Pakistan Leven in chaos

Is het leven in een land van de islam echt het paradijs? Waarom zijn er geen rustige, stabiele islamitische landen op onze planeet?
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »


De chaos bij de Torkham grensovergang naar Afghanistan.
Stranded Afghans take shelter in mosques, shops near Torkham
Pakistani authorities allowed 3,915 Afghan nationals to go back to their country via Torkham border on April 28 as a gesture of goodwill. Authorities, however, had not made any formal announcement about the opening of Torkham border for return of Afghans on that day.

Hearing about the unannounced return of their countrymen, hundreds of more Afghans flocked to the border crossing with the hope of going back to their country. Pakistani authorities, however, closed the border and the Afghans, who had come to Torkhum, got stranded near the border.

The desperate Afghans, hundreds in number, took temporary shelter in two mosques at Landi Kotal Bazaar and abandoned railway tunnels on railway track leading to the border point.
Enzar Gul, anther elderly person from Kabul, said that some of them spent the first night under open sky without having any food for nearly 48 hours. He said that some of the stranded Afghans even approached their country’s consulate in Peshawar but to no avail.

He appealed the Pakistani border and security authorities to allow them to go back to their country. ... ar-torkham
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 12641
Lid geworden op: zo mei 11, 2014 8:29 pm
Locatie: Visoko

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door sjun »

Mahalingam schreef:Ook Pakistan wordt geplaagd door een Bijbelse plaag: de sprinkhanen
Noodtoestand in Pakistan wegens sprinkhanenplaag
De Pakistaanse regering heeft de noodtoestand uitgeroepen wegens een sprinkhanenplaag. De vraatzuchtige insecten bedreigen de voedselproductie van het Zuid-Aziatische land.

"We hebben te maken met de ergste sprinkhanenplaag in meer dan twee decennia en hebben besloten de nationale noodtoestand uit te roepen", aldus de minister van Informatie.

De sprinkhanen waren in juni het land binnengekomen vanuit Iran. Eerst vielen katoenplanten, mais en tarwe in het zuidwesten van Pakistan ten prooi aan de zwerm. Nu hebben de beesten hun weg van de provincie Sindh naar het noordwestelijke Khyber Pakhtunkhwa gevonden.

Ook Oost-Afrika kampt met sprinkhanenplagen die de oogsten bedreigen. De zwermen teisteren Ethiopië en Somalië al zeker sinds december en zijn ook Kenia binnengedrongen. Volgens de Voedsel- en Landbouworganisatie (FAO) van de Verenigde Naties zijn al vele tienduizenden hectares aan gewassen verloren gegaan. Ook Oeganda en Zuid-Soedan worden bedreigd.anen. ... ~b3e76127/
De zwerm houdt Pakistani een spiegel voor. Mogelijk helpt het hen het eigen gedrag in India en het Verenigd Koninkrijk eens kritisch onder de loep te nemen.
Het recht op vrije meningsuiting wordt algemeen geaccepteerd, totdat iemand er daadwerkelijk gebruik van wil maken.
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Weer wat meer chaos.
Een vliegtuig met 100 inzittenden valt op een dichtbevolkte woonwijk.

Waarschijnlijk geen overlevenden na neerstorten vliegtuig in Pakistan

Een passagiersvliegtuig met ongeveer 100 mensen aan boord is vandaag neergestort in de Pakistaanse stad Karachi. De crash gebeurde toen het toestel wilde landen op een vliegveld nabij de stad. De burgemeester van Karachi zegt dat er waarschijnlijk geen overlevenden zijn, maar dat het nog niet bevestigd is.
Er circuleren beelden van een ravage in een woonwijk met veel zwarte rook en vlammen. Bij de crash zijn een aantal huizen beschadigd, zegt een woordvoerder van de luchtvaartautoriteit. Er is een reddingsoperatie aan de gang door het Pakistaanse leger.
Volgens de Pakistaanse krant Dawn is de noodtoestand uitgeroepen in alle ziekenhuizen in de omliggende omgeving. Een woordvoerder van de luchtvaartmaatschappij zegt tegen de krant: ,,Ik bid voor de familieleden van de inzittenden. We blijven op transparante wijze informatie verstrekken.” ... ~aa0d95e3/
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Over de vliegramp:
[...]Zowel de zogenoemde cockpitvoicerecorder, die alle gesprekken van de piloten opneemt, als de flight data recorder met alle vlucht- en technische gegevens van het toestel, is gevonden.
Het vliegtuig stortte neer op een straat tussen huizen in een woonwijk van de stad, nadat het diverse malen had geprobeerd de landing in te zetten. ... l-gevonden
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 89909
Lid geworden op: wo apr 07, 2004 10:30 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Ariel »

Er zijn zelfs twee mensen die het overleefd hebben. Overlevende vliegtuigcrash Pakistan getuigt: “Ik maakte mijn gordel los, liep in de richting van het licht en sprong drie meter naar beneden”
Bij de vliegtuigcrash in een woonwijk in Pakistan gisteren zijn 97 mensen overleden, maar twee passagiers overleefden de crash. Muhammad Zubair, een van de overlevenden, getuigt. “Ik zag alleen maar rook en vuur. Ik hoorde geschreeuw van alle kanten.”

Het vliegtuig van Pakistani International Airlines (PIA) stortte om 9.30 uur lokale tijd neer in een woonwijk dichtbij de grote havenstad Karachi. 97 van de 99 inzittenden overleefden de crash niet. De woonwijk is volledig vernield.

Wat de ramp veroorzaakte, is nog onduidelijk. Vlak voordat het toestel neerstortte, meldde de piloot een technisch probleem bij het landen. De zwarte dozen zijn intussen gevonden en volgens een woordvoerder van PIA overgedragen aan onderzoekers die de oorzaak proberen te achterhalen.

Zubair, een van de twee overlevenden, raakte lichtgewond uit het wrak. “Tien tot vijftien minuten na de mislukte landingspoging volgde de crash”, getuigt hij in het ziekenhuis. “Niemand dacht dat we zouden neerstorten.”

Even verloor hij het bewustzijn. “Toen ik bijkwam, zag ik overal vuur en rook. Ik hoorde van alle kanten geschreeuw van kinderen en volwassenen.” Uiteindelijk slaagde hij erin uit het wrak te geraken. “Ik klikte mijn vliegtuiggordel open, zag een beetje licht en stapte er naartoe. Daarna moest ik zo’n drie meter naar beneden springen.”
The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
but the heart of the fool to the left.
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Moslims vinden een hindoetempel in Islamabad ‘afgoderij’ en dus is de bouw stilgelegd

De bouw van een hindoetempel in de Pakistaanse hoofdstad Islamabad is na protesten opgeschort. Premier en oud-cricketvedette Imran Khan heeft een religieus adviesorgaan nu om raad gevraagd.

De geplande bouw van de eerste hindoetempel in de Pakistaanse hoofdstad Islamabad heeft een rel veroorzaakt. De constructie van de tempel was eigenlijk al in 2017 goedgekeurd door de vorige regering, maar door bureaucratisch getouwtrek nog niet begonnen. De huidige regering ging eind vorige maand tot actie over. Zij kondigde aan dat de bouw nu echt van start kon gaan en beloofde een subsidie van 100 miljoen roepies, omgerekend een half miljoen euro. Daarop ving de lokale hindoegemeenschap meteen aan met de bouw van een muur rond het tempelterrein.

Dat was tegen het zere been van conservatieve moslims. Jongeren verwoestten het eerste stuk van de muur rond het terrein en er barstte een storm van protest los op sociale media. Zo stuurden woedende moslims plaatjes rond die premier Imran Khan afbeeldden als een hindoegodheid.

Volgens Hafiz Maqsood Ahmed, leider van een radicaal-islamistische groep, zou de bouw van de tempel neerkomen op onaanvaardbare ‘afgoderij’. En de extremistische partij JUI-F waarschuwde voor ‘ernstige reacties’. Daarna werd de constructie van de tempel snel weer ‘om technische redenen’ opgeschort.

Tweederangs burgers

Het geharrewar laat zien hoe precair de situatie van religieuze minderheden is in het islamitische Pakistan en hoe lastig het is om hun positie te verbeteren. Hindoes vormen 2 tot 4 procent van de ongeveer 200 miljoen burgers. Ze worden vaak behandeld als tweederangs burgers en zijn ook geregeld doelwit van aanvallen van moslimextremisten.

Premier Khan, een voormalig cricketvedette, won in 2018 met zijn centristische partij PTI de verkiezingen met de belofte van tabdeeli (‘verandering’) en een moderner en welvarender ‘Nieuw Pakistan’, waar minderheden beter beschermd worden. En de oud-topsporter probeerde daar de afgelopen twee jaar ook echt werk van te maken. Zo kregen sikhs, een andere kleine minderheid, vorige week een tempel in de stad Quetta terug die ze kwijt waren geraakt toen Pakistan en India zich in 1947 van elkaar scheidden. Maar Khan moet hierbij wel voortdurend schipperen om de steun te houden van zowel conservatieve moslimgroepen als de invloedrijke strijdkrachten.

Wat dit betekent voor de geplande hindoetempel in Islamabad is onzeker. De premier heeft de Raad voor de Islamitische Ideologie, een adviesorgaan, om raad gevraagd. Maar de minister van religieuze zaken, Noor-ul-Haq Qadri, verzekerde eerder deze maand in het parlement alvast dat de constructie, ongeacht het advies, door kan gaan. Volgens hem buigen de geestelijken zich uitsluitend nog over de subsidie voor de tempel: “De vraag is alleen of hij kan worden gebouwd met overheidsgeld.” ... ~b53ee4d9/
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
hans van de mortel
Berichten: 7918
Lid geworden op: zo jun 03, 2007 12:41 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door hans van de mortel »

Kom niet aan de reputatie van de Profeet!

Als het volk jou al dan niet heeft dood gestenigd is het wel de beurt aan de overheid. In Pakistan staat op blasfemie de doodstraf die nog steeds wordt uitgevoerd bij bewezen godslastering.

Hoe vies schadelijk pedofiel proleet profeet psychopaat sadist en oorlogstirannieke analfabeet Mohammed ook was, wie de 'eer' van Mohammed in Pakistan aantast moet voor zijn leven vrezen. En dit soort islamitische landen probeert met het andere islamitische tuig de dienst uit te maken in de VN.
Geen eigen mening verkondigen is de vrijwillige celstraf van het verstand.

Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

In Allahstan (Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)) staan de Arabieren aan de top.
En Arabië is nu van de clan van Saoud. Die hebben de heilige plaatsen en de oliedollars.

Pakistan doet altijd al moeite om de kwestie Kashmir te internationaliseren. Zelf lukt het ze niet het gebied te veroveren en dus, indachtig Kosovo, moeten anderen daarmee helpen.
Maar slachtofferschap is onder Mohammedan, anders dan bij Christenen, van weinig belang en verkoopt slecht.

Nu wordt geprobeerd om dat OIC voor hun karretje te spannen. Hier een artikel over alle strapatsen die uitgehaald worden.
Pakistan bids to split Muslim world over Kashmir

Islamabad's initiative to rally Muslim nations and create a non-Saudi OIC narrative on Kashmir is a non-starter

India will be keenly watching the outcome of the Pakistani brainwave “to call a meeting of the Islamic countries that are ready to stand with us on the issue of Kashmir and support the oppressed Kashmiris,” as Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi stated in Islamabad on August 4.
Suffice to say, Qureshi’s threat to Saudi Arabia stems from the frustration that it could do nothing more than the renaming of Islamabad’s Kashmir Highway as the “Road to Srinagar” and the unveiling of a “new map of Pakistan.”

Meanwhile, Qureshi did not seem to factor in that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the diplomatic platform on which the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman, exercises leadership of the Ummah. Other than oil, it is that title that prompts the world community to take Saudi Arabia seriously.
The Pakistan-Saudi relationship has been in some drift lately. There are telltale signs: Pakistan reportedly scrambled to pay back a hefty Saudi loan even ahead of time; the Saudis have not cared to renew the deal for supplying oil to Pakistan under deferred payments; again, nothing seems to have moved on the grand idea of US$10 billion worth of Saudi investments in the Pakistani economy, either. ... r-kashmir/
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Door overstromingen in de Pakistaanse miljoenenstad Karachi zijn de afgelopen drie dagen zeker 41 mensen om het leven gekomen.[...]De regio wordt getroffen door de hevigste regenval in negentig jaar. Zeker 2 miljoen mensen in de lager gelegen sloppenwijken van de stad zitten vast door het snel stijgende water. In de stad wonen ongeveer 15 miljoen mensen.
[...]De marine heeft boten ingezet om zoveel mogelijk mensen te kunnen redden. Volgens de weersvoorspellingen houdt de hevige regenval nog zeker twee dagen aan in Pakistan. ... ~b33a289c/
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Pakistani Christian, jailed for seven years, sentenced to death for refusing to convert to Islam
In the depths of a squalid Pakistani jail cell – kept far from the rest of the inmate population at Lahore's District Prison – a poor Christian factory worker is awaiting execution.

A judge convicted Asif Pervaiz, 37, of blasphemy and he was sentenced to death earlier this month. Those advocating for Pervaiz's innocence claim it was not blasphemy and that he merely refused to buckle to pressure and convert to Islam.

"This is a tragic situation; the first case in Pakistan's recent history where a Christian has been accused of blasphemy for refusing to embrace Islam," Pervaiz's attorney, Saif Malook, told Fox News. "This man, Asif's boss, wanted him to leave Christianity, and Asif knew he would suffer a lot by saying no. But he kept his faith."

Pervaiz's nightmare began in 2013 after his supervisor, Muhammad Saeed Khokher, at the garment factory where he worked allegedly pressured him to become a Muslim on multiple occasions, according to Malook. When he refused, Khoker went to police with allegations that the devoted Christian had sent him "blasphemous" text messages defaming the Muslim Prophet Muhammed.

Khokher has since denied that he had attempted to compel his work subordinate to convert. In Pakistan, insulting the Prophet carries a mandatory sentence of capital punishment, and the court has vowed that Pervaiz will be "hanged by his neck until death."

However, the defendant has firmly dismissed the claims, and his attorney further contended that at the time, some seven years ago, anybody could purchase a phone SIM card without showing identification. While legislation has since become tougher and chips now require registration in Pakistan, anybody could simply claim a text message came from a person without verifiable proof.

Malook is preparing to appeal the death sentence, yet he has cautioned his client that the process will mean many more years ailing behind bars.

"As a person, Asif has always been a special young man – very strong, and he never wept until this month when they sentenced him to death. Mentally, he is feeling broken," his lawyer continued. "I've told him that he must find his strength – it is a long journey ahead, that he will not survive unless he can stay strong. I wanted to lie and tell him it would be over soon, but it will be many more years of fighting."

Malook also boldly took on the Asia Bibi case in Pakistan, the impoverished Christian woman who was also convicted of blasphemy. Her case languished on death row for almost 10 years through a long series of appeals and threats before finally being freed in October 2018. Months later, she quietly fled her homeland to the relative safety of Canada as protests over her acquittal erupted in the streets.

And in cases like Pervaiz, it is not just the accused who suffer.

His beleaguered wife – who was diagnosed with cancer – and four young children remain in hiding. Since his arrest seven years ago, they have struggled to find food and any means of income – relying on pennies from local Christian charities for survival.

Watching from behind iron bars as his family falls apart is eating away at Asif's sanity, Malook noted.

"His wife is still very sick, almost like a skeleton, and she fell down and collapsed at the prison while we met with Asif," Malook said on Friday, just hours after returning from the meeting. "The children were weeping for their father; they are all under threat. Everyone is scared to be around them; they are a poor family as it is. It was just so sad."

International human rights bodies have long warned that in Pakistan, unmerited accusations of blasphemy continue to imperil lives – and not only within the minority Christian population. As Malook observed, most of the country's blasphemy charges are directed at Muslims.

Last month, Amnesty International underscored an "alarming uptick" in such charges and stressed that the "draconian laws that enable abuse and risk lives must be repealed."

"They have been used to target some of the most marginalized people in society, including children, individuals with mental disabilities, members of religious minorities, and poorer people," the Amnesty report stated. "Though the majority of those accused are Muslim, as 98 percent of Pakistan's population adheres to Islam, critics have argued that the laws disproportionately target minorities such as Christians and Hindus, who are falsely accused due to discrimination rather than guilt."

The stringent laws regarding religion date back to 1860 when they were first endowed by India's British rulers, and broadened in 1927. Pakistan automatically acquired the harsh legislation when the country was birthed after a 1947 separation from India.

It was not until the 1980s when such offenses started to sweep through the Pakistani population, under the reign of General Zia ul-Haq, who endeavored to further "Islamize" the laws on the books with numerous clauses. In 1980, it was declared that the crime of making disparaging remarks concerning Islamic personages carried a three-year prison term. Two years later, a life prison term was mandated for anyone found guilty to "willful" defilement of the Koran, and then in 1986, it was recommended that blasphemy – the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about the Prophet – come with a death sentence.

According to the National Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP), a total of 776 Muslims, 505 Ahmedis, 229 Christians and 30 Hindus have been accused under various clauses of the blasphemy law between 1987 and 2018 – with the overwhelming majority charged with desecration of the Muslim holy text rather than fully fledged blasphemy.

But even without formal judicial proceedings, the charges come with the cost of human life. In July, a 54-year-old man, Tahir Ahmad Naseem, who had mental disabilities, was shot dead in the Peshawar High Court as he was being presented for trial on blasphemy allegations.

The 2020 report released by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCRIF) in April recommended that the State Department redesignate Pakistan, a military ally of the U.S., a "country of particular concern (CPC)" given that "in 2019, religious freedom conditions continued to trend negatively."

"The systematic enforcement of blasphemy and anti-Ahmadiyya laws, and authorities' failure to address forced conversions of religious minorities – including Hindus, Christians, and Sikhs – to Islam, severely restricted freedom of religion or belief," the report surmised.

While amending the dated blasphemy laws has routinely been touted as a top priority for a number of Pakistan's secular political parties seeking dominance in Islamabad, little headway has been made over the years due in large part to the sensitivity surrounding the hot-button issue.

And for the likes of Pervaiz, it means falling into the field of the forgotten.

"A Pakistani prison is not a good place when you can't afford to pay the guards any bribes. You can't breathe properly, and the Christians charged with blasphemy must be held separately; otherwise, they will be killed," Malook added. "It has been seven years in the prison for Asif already, and there will be many more as we fight his execution. We need the help of the western Christian world." ... nced-death
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
King George
Berichten: 24966
Lid geworden op: zo sep 11, 2011 1:22 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door King George »

Wat een schijtland.
Het morele gelijk ligt bij het volk

Citaten van Mustafa Kemal Atatürk over de Islam
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

De Ahmadi's vragen bescherming van de regering. Maar die krijgen ze niet.
Immers, Ahmadi worden gezien als ketters en die mag je gewoon dood maken want zo lost met al 1400 jaar religieuze twisten op.
Muslim professor shoots dead fellow Pakistani academic after the two argued about their different religions
A Pakistani Muslim professor shot and killed another professor from the Ahmadi minority in the northwestern city of Peshawar, Pakistan on Monday.

Police said the shooting happened a day after the two allegedly had a heated discussion over a religious matter.
The attacker, identified as Professor Farooq Maad, and another gunman opened fire on the car of Professor Naeem Khattak as he was driving to his college, according to police official Siraj Ahmad.

Professor Khattak belonged to the minority Ahmadi faith, which was established in the Indian subcontinent in the 19th century by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, whose followers believe was a prophet.
Police said Khattak was killed by a fellow professor and another man a day after they had a verbal brawl over religious issues.
The victim and the attacker worked at different colleges.

Saleem Uddin, a spokesman for Pakistan's Ahmadi community, said Khattak had completed his doctorate in Zoology and was facing problems because of his faith.
In a statement, he said Khattak had received threats and he demanded protection for people belonging to their community.
'The government has failed in providing protection to Ahmadis,' he said.
Without directly naming the military, he urged state institutions to ensure the protection of Ahmadis. ... gions.html
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Een populaire beroepsmoslim is dood geschoten. Dat zal wel een afrekening zijn over een theologisch geschil, in casu sjia-sunni.
En dan kunnen er makkelijk massale slachtpartijen over en weer plaats hebben.
Dus wat bazuint de regering ? : het is de schuld van India want die wil verdeeldheid zaaien onder ons. Hopelijk laait het vuur van de religieuze bezetendheid niet op.
En ook alle andere hoge hotemetoten (mullah, imams en dat soort volk) roepen op tot eenheid tegen de vijand India (waar trouwens meer moslims wonen dan in Pakistan).
Pakistan blames India as prominent Sunni leader is assassinated

The prominent Sunni scholar Maulana Adil Khan was shot dead in Karachi’s Shah Faisal area last night, with Prime Minister Imran Khan calling it “an attempt by India to create sectarian conflict across the country.”

Maulana Adil Khan was the principal of Jamia Farooqia. His death follows sectarian tensions in Pakistan over the cursing of Sahaba during Muharram and several anti-Shia marches that followed.

Although officials are blaming India for the murder many people on the street and on social media are blaming “Shia militants” for the killing although at present there is no evidence for this.
Prime Minister Imran Khan said in a tweet: “Condemnable targeted killing of Maulana Adil of Jamia Farooqi in Karachi this evening. My government has known and I have repeatedly stated this on TV, since last 3 months [that] India attempts to target kill Aalims from Sunni and Shia sects to create sectarian conflict across the country.” ... assinated/
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 12641
Lid geworden op: zo mei 11, 2014 8:29 pm
Locatie: Visoko

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door sjun »

'Fijn' land dat Pakistan. Meer mensen zouden zich eens moeten oriënteren op wat er daar zoal plaatsvindt om een idee te krijgen van hoe het leven in een geïslamiseerde omgeving er uit ziet. Alvast een voorbeeld: Kennelijk is het heel gewoon in een geïslamiseerde gemeenschap een Christelijk kind van 13 te kapen om haar vervolgens te dwingen tot het aannemen van Mohammed en daarna met een midveertiger te trouwen. Het lijkt me niet verstandig zo'n cultuur in West Europa al te veel ruimte te geven tot het exporteren van zulke waarden. Beter is het er bovenop te zitten dat er in geval van migratie inpassing plaatsvindt en zo niet dat er remigratiebeleid gestart wordt om de ingezetenen tegen omgevingsislamisering en wat daarbij meekomt te beschermen.
Het recht op vrije meningsuiting wordt algemeen geaccepteerd, totdat iemand er daadwerkelijk gebruik van wil maken.
King George
Berichten: 24966
Lid geworden op: zo sep 11, 2011 1:22 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door King George »

Waar allah zand heeft geplaatst....

....mogen GEEN bomen groeien
Het morele gelijk ligt bij het volk

Citaten van Mustafa Kemal Atatürk over de Islam
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

In India is er veel ophef over de 'Love Jihad' en gaan er zelfs speciale wetten tegen gemaakt worden.
Ook in Pakistan is niet iedereen blij met de 'Love Jihad' wat meestal neerkomt op vrouwenroof van jonge christelijke meisjes die dan de Mohammedaanse echtgenote worden van oude kerels die verzorging behoeven. Een slavenbestaan dus.
Police in Pakistan recover teen girl after alleged forced conversion and marriage

A 13-year-old Christian girl in Pakistan who was allegedly abducted and forced to convert and marry a Muslim man has been rescued, officials said.

The recovery of the girl came nearly a month after the girl's parents alleged that she was abducted by Ali Azhar, 44.

The courts had failed to act earlier because they accepted statements the girl gave saying she was 18 and had married of her own free will.

But pressure from campaign groups and a public outcry prompted action.

Leaders from the Catholic Church in Pakistan and human rights groups demanded that the court ruling be reconsidered, arguing that the girl had been forced to give her statement after entering a child marriage. Protesters also took to the streets in Pakistan's capital, Karachi.

On Monday, the Sindh High Court ordered police to find the teenager. She was recovered later in the day and will remain in protective custody until a court hearing on 5 November.
Her alleged abductor was arrested later the same night and is due to appear in court on Tuesday.

The girl's family first reported her missing on 13 October. Two days later, according to Christian Organisation the Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement (Claas), her father was informed that Mr Ali had produced a marriage certificate stating that she was 18 and had converted to Islam.
The family claimed the identification papers were fake, but when the case went to court on 27 October the Sindh High Court granted custody to the girl's alleged abductor. The court also offered protection from the girl's family.

The decision was condemned by human rights and religious groups. "It is the responsibility of the state to... protect its citizens, especially minor girls," Joseph Arshad, a local archbishop, told news outlet Crux Now at the time.
Father Saleh Diego, vicar general of the Archdiocese of Karachi, also addressed the issue of forced conversions, telling the Catholic News Agency that "a 13-year-old cannot decide about her religion. She is an innocent girl... [she] still has a lot to learn about her own religion."
In late October, the family's lawyer Jibran Nasir said the girl's parents had filed a harassment petition on her behalf.
Sindh High Court initially dismissed this application, but later reversed the decision following protests. The girl is now under the court's protection, though Mr Nasir hopes she will soon be returned to her family.
"[The] safest place for a child is with her parents," he said in a Twitter post. "Hopefully [the[ court will return her to [her] parents soon after [the] next hearing."

According to a recent United Nations report, child marriages are still commonplace across South Asia. In Pakistan, nearly 25% of women in their early 20s were married by the time they are 18, the report found.
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

In het land is nog steeds heel veel tribaal recht in gebruik.
Zoals hoe de mannen van de dorpsraad het recht hebben een vrouw te groepsverkrachten om zo de schulden van haar clan te vereffenen.
Het is zeker geen lolletje, al die Paki's in Engeland die doen alsof ze in hun thuisland zijn.
Pakistan voert wet door in strijd tegen verkrachtingen
Pakistan heeft dinsdag een nieuwe wet ingevoerd die iets moet doen tegen het grote aantal verkrachtingen in het land. Dat meldt president Arif Alvi op Twitter. Er komen onder meer speciale rechtbanken die verkrachtingszaken in maximaal vier maanden moeten afhandelen. Het Pakistaanse parlement moet de wet nog goedkeuren. Daar heeft het vier maanden de tijd voor. Als er geen parlementair fiat komt, vervalt de wet.
Er komt geen fiat, daar kan je op rekenen.
De wet maakt het ook strafbaar de identiteit van verkrachtingsslachtoffers openbaar te maken. Op die manier hoopt de regering dat vrouwen die misbruikt zijn zich vaker melden. Nu krijgen zij in veel gevallen te maken met uitsluiting, bedreiging of zelfs fysiek geweld, omdat de verkrachting ook hun eigen schuld zou zijn geweest. Een groot deel van de seksuele delicten in Pakistan blijft op die manier onder de radar. Verder stelt de wet dat slachtoffers altijd binnen zes uur na hun aangifte medisch onderzocht moeten worden. Daarnaast belanden zedendelinquenten voortaan in een register. ... n-a4024022
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 89909
Lid geworden op: wo apr 07, 2004 10:30 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Ariel »

Mahalingam schreef:
wo dec 16, 2020 3:42 pm
De wet maakt het ook strafbaar de identiteit van verkrachtingsslachtoffers openbaar te maken. Op die manier hoopt de regering dat vrouwen die misbruikt zijn zich vaker melden. Nu krijgen zij in veel gevallen te maken met uitsluiting, bedreiging of zelfs fysiek geweld, omdat de verkrachting ook hun eigen schuld zou zijn geweest. Een groot deel van de seksuele delicten in Pakistan blijft op die manier onder de radar. Verder stelt de wet dat slachtoffers altijd binnen zes uur na hun aangifte medisch onderzocht moeten worden. Daarnaast belanden zedendelinquenten voortaan in een register.
Ik ben bang dat vrouwen voorlopig geen aangifte tegen hun verkrachter durven te doen. Tot nu toe liep het slecht af met vrouwen die wel het lef hadden om hun aanrander of verkrachter aan te geven.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
but the heart of the fool to the left.
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Vooral in Pakistan is de religieuze haat tegen de Ahmadiyya sekte groots aangewakkerd.
En ook de regering slooft zich uit om de belangen van 'de islam' te verdedigen.
Pakistan slams Google, Wikipedia over sacrilegious content, unauthentic version of Quran

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Pakistan regulators on Friday decried internet giants Google and Wikipedia for "disseminating sacrilegious content."

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) called for the immediate removal of "unlawful content" from Google. The regulators pointed to pages that name religious leader Mirza Masroor Ahmad as the current "Khalifa" or leader of Islam, thus contradicting dominant religious beliefs in the country. They also decried an "unauthentic version of Holy Quran" on Google Play Store.

"Complaints were also received regarding hosting of caricatures of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and dissemination of misleading, wrong, deceptive and deceitful information through articles published on Wikipedia portraying Mirza Masroor Ahmad as a Muslim," the PTA said in a statement published on its official Twitter handle, DW reported.

Mirza Masroor Ahmad is honored as a Khalifa by members of the Ahmadiyya community, a minority in Pakistan.

"In case the platforms remain non-compliant, PTA shall be constrained to initiate further action under Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016 (PECA) and Rules 2020," the Pakistani regulator added.

In recent months, the government of Pakistan has sought to exercise greater control over the digital sphere.

In October this year, Pakistan banned video-sharing platform TikTok over objectionable content. Weeks earlier, the country had banned several dating apps, including Tinder and Grindr, in a bid to restrict "immoral" and "indecent" content. ... 99882.html

Ik heb de omstreden koran versie gevonden: ... l=en&gl=US
IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a smear campaign going on against this app by people who do not love truth. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community believes Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) to be Khatam-un-Nabiyeen. No verse of the Holy Quran has been changed or removed. You can download the app to see for yourself. Also check out Ask Ahmadiyyat app that answers the baseless allegations against Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at. Open your eyes to the truth.
Even wat sekte-praat vertalen:
"...Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) to be Khatam-un-Nabiyeen...."
Khatam an-Nabiyyin (Arabic: خاتم النبيين‎, romanized: khātam an-nabīyīn or 'khātim an-nabīyīn), usually translated as Seal of the Prophets, is a title used in the Qur'an and by Muslims to designate the Islamic prophet Muhammad as the last of the prophets sent by God.
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

En dan de 'love jihad' of wat daarvoor door moet gaan.
Each year 1,000 Pakistani girls forcibly converted to Islam
Neha is one of nearly 1,000 girls from religious minorities who are forced to convert to Islam in Pakistan each year, largely to pave the way for marriages that are under the legal age and non-consensual. Human rights activists say the practice has accelerated during lockdowns against the coronavirus, when girls are out of school and more visible, bride traffickers are more active on the Internet and families are more in debt.

The U.S. State Department this month declared Pakistan “a country of particular concern” for violations of religious freedoms — a designation the Pakistani government rejects. The declaration was based in part on an appraisal by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom that underage girls in the minority Hindu, Christian, and Sikh communities were “kidnapped for forced conversion to Islam… forcibly married and subjected to rape.”

While most of the converted girls are impoverished Hindus from southern Sindh province, two new cases involving Christians, including Neha’s, have roiled the country in recent months.

The girls generally are kidnapped by complicit acquaintances and relatives or men looking for brides. Sometimes they are taken by powerful landlords as payment for outstanding debts by their farmhand parents, and police often look the other way. Once converted, the girls are quickly married off, often to older men or to their abductors, according to the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.

Forced conversions thrive unchecked on a money-making web that involves Islamic clerics who solemnize the marriages, magistrates who legalize the unions and corrupt local police who aid the culprits by refusing to investigate or sabotaging investigations, say child protection activists.

One activist, Jibran Nasir, called the network a “mafia” that preys on non-Muslim girls because they are the most vulnerable and the easiest targets “for older men with pedophilia urges.”

The goal is to secure virginal brides rather than to seek new converts to Islam. Minorities make up just 3.6 percent of Pakistan’s 220 million people and often are the target of discrimination. Those who report forced conversions, for example, can be targeted with charges of blasphemy.
[...] ... -to-islam/
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Shia's doodmaken, dat kan in het land altijd op sympatie rekenen.
Terrorists abduct, execute 11 coal miners from Shia Hazara community in Balochistan

In the latest attack on minority communities in Pakistan, 11 coal miners were abducted and shot dead by terrorists in Balochistan province on Sunday. Pakistani officials believe that the miners, all of whom hailed from the Shia Hazara community, were targeted because of their faith.

The coal miners were abducted by armed terrorists in Balochistan's Machh area while on their way to work. Soon after, they were shot dead from close range. While six of the miners died on the spot, the other five succumbed on their way to a nearby hospital.

The victims were paraded before they were executed, news agency PTI quoted an official of the Balochistan Levies as saying.

Condemning the killings, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said he has directed the country's Frontier Corps (FC) to apprehend the killers. "The families of the victims will not be left abandoned by the govt," he said in a tweet.

This is not the first time members of the Shia Hazara community have been targeted by Sunni militants in Quetta or other parts of Balochistan. In 2019, a suicide bomb attack in a marketplace in a Hazara housing society killed at least 21 people. Terror outfits ISIS and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi later claimed responsibility for the attack.

Responding to questions, Quetta Deputy Commissioner Murad Kaas said on Sunday that no outfit has claimed responsibility for the execution of the 11 coal miners from the Shia Hazara community as of yet. "Those who targeted these innocent coal miners do not deserve any concessions," Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan said.
Terrorists abduct, execute 11 coal mine ... News.html
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Hoe ziet een stad met 15 miljoen inwoners er in het donker uit? Middeleeuws.
maar middeleeuws zijn ze daar ingedachten altijd want het is Karachi.
Pakistan power cut plunges country into darkness

Electricity is gradually being restored in Pakistan following a huge power cut across the country, which led to every city reporting outages.

Homes nationwide were suddenly plunged into darkness from about midnight.
Power is now back in most cities but officials warn that it could still be a few hours before electricity is fully restored.
The outage is believed to have been caused by a fault at a power plant in the south of the country.

Power cuts are not uncommon in Pakistan. Essential facilities such as hospitals often use diesel-fuelled generators as a back-up power supply.
"A countrywide blackout has been caused by a sudden plunge in the frequency in the power transmission system," Pakistan's power minister, Omar Ayub Khan, wrote on Twitter in the early hours of Sunday.
Mr Khan later said that power had been restored in most major cities but that it would take a few more hours for the grid to go completely back to normal.
He added that the outage occurred after a fault developed at the Guddu power plant in Sindh province shortly before midnight on Saturday (19:00 GMT).
Investigators were at the site to ascertain the cause of the fault, Mr Khan said

Blackouts sometimes occur in Pakistan because of chronic power shortages, with many areas having no electricity for several hours a day. The issue has previously led to street protests.
In 2013, Pakistan's electricity network broke down completely after a power plant in south-western Balochistan province developed a technical fault.

Pakistanis seem to have largely taken this power cut in their stride. Outages lasting a number of hours are not uncommon, though they are rarely on this scale, and normally occur during the hotter summer months. The last time there was a near national blackout like this was in 2015.

So far, there have been no reports of problems at hospitals, which have their own back-up supplies. A senior member of staff at a major hospital in the city of Karachi told me they could maintain services for 48-72 hours without mainline power.

Many businesses and richer families invariably own diesel or petrol fuelled generators too, allowing them to continue using electricity whenever power cuts occur. There were reports of queues at some petrol stations earlier in the day as people tried to keep refilling their generators.

Others will have been without internet and phone access, or hot water, but - already used to periods without electricity - appear to have accepted the outage with an air of resignation.
ER2500CX ₨75,000.00
1 Pakistani Rupee equals 0,0051 Euro
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

In Pakistan kan twitteren dodelijk zijn. Les geven trouwens ook.
Pakistan court sentences three to death for blasphemy

Fourth accused, a college teacher, sentenced to 10 years in jail for ‘blasphemous’ lecture he delivered in the classroom.

An anti-terrorism court in Pakistan has handed death sentences to three people for social media posts deemed insulting to Prophet Muhammad under the country’s blasphemy laws.

A fourth accused, a college teacher, was sentenced to 10 years in jail for a “blasphemous” lecture he had delivered in the classroom, court official Istifamul Haq told DPA news agency on Friday.
Judge Raja Jawad announced the decision in the capital Islamabad on the charges filed in 2017, Haq said.
The convicted people can appeal in two higher courts to overturn their conviction or ask for mercy from the president.

Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, a colonial legacy made more stringent by former military ruler Ziaul Haq in the 1980s, envisage death as the maximum punishment for insulting the Prophet.
Rights activists say laws have been used against the followers of other religions and minority Muslim faiths such as Shia and Ahmadiya in the Sunni-majority country.

Since the 1980s, nearly 80 people have been killed by individuals or angry mobs even before their trials were concluded in courts.
Between 2011 and 2015, the latest period for which consolidated data is available, there were more than 1,296 blasphemy cases filed in Pakistan.
The laws are now treated as sacred, but experts say there is no clear definition of “blasphemy” in Islamic jurisprudence, nor is there agreement on the punishment for it.

There has been a renewed focus on the laws after the United States urged Pakistan to revisit them following the murder of a Pakistani-American man inside a courtroom during his trial for blasphemy last July.

Pakistan has dozens of convicts on death row or serving life imprisonment for committing blasphemy, according to the US Commission for International Religious Freedom. ... -blasphemy
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Pakistan police drop investigation into Muslim man who 'kidnapped Christian girl, 12, raped her and chained her up for five months' because she 'willingly married him'

Police dropped investigation into 3 men accused of kidnapping Christian girl
Farah Shaheen, now aged 13, spent five months bound in the Muslim man's yard
Authorities say she had agreed to marry the man and convert to Islam
Her family claim police ignored their pleas for months before investigating

Pakistan police have dropped an investigation into three Muslim men accused of kidnapping a Christian girl, 12, before abusing her and chaining her up for five months.
Farah Shaheen, now age 13, was abducted from Faisalabad on June 25 and spent over five months in the yard of Muslim man Khizar Hayat, 45, who allegedly raped her.
Police rescued the youngster in Faisalabad on December 5 and found cuts from the shackles on her ankles from where she had been bound and forced to work in the man's yard all day clearing animal dung.

Authorities dropped the charges against the man after the girl testified she willingly married her abductor.
But her family accuse police of fabricating evidence, ignoring their case, and racially abusing them during the investigation.

Investigators said they had dropped the charges against Hayat after Farah testified that she had agreed to marry him and convert to Islam, according to a report in The Times.

'Ms Shaheen confessed before a magistrate...that she married...of her own will and wants to live with him,' investigating officer Musaddiq Riaz told the publication., adding that a police report suggested the girl was aged 16 or 17.
Farah's birth certificate confirmed her age last June as 12, The Times reported.

The case has been taken up by Christian charities who claim a number of girls are being abducted and forced into marriage in Pakistan.

The girl's father has dismissed the police report as a fabrication, and claimed that officers ignored his report of Farah's abduction for months.
He has appealed to Prime Minister Imran Khan for help.

Human rights groups say an estimated 1,000 Christian and Hindu girls are kidnapped each year and forced to convert to Islam.

Aid to the Church in Need said the girl's family made repeated complaints to the police but they were ignored for months.

Her father said: '[She] has told me she was treated like a slave. She was forced to work all day, cleaning filth in a cattle yard. 24-7, she was attached to a chain.'

The family say the girl was abducted on June 12 last year and she was raped multiple times. ... rl-12.html
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
Berichten: 52327
Lid geworden op: za feb 24, 2007 8:39 pm

Re: Pakistan Leven in chaos

Bericht door Mahalingam »

Islamic Republic of Pakistan to free Muslim convicted of beheading Daniel Pearl

KARACHI, Pakistan (Reuters) – Pakistan’s Supreme Court on Thursday ordered the release of an Islamist convicted of beheading U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl, a decision that has left his family in “complete shock”, lawyers said.

Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, who was the main suspect in the 2002 kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Pearl, was released by a panel of three judges.

“By a majority of two to one, they have acquitted all the accused persons and ordered their release,” a provincial advocate general, Salman Talibuddin, told Reuters.

It was not immediately clear whether “acquittal” meant a finding of not guilty, or that they had merely finished their jail terms.

Sheikh has served 18 years in jail and a life sentence is usually a maximum 14 years.

Pearl, 38, was investigating Islamist militants in Karachi after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States when he was kidnapped.

His case grabbed headlines globally after a video of his beheading emerged weeks after he was abducted.

Sheikh and three co-accused are to be released if they are not required in any other cases, the head of the court panel, Justice Mushir Alam, said….

A high court last year commuted the death penalty of the British-born Sheikh into a life sentence and acquitted his three co-accused, citing lack of evidence. The acquittals were challenged.

The government and Pearl’s parents challenged the court decision and pleaded to the Supreme Court to reinstate the death penalty.

The Supreme Court turned down both pleas on Thursday.

The United States had said it may seek to try Sheikh if efforts to keep him in prison failed in what experts say could be a challenging factor in Pakistan's relationship with the Washington. It comes as a new U.S. administration is reviewing Afghanistan's peace process, in which Pakistan is a key player.

"This couldn't have come at a worse time for Pakistan and U.S. relations because we have a new administration and the Pakistanis have been trying to establish contact with them ... this is going to complicate the relationship," said Shuja Nawaz, a distinguished fellow at the South Asia Center at the Atlantic Council.

Experts said the case against Sheikh had been flawed from its early stages and the Supreme Court had likely made its decision on legal procedural issues.

"We have to contextualise it in the 'war on terror phenomenon' where many countries especially in South Asia and the Middle East ... (were) not fulfilling rule of law principles or terrorists were not tackled via the criminal justice system," said Hassan Abbas, an international security professor at National Defense University in Washington and a former Pakistani police officer.

The U.S. Embassy in Islamabad declined to immediately comment. The media wing for Pakistan's military did not immediately respond to request for comment. A Pakistan foreign ministry spokesman declined to comment during a press briefing, adding they were waiting to see the court's detailed judgement. ... 32101.html
Wie in de Islam zijn hersens gebruikt, zal zijn hoofd moeten missen.
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