The report concludes that it is not only extremely expensive, but damaging to the environment as well. Which was the reason to start using them. Not only that, but they need electricity, and lots of it. We have a very good electricity network, but it wasn’t designed for heat pumps as a nationwide heating source. We need a lot more power stations, which aren’t there. Green idiots still refuse nuclear power, so the report concluded that heat pumps are expensive, damaging to the environment and cannot function nationwide. People already complained about those heat pumps not working in winter — which is the warmest on record! Guess who those voters are going to vote for.

As usual, all progressive parties are all of a sudden shouting the usual lies: vote for them, they will stop migration! Those lies always worked, so why not now? Because you can’t fool people indefinitely. We have been fooled for generations, and it’s only getting worse. Mohammedan migrants are flooding the country in record numbers, thousands every week. They are housed in hotels and on cruise ships chartered to house them. They get preferential treatment for social housing. D66 launched a campaign ‘Jan and Ingrid got a key (for a house) immediately. Hassan and Aisha did not.’ That campaign wasn’t well received; it really angered many people, especially those that have to wait… 15 to 20 years for a house. Guess what? Those people can vote, too.

It is certain the government is going to lose these elections, and will lose support in the Senate. However, they don’t have to win the elections. They can afford to lose. The way out is work together with the Labor and communist parties (PvdA and GL) in the Senate. However, that is only postponing the inevitable. Everybody can see that clearly. That’s why I assume the government will resign after they lose the elections.

Who can replace them? Difficult to say, because the situation is turbulent. The PVV is doing really well, but so is a newcomer: BBB, the Farmers’ party. At this moment the Farmers’ party leads the polls. Let’s assume they win, by one or two seats, and the government resigns. The leader of the biggest party will automatically be invited to form a new cabinet. That would be Caroline van der Plas. I don’t know if a newcomer in politics will become prime minister over the oldest member of parliament, which is Geert Wilders. Yes, he’s one of the longest-serving parliamentarians. It’s a race between the two. Other conservative parties are doing well, but not in double digits.

As the old Chinese curse goes: “May you live in interesting times”. Well, we most certainly do!


— H. Numan
* You’ve noticed that I consistently call Mrs. Sigrid Kaag Mrs. Sigrid Al-Qaq. There is a reason for that. Sigrid Kaag was an important diplomat, specialized in Middle Eastern affairs. She married her husband, Anis Al-Qaq, without the permission of the government. He was the foreign affairs minister of the PLO at that time. Yes, that’s the reason why high ranking officials have to ask for permission. It’s not the first time a colonel or general has fallen in love with an Eastern block girl who happened to be a captain in the KGB. So, she had to resign her position and went into politics, for D66.

Mrs. Al-Qaq must be a muslim. Anything else is unthinkable for a PLO minister. He simply cannot marry a Western Christian or atheist. Had she been Christian or atheist, there would have been an outcry in the Middle East. We haven’t heard even a peep, so that means she is officially a muslima. The fact that she still used her maiden name is simply camouflage. Dutch have no problems with muslims, but a converted muslima as vice premier is quite a different matter. ... more-55265
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52280
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Artikelen van H Numan

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Go Woke? Go Broke!
Posted on April 17, 2023 by Baron Bodissey


The latest sensational story of the ongoing culture wars is the sordid tale of Dylan Mulvaney, Alissa Heinerscheid, and the self-immolation of the Bud Light brand by Anheuser Busch. Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan examines the crisis from a larger commercial and cultural perspective.
Go woke? Go broke!

by H. Numan

Folks, I’m a bit of a beer aficionado and I studied marketing. I was also lucky enough to live close to the biggest specialty beer store in the city and close to Belgium where they have the largest variety and best beers in the world. I don’t drink beer to quench my thirst, but as a hobby. I find the whole ruckus around Bud Light hilarious and sad at the same time. Sad how this could happen, hilarious in that Anheuser Busch really believes they can get away with it.

Don’t get me wrong here. America is great, except for its beers. Your beers are the rock bottom end. Lite beers are proof you can’t go any lower, otherwise they’d have done it. I have sampled beers from around the world, in every country I have been to. American beers — with the exception of specialty beers and micro breweries — are lacking in any kind of flavoring. It’s mass marketed to the biggest audience possible. Lite beers are even worse. In Europe it would be considered a children’s drink. Actually, a Snow White or Shandy is just that: a glass with ⅓ beer, ⅔ lemonade, usually 7 Up or Sprite. It contains less alcohol than a lite beer, and is often served within the family to children and teenagers. My parents were teetotalers but Shandy was okay. We got one glass on occasion.

American beers used to be better, a lot better. Then came Prohibition, which bankrupted most breweries. After Prohibition only the biggest brewers survived. They decided to consolidate their position by going for quantity, not quality. This strangely, mysteriously even, was a decision they all took. Of course that wasn’t a cartel. The very idea! We all decided at the same time that we would lower the quality as low as the customer is willing to accept. Purely coincidental.

In the ’70s the biggest player dropped out: Schlitz. Many reasons why, but a big one was that Schlitz started to use corn syrup and chemicals to cut the corners. The other brewers learned a lesson: don’t tell anyone! All of them at the same time came up a bit later with a beer that is barely a beer: lite beers. Less alcohol with the cheapest ingredients possible.

Again, don’t get me wrong. Americans have been drinking sub-standard beers for well over a century. You are used to bland beers, just as I am used to bland Dutch food. I don’t particularly like spicy Thai food — for the same reason. I’m used to bland food.

When a company can lose $7 billion without going bankrupt immediately, and even try to pretend nothing bad has happened, they must have very deep pockets. In reality, the profit margin on beer is low. Especially on lite beers. Economy of scale makes up for it. The profit per glass is just a penny or so, certainly not a dime. The volume makes it all not only worthwhile, but immensely profitable. That’s economy of scale.

It’s very difficult to enter such a market. You need sufficient buyers for your new product. That means marketing, and marketing is expensive. You can’t get enough buyers because you don’t have the money for marketing. You won’t get the money because they competition operates on razor thin margins. It’s a closed market.

But it works both ways. The brewers have closed the beer market; the drinkers require the drinks they are accustomed to. Brewers aren’t worried about foreign brands. Sure, Heineken (a mediocre Dutch brand) is widely available. But it doesn’t sell in the same league. Nor will it ever. Because of the price difference, the taste and the alcohol content.

[Alissa Heinerscheid and Dylan Mulvaney]

That brings us to the market. Who drinks Bud Light? As Ms. Alissa Heinerscheid knows and resents, mostly frat boys and blue-collar workers. They have different reasons for drinking flavored water. The frat boys (and frat girls, hi Alissa!) want to drink as much as possible. Blue-collar workers like a couple of beers after work to relax without getting drunk.

So, economy of scale works fine for the American market. Both producers and consumers are happy. That’s all that matters.

Let’s have a look at marketing. Years ago I saw the very first soap commercial broadcast on Dutch TV, now 60 years ago. It is exactly the same as today! Yes, the clothing is updated, the speech is updated, the kitchen is updated. Father doesn’t wear a hat anymore, nor does he smoke a pipe. The message is exactly the same. Almost word for word. Why?

Quite simply, because no one came up with something better. Countless advertising agencies spent all their time and effort on it. If they could have come up with something that sells better, they would have done it.

Exactly the same goes for beer advertising. Beer doesn’t make you a tall handsome guy with stunningly beautiful girls in a fast car. However, that is what sells. Hence the boringly similar adds. Clients simply expect it. Some companies are very good at using humor. Budweiser and Heineken were at times very good in making funny commercials. It’s extremely difficult to change a working marketing strategy into something completely different; targeting a vastly different audience is almost impossible.

That’s where Anheuser Busch and Ms. Heinerscheid fell flat on their pretentious upper-class faces. The boss of Anheuser may deny whatever he wants, but he is the guy with the huge paycheck and extra bonuses. He is ultimately responsible. If only for hiring this spiteful condescending crone and approving her hare-brained plan.

Women often and loudly complain they are not represented in the boardroom. That’s not fair, or even remotely justified. Big companies do everything they can to keep competent women. They really want women in the boardrooms. The problem is that not every woman or man wants to be there. It takes a special kind of human, and those are not the nicest persons to be around.

To become Marketing VP you have to do a lot more than show up from 9 to 5. You work comes first. Period. You work weekends. A problem must be solved, even if it takes you until 3 AM or the whole week. Sleep on the couch in your office. If you’re not willing to do that, your assistant manager will be more than happy to stick a knife in your back. You don’t get overtime. You work. 80 hours per week, if it’s a quiet week. Yes, you’ll easily make ten times what an ordinary employee makes. But not for free; you’ll earn every penny of it. Slip up just once, and out you go. No union for you.

Most men and nearly all women don’t want to do that. The few that do are fiercely competitive. They play to win! For men, that’s not a problem. They can marry later, and have their wife take care of the kids most of the time. Women are time-restricted. The clock ticks. After 30 the ticking gets louder and louder. After 35, it fades away together with the ability to give birth. Boys and girls, do remember that most executives at that level are rarely younger than 40. More usual is 50 years and over. Ms. Heinerscheid at 37 is an exception, just to get a woman on board.

Being a strong independent woman is a dream that nearly always ends in a nightmare. Men don’t want strong independent women. Being chewed out at work is enough already; no need for the same at home as well.

Strong, independent and bright women with the drive for it, like Ms. Heinerscheid, have to sacrifice everything for their careers. Which they do. Only to discover that when they have reached a position of influence and affluence men are no longer interested. Then they realize they wasted their lives, and start blaming anyone for it. Mostly men, never themselves. Ms. Heinerscheid is a great example of that.

How about setting up day care, extended parental leave, flexible working, that sort of thing? That doesn’t work. Not at senior levels. You can’t do that kind of work part-time. 80+ hours is not a part-time job. If you take parental leave, you’re out of the race. Forever. You can’t make up a gap of several years. Sure, you’ll get a decent position when you come back, but you will never reach the top.

Enter Ms. Heinerscheid, the Captain Schettino of Anheuser Busch. Both caused a tremendous amount of damage. Both can’t possibly pay back even a fraction of it. Schettino did it to impress his girlfriend. Heinerscheid did it because she is always right, never wrong. She will get fired, for sure. No company will ever hire here again, not with that track record. A cat lady in the making. With purebred cats, of course. But a cat lady all the same.

I don’t know her, but I’ve seen enough. She looks down on anyone she considers inferior. That means anyone who didn’t graduate from Harvard with honors. She isn’t the prettiest of women; at best average. She resents being reminded of her own frat girl days. She is woke as hell, and that includes being an extreme feminist as well. She probably resents having to work for something as lowly as a beer company, and then managing the cheapest brand in it. Hence her drive to change everything to the way she wants it. Almost certainly a long-term marketing employee, say the equivalent of a sergeant-major, politely said: Ma’am, I wouldn’t do that. Her reaction would be what a snotty lieutenant would do: chew him out and ignore him. She’s too short in her position to make that man suffer, fortunately.

The boss of Anheuser is fully responsible for hiring her, and for approving her campaign. He probably hand-picked her himself. The ax is not hovering over the neck of Ms. Heinerscheid alone. They can walk hand in hand to the scaffold. There is plenty of blame to share.

His apology is even worse. He isn’t apologizing at all, merely whining that his despicable customers should think about the poor men and women who brew this stuff. He reminds them of something he himself is as proud about as Jane Fonda: America and all it stands for. That is not an apology, but an excuse. Just like his beer, a weak excuse.

Will this boycott last? No idea; it is a grassroots movement. Some succeed, most don’t. In financial terms, most businesses would have been bankrupt already, but Anheuser Busch is so big, a $7+ billion loss barely registers. I get the impression that the big boss wants to battle it out. His pockets are the deepest, and those impudent yokels need some dressing down.

History usually works linearly. But not always. Some events — there are many in history — change the world overnight. For example, nobody expected that the murder of a hugely unpopular archduke in a remote backwater of the empire would trigger a war. Much less a world war. Franz Ferdinand was far from popular in the royal family and the nobility. Barely anyone showed up at his funeral.

Notice I didn’t utter a word about the eunuch they hired. Yes, he really is a eunuch. He celebrated a full year of being castrated. All he did was enrage customers who have no truck with his antics. He’s just a sad badly-performing clown, pretending to be a woman. Is blackface offensive? This is woman-face, every bit as offensive. The idea that women would be attracted to drink something they normally wouldn’t consider because of a badly-performing eunuch is too insane for words. Of course women do drink lite beers, but they aren’t going to drink more or switch over because of a highly offensive badly-performing castrato who openly mocks them.

Most revolutions are ready to explode for a long time, but need a trigger event. This might very well be such an event. I certainly hope so.

— H. Numan
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 12624
Lid geworden op: zo mei 11, 2014 8:29 pm
Locatie: Visoko

Re: Artikelen van H Numan

Bericht door sjun »

Wehehe Captain Schettino.. dat was de kapitein van de Costa Concordia. Prima vergelijking van Hermannus Numan.De schipbreuk van Anheuser-Bush zit er zomaar in. Get woke, go broke.

Budlight BACKTRACKS! Company desperate to REVERSE as it goes from BAD TO WORSE!

Hier meer ter zake de case waarover hij schrijft.
Het recht op vrije meningsuiting wordt algemeen geaccepteerd, totdat iemand er daadwerkelijk gebruik van wil maken.
Berichten: 52280
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Artikelen van H Numan

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Mark Rutte is Dead. Long Live Mark Rutte!

On Friday Prime Minister Mark Rutte and the whole cabinet resigned, ushering in yet another political crisis in the Netherlands. Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan sends his cogent analysis of what’s happening.

It’s official. Prime Minister (almost for life) Mark Rutte announced the resignation of his cabinet to the king last Friday. The cabinet couldn’t agree on the issue of (more) refugees. Progressive partners (D66, CU) wanted more, more, more refugees. Mark Rutte looked at the polls, saw his party rising, and said: Nope. Less, less, less.

I’m not optimistic about the end of Rutte. Give the man credit where credit is due: he is the longest-ruling prime minister in our history. That’s certainly an achievement. You could also say he’s the slipperiest eel of the nation. Some prime ministers don’t last a full term, let alone four. Here we see a serious defect in our constitution: there are no term limits. The chance that a PM could be re-elected four times in a row was so insignificantly small that nobody took it seriously. Until Rutte did it. Now this character even plans to run a fifth time! Many dictators-for-life don’t make it to ten, let alone twelve years.

I’m even less optimistic about him being a proper caretaker premier. Officially he’s supposed to mind the shop, nothing more. Well, he was also caretaker premier during the beginning of the Covid crisis. He openly said he rather liked it, because it saved him the hassle of working with parliament. He has learned a lot since, namely that he can exploit any emergency as caretaker. We have so many emergencies and crises I’ve lost track: a severe housing crisis. Of course the global warming crisis. A refugee crisis, which caused the collapse of the cabinet. A nitrogen crisis, a pension crisis. The list is almost endless. Don’t forget the missing children scandal that caused his previous resignation.

I think he’ll take as much time as possible to postpone elections and the later formation of a new government. As there is a crisis (just pick one), legislation cannot wait and has to pass parliament. He can rule like the Kims in North Korea, but longer.

At the same time I’m not happy looking at the opposition. Wilders and the PVV have been marginalized. Yes, they are there. But the media only report negative news about Wilders. There isn’t any juicy gossip to report, so they report nothing. It’s like they have disappeared or no longer exist.

The only opposition party that matters is BBB, the Farmers’ Party. Unfortunately, they’re making beginner’s mistakes. Lots of them. First they gave away their majority in the senate because veteran progressive senators were easily able to compromise with the government. Newbie BBB senators weren’t. Now, at this very moment, Mrs. van der Plas lost a lot of non-farmer fans by supporting a highly controversial law that allows the government to confiscate property to house refugees. And that’s the reason why Rutte all of a sudden finds something he doesn’t have: a spine.

A bit about this property confiscation law. It gives the government the authority to remove people from their homes without compensation or notice. This law is democratic in the same way the Enabling Act was democratic in 1933. Given his penchant for perverting democracy into ‘dhimmi’ and ‘crazy’, something to be expected from Mark Rutte. The vast majority of those refugees are young muslim males coming from safe countries. All they want, in their own words, are: a free nice house, a good job the dole, free medical care, a free car and the right to reunite with their families (free of charge) as soon as possible. Many of them, I kid you not, want — demand even — that The Netherland converts to islam, because islam is good.

You know all that. Nothing new here, right? What’s new is that the Farmers’ Party basically broke the opposition by compromising. Yes, they are willing to accept the spreidingswet (dispersion law), provided certain limitations were added. For example, no more than 15,000 refugees annually and some restrictions on what the government can do.

Not a lot, mind you, but enough to push the legislation almost through parliament. Almost, but not quite. That’s why Rutte had to resign. The Farmers’ Party is essentially a one-issue party. Only what matters to farmers matters to them. Anything else is, at best, extra. Here Rutte smells a chance. He can, as always, play the ‘we have to go tough on refugees’ card. With success, because BBB shows that they don’t care too much about the refugee crisis. That’s a city problem, even though almost all refugees are housed somewhere up-country — where farmers (BBB voters!) live.

There is a very good chance Rutte may be right. BBB clearly is a rookie party. You don’t give away your lead like that, ever! Only a rookie does. BBB show they don’t see city folks as important to them. That’s also a rookie mistake. Currently they poll at about 33%. The entire farmer population, man, women and child, is less than 6%. Even supposing all of them were to vote for BBB, which they don’t. Of course farmers’ issues are important, but if they want to be a dominant party in parliament, the other 27% matters more. Because of van der Plas’ willingness to cooperate she’s loosing ground. That’s all Rutte needs to pass her on the right, only to move to the left when he is re-elected.

It’s too soon to say what might happen. The cabinet collapsed Friday. Elections haven’t been called for, yet. Maybe somewhere in October? November? Later? We have been flooded with refugees since the crisis began in 1998, remember? A temporary refugee center was set up on Lampedusa. That was the beginning of the current crisis, almost thirty years ago.

Progressives are quite strong. I’d say about 40% of the electorate want someone to do something about refugees. Especially getting more of them. As long as they don’t have to foot the bill themselves, and just as important: as far away as possible from their homes. The other sixty percent are divided between “can we get a bit less” (BBB), “a lot less” (JA21) or “none at all” (PVV).

Another factor that will become import is Pieter Omtzigt. I’ve written about him; he was the no. 2 in the Christian Democrat Party. However, his party didn’t like him. So they did everything to hinder him until he left the party. Which he did, with his seat. They hated him so much that they as a party prefer to disappear into oblivion rather than support him and become the biggest party. Had he been elected chairman, he would have won the last election easily. He’s that popular.

Currently he occupies his chair, and claims he needs time to make up his mind. Will he join another party (BBB)? Set up his own party? Resign from politics altogether? We don’t know. If he were to join the Farmer’s Party as no. 2, they would win 50 seats in the polls, or more.

However, if he decides to form his own party (very likely), he’ll have to compete with the others and split the opposition. Alone, he’s good for 20-30 seats. The PVV is currently doing 17 seats; that will probably grow to 20 maybe 25 seats in the elections. Still, the media do everything they can to ignore Wilders, the PVV, the FvD and JA21. Only bad news is widely reported. Compare it with your US elections where Biden hides in his basement, is totally absent during the elections, spouts gaffes when he is present and wins by a landslide. It doesn’t make any sense. You know it’s bogus, but you can’t prove it. Even if you can, nobody notices it. Even if people do notice, what does it matter?

Caveat Emptor

I have to end with a warning. Caroline van der Plas and Pieter Omtzigt are not the droids politicians you are looking for. Both are mainstream politicians. Both are strongly in favor of the EU, have no problems with refugees; islam is for both not an issue. They don’t want to cooperate with Wilders or the PVV. They have very little in common with Wilders and don’t feel the same about political issues. What they share is coincidental: van der Plas is far more concerned about farmers’ issues, while Omtzigt battles corruption.

I hope you like those two swallows, but they don’t make a summer.

— H. Numan ... more-55882
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52280
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Artikelen van H Numan

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Mark Rutte politically passed away

by H. Numan

I wrote an article about the fall of the Dutch cabinet. When I wrote it, I thought it might be a trick on the part of Mark Rutte. Yes, he resigned. Slippery as he is, I expected him to go for a fifth cabinet. He hinted at the possibility a couple of days before his resignation. Nothing in our constitution forbids it. However, yesterday he announced he will not run, is retiring from politics. That, my friends, changes everything.

First of all, he has no successor. All previous possible successors never made it. You can fill a small political party with ‘likely successors of Rutte’. None of them is around today. Some disappeared because of their own mistakes, others because they were elevated but found too lightweight and most because rulers who want to be the longest ruler ever don’t like competition.

Not only did Mark Rutte announce he won’t run, but so did Wopke Hoekstra, the current leader of the Christian Democrats. That’s number two to pass into oblivion. Hoekstra is a nonentity; he was elected not on his capacities but for lack of anyone better. CDA has fifteen seats, but may consider themselves blessed by allah and its prophet if they keep ten of them.

A long time ago, Dutch politics used to be simpler. If you were conservative, you’d be voting VVD. If you were conservative and religious, that would be CDA. If you were young and moderately hip, D66 would be your choice. For common people the Labor party (PvdA) would be a nice fit and if you were mentally deranged and self destructive, there’s the Communist Party (CPN). Nice and easy. Americans tend to get dizzy by now, reading about so many parties. This is just a small preview… We have many more parties! One for every day of the month, with plenty of parties left over.

All of the above parties reached a zenith, and then spiraled and descended down to the left. The first one to implode was the Labor party PvdA. They found a new source of voters, those being muslim migrants. The core voters, blue collar workers, were quietly dumped to be replaced by muslims. At least, that is what party elites told one another at parties. What a brilliant idea! Marvelous! The other parties, left and right, followed the lead. Let’s create a new society, just as we desire it to be.

In real life it doesn’t work. Muslims do vote, but only for want of anything better and only if it benefits them directly. The same goes for all parties that currently look down upon and despise Dutch voters without a university degree. What do you do when you are no longer wanted? You go elsewhere. Not because you like it, but because you have to.

The Labor Party pretended to be the party that cared for the working classes. In reality, if you want a career in the PvdA you’d better be a scion from one of party elites or at least university-educated. The only other option was to be the minority of the day (first Surinamese, then Antillean and now Moroccan). The core voters of the PvdA moved away. In droves. Their biggest victory was 56 seats, at this moment the PvdA has… nine. Have they learned anything? Nothing whatsoever.

The second party to implode was the Christian Democrats. For exactly the same reasons. They no longer were Christians but embraced all religions. If virgin-sacrificing Aztecs were to migrate here, they’d be welcomed in the CDA. As there are no virgin-sacrificing Aztecs, the CDA happily accepts virgin-raping mohammedans. If you took your Christianity seriously, you’d be ridiculed. The same thing happened here: the voters moved out, in droves. Where once the CDA picked up forty seats easily, they currently hold fifteen seats — on the way down. If they keep ten seats in the coming elections, that would be proof of divine intervention. Anything more is not realistic, in the walking-on-water realm. Have they learned anything? Nothing whatsoever.

Which brings us back to Rutte. Two parties are going to lose massively in this election: the Conservatives (VVD) and progressives (D66). D66 (Democrats from 1966) is an up-and-down party. In one election they win by a landslide; the next one they almost disappear. D66 has used up all of its political credit. Just about anything they stand for was given away in exchange for political power. It won’t be the first time they’ll have to debate closing down the party.

I never expected Rutte to voluntarily resign. He’s the expert at putting the blame on others, but this time he can’t. Or more correctly: he wants to, but much of the blame sticks to himself. There is simply too much of it. He made sure nobody is waiting in the wings to replace him. That’s gonna hurt now. All party bigwigs are politely declining to take over leadership. Only political small fry are willing to take control of this Titanic.

Until yesterday I assumed Rutte would try again, this time with BBB support. Which is now incorrect, invalidated by more recent events. It’s almost certain the VVD will head for their biggest defeat ever. Few saw the demise of Labor and Christian Democrats coming. I think I may be one of the first to spot the demise of the VVD. For exactly the same reasons the other parties imploded. They no longer represent their electorate. Have they learned anything? Nothing whatsoever.

The biggest defeats happen when buyers or voters vote with their wallet. If you hold stock in Anheuser Busch, better sell it now. The buyers aren’t buying it anymore. No hard feelings, but we prefer something else. You can be as woke as you like, but not with my dollars! Same question here: has Anheuser Busch learned anything from their debacle? Nothing whatsoever. Have they apologized? Not even remotely. Going woke is apparently so important it trumps everything.

The same will happen to the VVD. After Rutte’s retirement announcement they’ll have to find someone else, who ain’t there. There are always replacements. But to find a replacement quickly and give him enough national credibility to run successfully for PM is a bit too much.

The reason why the VVD was the most important party was their position in the center. All major parties in Dutch politics are center parties. Move too far to the left or right, and you lose that position. First the Labor party broke that rule, followed by the CDA. Now the VVD and D66 will discover that, too.

I can’t forecast the elections. But with this information, I really expect a landslide defeat for both VVD and D66. Not for anything else, it’s too soon. But this surely is hopeful.

Another sign Rutte has had it: BBB officially announced they won’t exclude the VVD party but will not work together with Rutte in the same cabinet. Both GL and Labor said exactly the same. Don’t underestimate the power of the discontented rich. GL and Labor are no longer parties for the poor, but now almost exclusively cater for the rich and very rich.

To end on a lighter note: if you as a man desire to be the most beautiful woman in the country, now you can. The new Miss Netherlands is also Miss Pussy, in that she is missing one. A Mr. Rikkie Kollé is the first man who can call himself Miss Netherlands. He didn’t even have to go to the dentist.

— H. Numan ... more-55893
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
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